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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. Aww, can you point to the post that hurt you? Poor baby.
  2. I do love it when Tommy Eyerolls comes in to prove me right.
  3. You realize that you’re the one constantly coming in here and parroting the same line over and over and over again? You are seemingly incapable of engaging in any actual thought so you just say “derp derp MSM narrative derp derp derp” and roll your eyes at anything that has an inkling of being true because actually responding to any point is apparently too hard for you.
  4. To believe in the current GOP narrative, you have to believe falsehoods. Deep down, you know that. You just don’t want to confront it because the lies make you feel good.
  5. Yeah, you seem more interested in buying fake news because reality doesn’t match what you like. Feelings over facts for you, huh?
  6. You’re still buying that fake narrative, huh?
  7. Saw rumors of lots of government security showing up at Vance’s house yesterday. Could be that it’s just precautionary in the wake of the assassination attempt. Or could be that he’s been selected VP and they were getting ready to move him to Milwaukee.
  8. Nah, the real danger to American democracy on Jan 6th wasn’t the losers who assaulted the Capitol but the fake electors scheme that was designed to overturn an election. Had those mouth breathers gotten their way and killed Pelosi and Pence, it would have been really bad but it would not have overthrown the government.
  9. LOL. What idiot thinks that a bunch of people with AR-15s are going to take on the US military? Oh yeah, sure. A bunch of my buddies are going to take out the Air Force with our hunting rifles. The idea of citizens overthrowing the US government by violence is the fantasy of morons.
  10. Good guys with guns working to provide the kind of security few Americans will ever be able to benefit from were unable to prevent a bad guy with a gun from injuring a presidential candidate, wounding people, and killing at least one person.
  11. Nah. If you end up using a gun to save people, you’re a statistical anomaly. It’s like buying lotto tickets to fund your retirement. Sure, you can find someone it worked out for in the aggregate, but it’s generally not gonna work out the way you want.
  12. Not OP, but I generally reject any form of politics that puts regular people against each other, something naturally inherent in nationalism. It’s fine to dislike politicians, elites, media, political parties, etc. but when you start labeling groups of your fellow Americans as “the other,” it creates an “us vs them” dynamic that leads to dehumanization, polarization, and increases the likelihood of violence. A good example of this is the Hindu Nationalism popularized by the BJP and Narenda Modi in India. Saying that large groups of your fellow countrymen are not true members of the country or are inferior is a bad thing and can have very negative consequences. Defining some people as “true Americans” inherently defines other Americans as not truly American simply for being different. This is an unfortunately a popular aspect of MAGA. Even the name belies a definitional disagreement on who is important: with nostalgic callbacks to post-war America seemingly centered on the perspective of middle class white American males.
  13. Nah man. The myth is that more people having guns will prevent bad guys from doing crimes with guns. It’s been disproven time and time and time and time again, but some people still believe it.
  14. Agreed. I think this is a good time for humility and not making assumptions without a relevant knowledge base. I’d always just assumed that SS took over everything security-related before. The reporting I’m seeing matches what you’ve expressed here: the Secret Service relies heavily on local law enforcement for perimeter security. Seems like a good opportunity to reassess SS protocols and increase funding if needed.
  15. So, I’m guessing that by now we are all in agreement that the whole “good guy with a gun” thing is a myth, right?
  16. It was a dumb bill that had no chance of going anywhere and would have only impacted people sentenced to prison.
  17. Tremendous failure by the Secret Service to secure the roof of a building right by the event
  18. Do you think it was Trump’s gay lover? Or is that more of a hammer thing than a gun thing..?
  19. The Dems: secretly controlling everything everywhere but also unable to get a very old and unpopular man to not be their nominee.
  20. Completely agree. I wonder if they offed themselves or were taken out. Either way, captured alive would have been preferable
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