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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. What is the point you think you are making?
  2. How could anyone have known that Sir Golfs A Lot would be golfing on a weekend? It must have been an inside job!!!
  3. Don't you mean (((Deep State/New World Order/International Elitist Conspiracy)))?
  4. Horseshoe theory. Just another nutjob.
  5. I am sure I will be missing out on insightful, profound, and reality-based thoughts from you. Buddy, the DNC could not keep an unpopular geriatric guy off the top of the ticket until he had a public meltdown on live tv. They spent the better part of the year looking at polls showing that even their own voters didn't want Biden to run and they did... nothing. Garland could have indicted Trump on day one. The Mueller report lists several crimes that Mueller believed Trump could be personally be charged with, but when Garland came in, he just let the statute of limitations run out. The party routinely shoots itself in the foot to the extent that they remain the most frustrating party to root for. People just can't admit that Trump is a lifelong conman and criminal so they need to pretend that there's some grand conspiracy instead of the obvious consequences of his actions. Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK because he was a nutjob.
  6. Please tell me you don’t *actually* believe the Democratic Party directs the media, coordinated the court trials, and tried to assassinate Trump. That’s some tinfoil hat stuff. If you believe it, consider reaching out to anyone you know who has been involved in Dem politics and ask them how competent the party is.
  7. Is your point that it’s a good strategy to say you hate one of the most popular and influential celebrities in the country? I’m sorry I don’t speak Internet Brain, so I’m having trouble understanding your point.
  8. Who is the lawyer representing them? Where and with which institutions was it filed? Was it filed under penalty of perjury? Where is any corroborating evidence?
  9. We gonna take *any* lesson from the Haitians eating cats thing, or just go full bore on this as well? At this point, what differentiates this affidavit from something anyone could make on Word?
  10. Near lethal levels of copium from MAGA
  11. What are you talking about?
  12. Having another normal one today:
  13. I don’t think he’s ever posted anything that wasn’t about how good things are for Trump. Trump could have ***** himself on the stage, reached into his pants for a handful and tasted it, and Big Blitz would be talking about what a bit power move it was and how it ensured Trump would win 50 states.
  14. We’re still pushing this BS, huh? You guys really do want Harris to win it seems.
  15. “My supporters are gullible idiots and the candidate atop the ticket is a gullible idiot. I believe pointing this out to the voters is a good strategy”
  16. Great job, MAGA! Keep up the good work! Creating a real life panic based on an obviously fake story is gonna work out great for you all with normie voters
  17. I don’t mind agreeing with Trump supporters. Most of my family voted for Trump. I just wanted to point out that blaming all inflation on increased currency is simply wrong.
  18. I dunno man. Feels like saying “If your car doesn’t start, it’s always because the battery is dead” versus “cars not starting can have various causes”. If you’re trying to figure out how to address the issue, immediately ruling out all potential causes except one seems like a bad way to it.
  19. Well, I don’t personally define the word, but here are some actual definitions: “Inflation is a gradual loss of purchasing power that is reflected in a broad rise in prices for goods and services over time.” (Investopedia) “Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time. Inflation is typically a broad measure, such as the overall increase in prices or the increase in the cost of living in a country.” (IMF) Increasing the monetary supply can lead to inflation but it’s not the only cause and assuming it is can lead to misunderstanding the economic situation.
  20. This is fundamentally incorrect
  21. Trump won’t stop talking about huge tariffs across the board but his supporters think he’s going to cut costs for them?
  22. Nah, keep going with the cats and dogs. It’s the key to winning the suburban vote. Keep it up!
  23. MAGA will fall for anything
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