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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. I’m just trying to find the line between what damage to property is acceptable in a protest and what isn’t.
  2. Nope! Where did I say that?
  3. What about when they threw the first boxes of tea?
  4. We know everybody involved in the fake electors scheme? We know everyone in on the Eastman plan and their roles? There was more to this than the riot. There was a plan in motion and the rioters were not the only aspect of it.
  5. To investigate the attempt to overturn the 2020 election. What happened? Who was involved? What changes can we make to prevent a future attempt?
  6. Wrong. DoJ didn’t indict Eric Holder because he had executive privilege. DoJ did indict Steve Bannon because he didn’t. Why did the DoJ decline to indict on the Jan 6 committee’s referrals for Dan Scavino and Mark Meadows?
  7. Got it. It doesn’t say what you said it does so now you need to dodge and hope nobody notices. Well done!
  8. Where in the NYT article you posted does it say the purpose of the committee is to affect the midterms?
  9. LOL. You truly cannot read, can you? I said the committee was not created for the purpose of helping the Dems in the midterms. I also said that people may try to analyze what impact it may or may not have on the midterms, but that was not why it was created. Then you bring analysis about what impact it may or may not have and then hold that up as evidence of the purpose of the committee. At this point, I’m not even sure if you could pass the Turing Test. Your posts are no different than if someone created a bot to scrape Breitbart comments and try to reproduce them.
  10. Did not realize that the New York Times was a member of the committee. I know you’re dumb as rocks and have reading comprehension issues, but people analyzing what impact the committee may or may not have on the midterms is not the same as the committee being established with the purpose of helping the Dems in the midterms. Nuance is hard, but maybe take some time to clean the drool off your keyboard and think things through.
  11. Are you claiming that the entire judicial system, prosecutors, judges, etc. is owned by the Democratic Party? That across the country, Dems are given better treatment regardless of the facts of the case because of a grand conspiracy between every prosecutor and judge in the country? Because that’s dumb as hell.
  12. Like most GOP pundits, Tucker Carlson thinks the people who like him are idiots and treats them as such. He puts on a dumb quizzical face while saying complete BS because he knows his viewers will eat it up. He’ll record his shows in metropolitan NYC and then take the millions he’s earned from that and his inheritance for frozen dinners and head back to his island estate to hobnob with the rich and famous while making fun of the people who are gullible enough to believe him.
  13. If you think the purpose of the committee is for ratings or to move the needles on the midterms, then you have no idea what you’re talking about. Then again, I’m not sure what I would expect from such illustrious outlets as… Donsurbur.blogspot and tvline…?
  14. If anyone is telling you that the Bannon trial was political, that’s a good sign that either: they have no idea what they are talking about, or they are knowingly lying to you because they think you’re a rube. There’s a reason Bannon was prosecuted for contempt of congress while Mike Flynn, John Eastman, Mark Meadows, and Dan Scavino were not.
  15. Don’t worry, Trump’s hatchet man, Bill Barr, investigated the fraud claims and prosecuted those responsible.
  16. Normally, I would probably oppose this, but Russia was using negotiated green corridors to funnel civilians in and then bomb them. So… what goes around comes around, Ruskies. Too bad, so sad.
  17. Found some of that good old voter fraud. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/22/us/politics/suzanne-morphew-ballot-trump.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur
  18. Agreed. I did not make that claim. I was just pointing out a false claim that there is no interest and that nobody outside of DC and NYC were following it. I am making no predictions as to its impact on the elections because I find that irrelevant.
  19. Man, @BillStime must have a huge family. 83 million people is a lot of mouths to feed...
  20. Nearly 6 in 10 Americans are following the hearings. Did not realize that 60% of Americans live in the NYC-DC beltway. Guess you learn something every day.
  21. Frankly, it seems pretty normal from a congressional committee with three exceptions: Not doing questions as 5-minutes per member (this is a good thing. That format is stupid and counterproductive) The minority leader withdrawing his nominees Large public interest I know a lot of liberals complained about the Benghazi hearings, but that was a similar select committee format (and Pelosi considered not sending any Dems but ended up appointing members). Every once in a while testimony from a random congressional hearing goes viral and we get to see C-SPAN clips of it. Normally committee hearings like this are boring but given the topic at hand, there is large public interest, hence the coverage being on network news instead of just C-SPAN. Ultimately, if your problem is that we don't have more than two Republicans on it or that it is just a House select committee and not a joint committee like the 9/11 committee, then you're problem is with GOP leadership, not the committee itself.
  22. A congressional committee did a month's long investigation into the attempt to overturn the election. As the investigation wound down, they wanted to present their findings to the public so they held public hearings of some of the witnesses and testimony. Since this is not a trial or a judicial proceeding, and since the committee members seem to generally agree on the findings, what they show is what the committee believes is the most important information for the public to know. That does not make it illegitimate in any sense. The "other side" people keep bringing up isn't Republicans, it's people who refuse to testify. They interviewed basically everyone in the Trump White House, Campaign, and even DoJ. Those people were free to give testimony (as most did) or plead the fifth the whole time (as people like John Eastman did). Often, a committee will present a majority report and a minority report. It does not appear that this committee will do that, at least for the factual findings. I suspect there will be disagreement when it comes to legislative recommendations. I wonder if McCarthy hadn't withdrawn his nominees if we would have a minority report but we'll never know because McCarthy is a moron. It does sound like they've been sent more evidence since the hearings started, so they may hold more hearings down the line, but we should be getting a final report in the coming months, as well as transcripts of the testimony. They did mention that they might amend the final report after issuing it if new evidence comes to light.
  23. I would disagree with Tbs on that. It's not a judicial hearing or a grand jury. It's a congressional hearing. Nobody's rights have been violated and the committee doesn't have the power to punish anyone.
  24. I found this discussion on the shooting by two law professors and a former deputy police chief. They seem to believe there are doubts about if the cop acted properly but ultimately conclude that a lawsuit would likely be unsuccessful. I recommend the whole article, but here is their summary:
  25. Like, what is the conspiracy here? We saw her get shot and killed, the officer said he shot her, what would they be covering up by cremating her? Let me guess, she actually survived the shooting, but the gunshot wound revealed that she was one of the people that Bill Gates implanted a 5G chip in via a vaccine. If they let her out, it would reveal that (((Soros))) was using the chips to communicate with the Italian satellites to change votes in Dominion machines. So they called Hillary Clinton who came in and used spirit cooking to secretly kill Babbitt at the hospital. To cover all of this up, the medical examiner, who is on the (((Rothschild))) payroll, cremated the body and prevented Babbitt's family from discovering the truth. Then, to celebrate the completed mission, the deep state all got together at the basement of Comet Ping Pong to eat babies and fill in mail-in ballots.
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