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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. Yeah, I voted Kasich in the primary and then Johnson in the general. Being in Illinois, it ultimately doesn't matter but I've since come to reject all third parties due to our first-past-the-post system. The only way to get out of this two-party mess is to replace the electoral system with one that makes other parties actually viable instead of spoiler effect astroturf operations by the major parties.
  2. Your Political Compass Economic Left/Right: -3.13 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.0 More towards Libertarian than I would have thought, but I did make a pit stop as a Libertarian after leaving the GOP before finally settling on the Dems (even voted for Gary Johnson for president - oops), so I guess that makes some sense.
  3. Just keep moving those goalposts to show your whole a$$ to everyone. You’ve gone from claiming there aren’t many videos of the war in Ukraine to claiming footage from the AP doesn’t count. Nobody who isn’t already drinking the Kool Aid is gonna buy your shtick.
  4. Do you believe all of the videos are fake? They are CGI or on a soundstage?
  5. Ah, so you’ve read articles that include videos of the war, you’ve seen videos of the war and yet your surprised there’s no videos of the war. And you expect anyone to take you seriously?
  6. You somehow managed to miss Sky, CNN, and others. Look, it’s fine to just admit that you don’t want to know anything about the war. Just don’t pretend that means it isn’t happening.
  7. I have no special knowledge of Putin’s goals, just what is publicly available. Which includes invading NATO countries because he believes most Americans are like you and will fold, allowing him to take what he can without existential repercussions.
  8. So you know better than everyone around Putin and you could convince people whose lives depend on him to kill him? You should sign up for the CIA because I’m sure they could use someone of your immeasurable talents.
  9. This obviously false belief is only possible due to a combination of poor US media, people encasing themselves in media bubbles that just cater to their own emotions, and simply not wanting to see it. Thankfully, I have recently discovered a super helpful tool to find videos of the war in Ukraine. I'll post just a sample here, but a heads up to everyone, some of these are decidedly NSFW. It's war and it's brutal. Ukraine troops raid Russian trenches POV Trench warfare near Chasiv Yar Drone footage of Russian troop movement Sky News Report on the challenges facing Ukrainian soldiers during Russian advance Russians ambushing Kharkiv M2A2 Bradley in Donetsk Ukrainian drone hits building with Russian soldiers Russian soldiers film themselves stealing a Ukrainian fridge AP: Drone footage shows Ukrainian village battered to ruins as residents flee Russian advance CNN: Ukrainian soldiers drop explosive payload into Russia with night drone War in Vovchansk Ukrainian forces engaging Russian troops in Kharkiv BBC: Inside Ukraine's war frontlines against Russia in Donbas Ukraine drone attack on Russian military airfield
  10. I’m old enough to remember when Yevgeny Prigozhin, a close confidant of Putin, stood up because he felt that Putin was being ill-served by his advisors in the war. How did that go for Prigozhin?
  11. Ok, so now that you are dead. Will your replacement tell Putin that he can’t invade Estonia?
  12. If you were in charge of his army, would you tell him it is decimated and not able to attack Estonia? Definitely. There is a Ukrainian Air Force and they are getting F-16s but they do not have the aerial capability to secure air superiority as far as I have seen. Knocking out Russian air defense will open some of the sky to Ukrainian planes to operate.
  13. Those are rational questions based on reality. My point is that is not where Russian leadership lives. Bad facts don’t reach leadership. Anyone who isn’t a toady is removed from positions of power. Decisions are being made in an environment divorced from reality, dissent, or anything that does not back the whims of the leader. And that leader wants to restore his vision of Russia’s former glory. Give him a win in Ukraine and it’ll only feed his ambition.
  14. They would think they could. You’re talking about people who have exiled or killed anyone who disagrees with them. Victory in Ukraine would validate their stated beliefs that they can take Poland and the Balkans.
  15. Good news, everyone! I cannot log into Twitter without seeing footage. Sounds like this guy has successfully encased himself into a safe little media bubble.
  16. Now that I think of it, I wonder if Trump received some good polling in Nevada which drove him to say this. Nevada is heavy in the service and hospitality industries. If the state is close (which it appears to be), this could push it Trump’s way.
  17. According to a poll, only 49% of Americans are even aware that Trump was indicted for Jan 6th. That number goes down to 38% when looking at 18-29 year olds. Incredible failure by Dem messengers and the media
  18. Something like 13,000 people were arrested but conservatives seem to memory hole that because it’s inconvenient to the narrative.
  19. I think this is all very fair criticism of the plan and why I’d prefer it to be done by Congress where you can clearly define what industries are included, raise the tipped minimum wage to offset some of the concerns, etc. I’d also be fine with getting rid of tipped jobs and just paying people good wages for their work.
  20. Haha, probably the fear that the client walks out the door and immediately searches for a new lawyer. In all seriousness, I’d be fine with limiting it to certain industries like hospitality and food and beverage service, etc.
  21. No, no, no. You just don’t understand. It’s very simple: The Jan 6th people were a secret AntiFa plot to make Trump supporters look bad, but also most of them were Feds doing a false flag operation, but they were also peaceful protestors, but also they were heroes to be venerated, but also they were warriors. Duh!
  22. So, send all the white people back to Europe and let the Native Americans rule their ancestral home of America?
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