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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. Unfortunately, seems Maduro is intent to prove Mike Madrid wrong
  2. To be fair, the couch thing is fake. The dolphin thing isn’t though.
  3. Did Mr. “Free Speech” ban a former WH photographer for posting a picture of Dear Leader?
  4. Convicted felon says it’s just his nature
  5. One of the things that frustrates me the most about the far left and progressives is their tendency to do purity tests. If someone or something doesn't meet 100% of their criteria, then they reject it. While that's a subset of the Dems, apparently the majority of the GOP has adopted the purity test. Instead of seeing a deal that pushes the border issue in their direction even if it isn't everything they want, they decide to find reasons to reject it because it's not their perfect solution. By necessity, every bill has compromises. There are things in it that the people voting for it don't like. The Dems handed one of the most conservative senators an opportunity to write his immigration bill in exchange for foreign aid to support Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The bill was conservative enough that Dems would almost universally reject it if it wasn't part of the broader aid package. The Dems sucked it up and decided to vote for a bill they disliked. The GOP took their orders to opposed it with the goal of avoiding anything that might actually improve the border situation in an election year, tanking their own proposal. The gullible will lap up the talking points from their masters but the truth remains: the GOP tanked their own proposal because they were worried it would work.
  6. I’m trying to imaging someone who has a lot of money and decided to invest it in a bunch of different promising projects or companies. Maybe a lot of them fail, but maybe some of them hit it big and make everyone a ton of money or achieve an important goal. If one of these, let’s say “adventurous capitalists” really makes a big difference with a handful of companies that far outweighs their losses on others, should we celebrate their success or denigrate their misses?
  7. Basically why he flipped on TikTok: for the $$$
  8. Do you believe that the USD is the only currency that faced inflation? If USD is replaced as the global standard of trade, what will replace it? It almost certainly won’t be Bitcoin, so why not just invest in the actual replacement?
  9. So is your theory that there will come a time where the US dollar fails and instead of the Euro, GBP, the Yuan, precious metals, trade goods, or gems, we should be prepared with a digital asset whose entire history at this point has been defined by its volatility?
  10. Right he used Bitcoin as a currency and it was a terrible financial move. Because it’s not really a currency. It’s more of a security.
  11. You seem to be throwing out a lot of strawman arguments I never made. Bitcoin looks a lot more like a security than a currency to me. If you want to invest in it hoping the value goes up, that’s totally fine. But in a world where the US dollar has collapsed to the point of no longer being the reserve currency, will crypto have stabilized enough to be useful as an actual currency? I have serious doubts about that.
  12. It’s too unstable to use as a currency, even as a reserve. Your argument that people are missing out because it could still go up 10x in value is an argument *against* crypto as a viable currency. It’s much more like a security than a currency.
  13. Do you know anyone who has used crypto to buy a pizza?
  14. Crypto seems a bit too Ponzi scheme-ish for me. With a dash of pump and dump mixed in.
  15. Wasn’t it also part of the same program that helped Tesla get started?
  16. If people believed that life began at conception, they would probably be anti-choice. If they’re pro-choice, they almost certainly don’t.
  17. Pretty big swing there
  18. Biden’s not dead, he’s just been planning Jade Helm 2 to finally take over Texas
  19. Now, personally, I simply would not post a picture of myself next to a guy selling Nazi memorabilia. In fact, if I wound up in a place where people were selling that stuff, I would seriously question my life decisions. But I’m not JD Vance: America’s biggest weirdo.
  20. The fun thing about that show is that they are all various levels of bad. I’m not sure I’ve seen a show that was so compelling with no redeeming characters on it before.
  21. Right. The smart play would have been to stay silent until the Dem nomination. If they picked someone other than Harris, he could make the fickleness of the Dems an issue and cancel. Instead, he’s prematurely backing out, which will be seen as weakness.
  22. Trump crushed the Dem’s candidate in the debate so badly they had to replace him. The next scheduled debate was for after the Dem convention. Trump could have canceled it if the Dems nominated someone other than Harris. Voters would have understood that it was unfair for him to prep for one candidate and debate another. But he’s canceling it now instead. And voters are gonna think it’s because he’s scared.
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