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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. Sorry, I was being sarcastic. Chicago is great. It definitely wasn’t burned down and basically everything we hear about how awful it is here is either completely overblown or just not true. Sure the violence in the Summer of 2020 was bad but it was not nearly as bad as you would think reading stuff here or in the national news. And the left didn’t have a monopoly on the violence either.
  2. The best thing anyone can do to stay informed is turn off cable news.
  3. Yeah, I have lived in Chicago for the last decade and the entire city has basically been rubble for the last two years. Basically everything burned down and it’s next to impossible to live here. Antifa is everywhere burning everything down constantly.
  4. I think it sucks and he shouldn't do it. I get that people care more about gas prices than human rights or democracy, so bringing the prices down could help the Dems in the midterms, but we still shouldn't be doing this. But yes, Trump still sucks.
  5. Same guy who tied up his mistress and took photos of her to blackmail her and beat his wife. Real nice guy. The increased violent rhetoric coming from these extremist Republican candidates is going to get somebody killed.
  6. PPP logic: Bad thing happens: President is on my team: It's not the president's fault! President is not on my team: It's the president's fault! Good thing happens: President is on my team: Look how great my president is! President is not on my team: The president had no hand in this! Maybe try some root cause analysis sometime. Might make these conversations better instead of the usual trolls just trolling each other.
  7. If they post an interesting or compelling argument, it’ll be a first.
  8. Nah, it’s just that talking to you is like talking to a wall. There is no evidence or facts that can possibly penetrate, so I’ll only do it as long as it’s fun. There are other, more serious posters who actually add value to the conversation that I’d rather engage with. If Donald Trump came out today and said “I did it. I wanted my supporters to overrun the Capitol and prevent the certification and I made sure that they did” you still would find a way to say it’s all a Dem conspiracy.
  9. That’s just like, your opinion man. And you sure do spend a lot of time discussing Jan 6th here for someone who doesn’t care. Methinks you doth protest too much. Go outside and touch some grass, you’ll feel better.
  10. I’m going with: I don’t know the answers and hope the committee addresses them. Since one of the teams on the committee was tasked specifically for this, we should expect them to give us info on it and call them out if they don’t. Your story seems to be that you already know everything the committee has and you believe the positions of people you know are lying to you because it aligns to your worldview and anyone who disagrees is a shill. Once again, you’re just jumping to conclusions based on what you want to see and what people who *you know are lying to you* are telling you. Spending a lot of time talking about something you say you don’t care about. You can prove you don’t care by just logging off and letting the adults have a conversation.
  11. I think we could have a better and more efficient tax structure, that when paired with better enforcement, would generate revenues that wouldn’t require hard working Americans to pay so much without substantially reducing services. Also, a balanced budget requirement would be a terrible idea, though I agree that I’d like Congress to start acting like adults and actually figure out what their priorities are.
  12. Here ya go: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/25/us/politics/capitol-riot-fbi-informant.html Only Republicans have testified before the committee. The real divider isn’t between Dems and the GOP, it’s between who will testify under oath and who won’t. The people who agree with you are all lying so they won’t testify. And when they do, they either say different things than they do in public or they plead the fifth. Because they are lying to you. And they know it. And you obviously care about the committee because you are spending so much time here on PPP talking about it. You’re game is weak as hell, man. Just give it up.
  13. You’re the one jumping to conclusions all the time, here. We have a bunch of people saying essentially “let’s see what the committee has” and you’re out here implying the FBI was in on it and that you already know everything they are going to present all while castigating others for jumping to conclusions.
  14. You’re making assumptions here and I think it would just be better to see what they found.
  15. One of the five investigative teams on the committee has a specific task of investigating the law enforcement failures. So I would expect to see something about this at some point.
  16. My guess is that it was probably chaos and they may not have realized exactly what was going on. Plus, they may have been worried that some of the people were armed and opening fire would result in a firefight with a lot of potential for fatalities. Even if they took non-lethal action, they were so outnumbered it wouldn’t do much aside from endanger their own lives.
  17. I think the most likely explanation is that Hillary Clinton and her legion of baby eating globalists partnered with the FBI and the reverse vampires to infiltrate the Capitol police to let the rioters in so that they could prevent the certification of Biden’s win to make Trump look bad.
  18. Absolute smooth brain post right here. Equating a violent attempt to prevent the certification of an election to trespassing and then stating an easily debunked falsehood. CNN: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/06/17/politics/late-show-stephen-colbert-production-congress-capitol-police-arrest/index.html CBS: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/stephen-colbert-show-detained-production-crew-triumph-insult-dog-capitol-police-congressional-offices/ ABC: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Entertainment/wireStory/arrested-house-office-building-linked-colbert-show-85476398
  19. Everyone has pulled out their jump to conclusions mat, assuming they know the answers to ongoing investigations. I don’t know why some officers were standing around. Maybe since they were so outnumbered and overwhelmed at that point, they decided just to try to prevent violence instead of pushing people out. Maybe they were rooting for the rioters. Maybe they were incompetent. I would like to see what, if anything, the committee has on this. I would like to know what, if anything, the DoJ is doing about it. But what I’m not going to do is assume I know all of the information gathered in these investigations before it’s released or the hearings are done. Because that would just be partisan nonsense.
  20. He’s old. Does Trump even know how to ride a bike? Since most people learn to ride from a daddy who loves them, I would bet none of the Trumps know how to ride a bike.
  21. The committee is divided into five teams with different goals. One of those teams is focused solely on the law enforcement failures. So far in the hearings, they’ve mostly been focused on the events leading up to Jan 6, with only limited testimony on the events during the riot. I would expect that they get to the report out from the law enforcement team in one of the upcoming hearings.
  22. If police or others let them in, they should be disciplined too.
  23. QAnon Shaman plead guilty so no need for a trial. As for those who aren’t going to plead, they definitely should get a trial. But our criminal justice system is a joke so it’ll be a while.
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