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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. Not sure what his point is here. People aren’t eating bacon because of windmills that don’t generate power when there’s no wind?
  2. Yes for executive positions. No for legislative positions.
  3. By far the saddest and most pathetic account here. Posts constantly and loves to brag about how much of a snowflake he is.
  4. The whole reason they rely on the “fake news” crutch is because Trump’s behavior is so boorish and gross as to be disqualifying for the presidency. Since they are enthralled by him, they must reject whatever depicts Dear Leader as anything less than infallible. American Juche.
  5. Someone should take grandpa ranty’s phone away from him
  6. Hey, give the guy credit. Normally he just posts the same thing over and over again. At least this time he had the decency to do a lazy google search.
  7. Can you think of any differences between healthcare in France vs the United States? Also, what are the exceptions under the French law?
  8. Well this is an unhinged rant not based on any reality. Just feelings and propaganda. For anyone who is curious as to why people actually get abortions: “The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman's education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents' or partners' desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.” Seems like policies promoting safe sex and contraceptives would reduce unwanted pregnancies while programs to make raising and caring for kids more affordable would reduce abortions for people who currently can’t afford to raise kids.
  9. If this amendment fails, maybe the anti-abortion crowd could shift focus from bans to addressing the root causes of why people get abortions. They’d probably find a good amount of support from the Dems too.
  10. I’m surprised Walz gets as much credibility with the progressives as he does. Spent his career in the House as a moderate and wasn’t really considered a progressive in his first term as governor. It wasn’t until his second term that all of the progressive policy happened when the DFL had an trifecta, and even then he pushed back on several key initiatives he considered anti-business. Even Joe Manchin is a big fan of Walz as the VP pick. Seems like everyone can find something they like (or dislike) from his record.
  11. Tommy Eyerolls sticking to his talking points. Stay on script, Tommy. Always stay on script.
  12. Exactly. The only people who wanted Vance as VP are people who are Very Online. He greatly underperformed normie GOP candidates in Ohio in his Senate race.
  13. After winning in 2016, Trump and MAGA have become more and more “online.” Their rhetoric and the topics they talk about resemble PPP more than reality. As I’ve pointed out before, most Americans are normies who don’t spend all of their time thinking and talking about politics. They certainly don’t follow the online rabbit holes of insanity we see around here. A presidential candidate who is Very Online is going to alienate a lot of voters who will have no idea what he is talking about.
  14. Praying that everyone would forget that he was the one who negotiated the surrender directly with the Taliban, cutting Kabul out of the negotiations
  15. Seems like this guy is really bad at talent evaluation. Maybe we don’t hire him to run the country again.
  16. Not harassing the staff at Arlington so that they could make a political ad at a soldier’s grave.
  17. I’d wager a good number of members of this board were around when the parties still decided the nominees instead of primary voters since that is how it was done until about 50 years ago…
  18. I am shocked, shocked, that the campaign of the guy who routinely denigrates injured and dead troops would do this.
  19. They've got nothing on him and it shows. All of their attempts to knock him down a peg end up being... weird
  20. Not understanding what a dog park is: weird
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