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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. Having a pet requires caring for something other than yourself, something malignant narcissists like Trump are incapable of.
  2. I agree. If the IC came out and said that Donald Trump tried to sell nuclear secrets to North Korea and had conclusive proof that this was true, I don’t think that change the vote very much at all. Of course, that’s just a reflection on the kind of people who vote for Trump anyway.
  3. NatSec experts: Hey, this has the earmarks of a Russian op though we cannot say it is that for certain MAGA: The (((deep state))) wants to defeat Trump!!!
  4. Look, the thing that you need to remember is that anyone who has any criticism of Dear Leader Donnie Trump is a (((deep state))) (((communist)))) getting their talking points from the (((main stream media))). But anybody who agrees with everything our Dear Leader Trump says is a free thinking intellectual whose integrity is beyond reproach.
  5. I guess that the Springfield police are part of the (((deep state))) that is also anti-cop
  6. “If its true that the Right constantly spews nonsense and lies, then why is it that literally everybody who isn’t on the Right tries so hard to point out all of the nonsense and lies? Checkmate, libs”
  7. The police are denying that residents are reporting immigrants have been seen killing and carrying dead pets in the story that this thread is actually about. The very claim at the heart of this thread is false. But now people want to move the goalposts because they can’t admit they got duped.
  8. Is the woman an illegal immigrant?
  9. Biden’s not dead. He’s just busy looking for RFK Jr.’s phone number so he can ask him for a good recipe for grilled dog next time he visits Ohio.
  10. I’m shocked, shocked, to see the MAGA crowd falling for an obviously fake story yet again. Springfield police say no reports of pets stolen, after viral social media post “The Springfield Police Division said Monday morning they have received no reports related to pets being stolen and eaten. A social media post originally from a Springfield Facebook group went viral nationally in recent days. The original poster did not cite first-hand knowledge of an incident. Instead they claimed that their neighbor’s daughter’s friend had lost her cat and found it hanging from a branch at a Haitian neighbor’s home being carved up to be eaten. The poster also claimed “Rangers” and police told them that “they have been doing it” at Snyder Park, too, with ducks and geese. Springfield Police said they were aware of the social media post but that this was “not something that’s on our radar right now.” The post received tens of thousands of impressions. In a case that some were confusing with Springfield, police in Canton, Ohio, 175 miles northeast of Springfield, recently charged a woman with cruelty to companion animals for allegedly killing and eating a cat in a neighborhood in front of multiple people, according to USA Today.”
  11. Definitely concerned about the Dolphins this year. They’re a very good team who was on pace to win the division last year before completely falling apart. The Bills have the second most dead cap in the league this year. While this isn’t a typical rebuilding year, it’s a bit of a reset: cleaning out a bunch of vets, taking on dead cap for this year, and hoping to be competitive while setting up for a stronger roster next year. Frankly, if the Fins want to claim the East, this is the year to do it. Of course, we have Josh Allen, so there’s still a good chance that even with being set up to take the division, the Dolphins miss out. And if the Dolphins can’t win the division this year, then the AFC East is going to run through Buffalo for a long time…
  12. The BS Thanos narrative is back... again Those groomer Avengers (how old is Spider-Man anyways?) are at it again with the Thanos Thanos Thanos HOAX! They claim that Loki attacked Earth with the chitauri on the orders of Thanos when we really know that it was an antifa false flag They say that Ronan the Accuser obtained the Power Stone on his orders, but how could this be when Ronan was so weak that he was defeated by a racoon and a tree? They say that he forced Eitri and his dwarves to forge a powerful tool for him but that's obviously a lie since the Avengers only found Eitri and his hands were marred. How could he have made a tool in that condition by himself? Apparently, they want us to believe he also somehow killed half the Asgardians, including Loki. Wasn't Loki supposedly working for him? They can't even keep their stories straight! Somehow, these libs want us to believe that Thanos even sacrificed his favorite daughter! They obviously have TDS: Thanos Derangement Syndrome And even after the Avengers manage to defeat Thanos's armies, they want us to believe that he defeated them all by himself and stole the final stone on his own Even more incredible: after obtaining the infinity stones and achieving a single wish, they then want us to believe that, instead of keeping them, he destroyed them. Ridiculous. But if it's true, it's just a testament to his principles. These liberal groomer Avengers clearly are obsessed with this Thanos guy and blame him for everything that goes wrong. TDS! Sad!
  13. I am aware of the facts of the cases as I have read the case materials. If you still believe what Trump did was the same as the others, I have to assume that you have not. Hillary, Biden, and Pence were found to have things they should not have had. Each of them took actions that they shouldn't have. None of them took actions that the DoJ felt they could secure a conviction on. This is largely due to the fact that elected officials are given quite a bit of leeway in these cases. The government is more concerned about getting the information back and ensuring no national security damage was done. So long as the electeds cooperate, they are very unlikely to be charged. You may not like that fact, but it's how it's done. The real difference here is that Trump was dumb enough to not cooperate. Had he just simply let the government come in and retrieve the materials, he'd have been in the same position as the rest. They even gave him 8 months of refusing to cooperate without doing anything. It was only when it became clear that he was obstructing and lying that serious action was taken. Trump could have taken the document with the intent to sell them to Iran, forgotten about it, and then returned them when asked and he wouldn't have been charged. I just want to make sure - are you aware of all of the steps that Trump took, and that others took under his direction, to obstruct the investigation into his possession of the documents? Refusing to return the documents? Acting to deceive his own lawyer, causing the lawyer to submit a false statement to the government? Claiming that all of the documents had been returned when he knew they weren't? Suggesting to his lawyers that they just don't return the documents or secretly remove any that are incriminating? Ordering security footage to be destroyed? Ordering staff to remove documents from the boxes? If you want to know why Trump was charged, your answer is right here, starting at paragraph 53. Biden didn't do what Trump did here. Pence didn't do what Trump did. Hillary didn't do what Trump did. Reagan didn't do what Trump did. Only Trump was stupid enough to do this, and that's why only Trump got charged. This is very important... I need to know that you understand the basic facts and law practice so that we're both operating from the same reality.
  14. Jesus, you really have no idea what you're talking about do you? It's like watching a Flat Earther brag about how stupid all of the people who believe in a round earth are...
  15. Yeah, I got tired of explaining the obvious to the willfully ignorant. Trump was indicted because he actively took steps to obstruct the investigation. Had he just done the exact same thing that Pence, Hillary, and Biden done, he wouldn't have been charged. But that doesn't fit the narrative of the ignorant, so they ignore it in favor of whatever they think feels right. Always feelings, never facts.
  16. Tell me you have no clue what you're talking about without saying you have no clue what you're talking about...
  17. The system continues to bend over backwards to avoid holding Trump accountable, affording him breaks that none of us could ever get. And yet, I am sure the MAGA crowd is still convinced it’s all rigged against him.
  18. Not really. It just seems that way because most of his ideas suck.
  19. Solid point. To be a Republican today is to disregard any policy position or independent thought in favor of having your tongue wrapped gently over Trump’s *****. Anyone who rejects that is, by definition, not a Republican anymore. It’s all about drinking the juche
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