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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. And yet, they’re still pushing this. And honestly, I love that for them. Keep up alienating normie voters. Sure it’ll work out well!
  2. Not I. Wasn’t allowed to trade stocks with my old job, so only opened an account when I took my current job a couple years back. Don’t know much about timing the market but I did make a couple bucks off Twitter when I realized the mess Elon had locked himself into. Wish I had bought more…
  3. It'd make me concerned about all of the Trump NFT's I bought
  4. While it's true that interest rate cuts are often done to help an ailing economy, they are also done once inflation has been defeated due to previous rate hikes. As inflation became more and more of a problem, the Fed kept raising rates. Inflation is now at target, so they're bringing the rates back down.
  5. NC is absolutely not wrapped up for Harris. Stein has to be a heavy favorite for the governorship at this point, but the presidential is still going to be very close. This can definitely hurt turnout, but it's usually the top of the ticket that drives turnout and that's still Trump
  6. Duh, they can just make the money back by investing in Trump's new crypto
  7. The desperation is coming from inside the house, buddy
  8. Here you go: ‘I’m a black NAZI!’: NC GOP nominee for governor made dozens of disturbing comments on porn forum TIL: there are porn forums?
  9. Yeah, it’s just the reflexive defense: “you don’t like Trump, so you must be the stereotype of a liberal I have in my head” I don’t watch tv news at all. I think cable news and the 24/7 news cycle are terrible for this country. People who support Trump should just read his Truth Social account and ask themselves: “Is this the person I would want working for me? Babysitting my kids? Running the country?”
  10. 95% of my opinion on Trump has been formed by Trump. For a while, when he was president I even had notifications on for his tweets. It was pretty revealing. I’d suggest checking out his Truth social page. It’s like the rantings of that weird uncle everyone is a little concerned about.
  11. I hate to break it to you, but I’m not targeting anyone. I’m not actually a member of the campaign
  12. Imagine if a Dem nominee said the audience went crazy at an event in which there was no audience…
  13. Boring old grandpa ranty gives low energy speech to a bunch of empty seats. SAD! https://x.com/19joho/status/1836570851707130097?s=46
  14. The uneducated break fairly heavily for Trump.
  15. Trump can start selling his shares tomorrow. Let’s just check in on DJT: https://stocks.apple.com/symbol/DJT
  16. Duran Duran is neither Duran nor Duran
  17. The BS Shredder Narrative is back again! Those ninja turtles blame everything on Shredder! They have SDS: Shredder Derangement Syndrome! When there was a crime wave in NYC caused by ninja thieves, they said it was Shredder's Foot Clan When Splinter is kidnapped and brought to the Technodrome, they said it was Shredder When Baxter Stockman's Mousers attacked, they said it was Shredder When stone warriors arrived from Dimension X and set up a weather making device, they blamed Shredder When a mutant plant attacks the city and April O'Neil is kidnapped, they blamed Shredder When a gravity-altering device affects all of NYC, they said it was Shredder When the sewers are flooded with water and creatures from the Atlantic Ocean, they blamed Shredder This Shredder HOAX is just a liberal Turtle derangement! Shredder! Shredder! Shredder! It's all a HOAX!
  18. About damn time. They should have done it earlier, but I'll take it.
  19. Every answer Trump gives on actual policy details reads like a kid giving a book report on a book he didn’t read. Bonus points for a “sir / tears in their eyes” story.
  20. Very impressive operation by Israel. Apparently the ambassador from Iran was carrying one of the pagers too. That’s gonna be a fun one to explain
  21. Yeah, the Georgia committee is totally listening to me and doing what I want it to.
  22. Your position blaming JWHO is essentially: people should not challenge blatantly unconstitutional laws because they might not like the consequences. It’s a green light to passing unconstitutional laws in the hopes SCOTUS changes the understanding of the constitution. Seems… lazy and bad. Maybe just a backwards-looking justification to always blame whoever you consider “the other”
  23. Seems like you’re not immune from “having an agenda,” trying to find anyway to make this into something else because you don’t like the conclusions the state investigative committee reached.
  24. And you know that how? You should tell the investigative committee, because it seems they missed that. Is your conclusion that it was totally cool and good for the hospital to delay the standard treatment of care for someone in her situation until it was too late because she didn’t do what you personally believe she should have done earlier?
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