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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. You really and truly believe this, don't you? Absolutely wild.
  2. Polling before the debate showed he was unpopular in general and Dems thought he was too old. After the debate, those numbers began to get worse quickly and the lack of enthusiasm for his candidacy started impacting polling in down-ballot races. Typically, candidates in other races can "ride the coattails" of the top race on the ballot, such as the presidency. People may not be super activated by their House election, but if they're in the booth to vote for president, they'll vote on that race as well. If people aren't motivated to vote for president, it's less likely that they show up to vote at all, which would hurt the Dems in state and local races.
  3. Biden's not dead, he's just trying to stop Obama from somehow using the 25th Amendment to remove him and install Harris before the election.
  4. This is what currently happens to people in red states in post-Roe America. And it’s what will happen in all states if the GOP gets their way:
  5. My understanding is that he wanted an earlier debate as a way to demonstrate that he was up to the task and boost his campaign. He utterly failed at that to an astounding level. The reaction from many on the left was that he needed to drop out. Polling showed he was unpopular and that Dem voters thought he was too old *before* the debate and the performance would only exacerbate that issue. Many wanted him and the campaign to immediately kick into high gear and demonstrate that this was a one-off. Instead, he huddled with his advisors, barely making any appearances for a week. The polls began to worsen and more people began to speak out that he needed to drop out. Basically every report was that elected Dems were quietly saying he needed to go even when publicly supporting him. But until he was sure he was dropping out, he had to act as if he was 100% staying in. Showing that he was wavering and then deciding to stay in would ensure his campaign's defeat. He was going to be all in until the moment he wasn't, without much time in a gray area in-between. He's wanted the presidency his entire career and finally achieved it. I'm sure it took a lot to convince him that there was no path forward and he was hurting the party, but there was plenty of polling that demonstrated that. It wasn't a coup. It wasn't Nancy Pelosi threatening the 25th amendment (which she has no ability to do anyway). It was just convincing an old stubborn man that it was time to go.
  6. It seems like it's easy for them to believe contradictory things so long as it supports the narrative. They just keep drinking the Juche.
  7. Someone who wasn't in the race didn't get votes? How crazy!
  8. A swing and a miss
  9. Gotta love the idea that people believe that the Dems are so nefarious, cunning, and competent that they control the traditionally conservative FBI (that's only ever been headed by Republicans), the state courts of New York, Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan, the bar associations of several states and DC, several Republican state officials, the election systems of dozens of counties, and whatever the hell else, but also can't stop shooting themselves in the dick, couldn't bring any of the big cases to finality before the election, and couldn't convince the oldest ever president who was unpopular with the voters not to run for re-election until it was almost too late. Of course, that's just ridiculous lunacy, but the alternative is admitting that Dear Leader Donnie is a criminal and a loser; and the cognitive dissonance of wrapping their brains around that might cause them an aneurysm.
  10. Remember when idiots like our former president thought Biden was going to storm the convention and steal the nomination back?
  11. I wonder if Biden would have done better with more references to the late great Hannibal Lector who likes to have friends for dinner or the eternal debate about sharks vs boat batteries…
  12. Trump is secretly president, but also Obama is secretly president, but also it’s all just a uniparty controlled by (((them))). The fun thing about being right wing today is that everything is true but nothing is true.
  13. If the Bills win the Super Bowl and you join the parade but suddenly there are a bunch of Nazis marching around you, do you: A. Leave the parade B. Keep marching Seems like a pretty easy decision… Dear lord, he’s still thinking about me after all of this time, huh? Can’t get me off of his mind? SAD!
  14. Fairly stark comparison to the DNC:
  15. Yeah, sorry if things are confusing for you, but that’s more of a you thing. Biden was convinced that continuing to run would be devastating for the party, so he stepped down. Had he not been convinced, he’d still be running because there is nothing anyone can do to forcibly remove him against his will.
  16. I’m guessing the MSM is using (((Soros))) bucks to confuse the right and make them believe stupid things.
  17. That’s silly. Imagine thinking that after years of the GOP failing to prove that Biden was crooked, it only took a couple of weeks for the Dems to do it. In the real world, all it really took is convincing someone that their legacy would be better if they stepped down now instead of driving their entire party off a cliff. This isn’t hard, people! You don’t need a conspiracy! We all saw the debate, we saw the polls, we saw the people calling for him to step down. Why does the right always need some complicated conspiracy when the simplest explanation makes fits the facts better? The only reason it seemed sudden to anyone who wasn’t paying attention was because he had to be full steam ahead until he was sure he was stepping down. Showing any hesitation was not an option because it would be a death knell if he ended up deciding to go forward with the campaign. But those of us who were hoping he would step down were expecting the decision to appear sudden.
  18. But, but, but, a bunch of people who post pro-Trump stuff all of the time have assured us that the Dems are all mad about Biden dropping out. I’m sure that if you check the polls, they’ll show that the Dem chances have absolutely plummeted since Biden dropped out because Dem voters are spitting mad…
  19. The fun thing about the GOP is that they’ve become so terminally online that they spout utter nonsense like this and think it’s rational. Their brains are completely rotted. It’s why they are so weird. It’s also why they should keep shouting this stuff from the rooftop and why Trump should spend as much time as possible on tv. That would be better for the Dems than anything any Dem could do. Biden ran to stop Trump. He ran for reelection to stop Trump. It became clear that he was not likely to succeed and would likely torch his own party in the endeavor. After taking time to cope with this, he did the right thing. But keep smoking what you’re smoking and make sure you tell absolutely everybody you know what your thoughts are. Kamala Harris will thank you for it.
  20. They showed him that the numbers were so bad that not only was he almost certainly going to lose, but he was going to bring the entire party down with him.
  21. There was absolutely nothing anybody could do to stop Biden from running again if he decided to. He could have ignored them all and stayed on the ballot and there was nothing they could do to stop him. But this fact is very inconvenient to people who are upset that they may now actually lose, so they will scrape for any pretense for being upset on behalf of people who are overwhelmingly happy with the outcome. Hacks and fools, all of them.
  22. Just saw Comptroller Susana Mendoza on the crowd cam in an “I love Chicago” shirt. Probably my #2 favorite IL pol behind JB. She’s good stuff.
  23. Seems… unimpressive
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