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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. Thanks, and that's why I wanted to point it out. Our public discourse on abortions generally just assumes we are talking about unwanted pregnancies and that the laws are super clear and only impact those cases. The reality is much more complicated. Ideally, I would not have the government intervene in medical care and instead let the patient and their doctor make the best decision they can. That is going to be much more difficult for pregnancies moving forward with Roe and Casey being struck down. Abortions are a difficult, traumatic, and awful thing. I wish we would focus on proven methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies such as comprehensive sex ed and easy access to contraceptives. And to make it easier for people in difficult positions trying to decide what to do, I wish we had pro-natalist policies like affordable healthcare, parental leave, and affordable (or even free) childcare. Those kinds of things would reduce abortions for unwanted pregnancies (because there will be fewer unwanted pregnancies) and reduce abortions for poor and struggling people by providing them help to ensure that they will be able to afford and keep their baby. But the actual medical decision? The government should have no place there.
  2. They did lie and every person in the world knew they were lying at the time except Susan Collins and Joe Manchin. Reversing Roe is not pointless because it'll get abortion banned in a good number, if not mot, states without a nationwide ban (which has a higher bar to clear). So it's a big win for the anti-choice movement. Many animals eat their own babies.
  3. I think you're see strong movements for a nationwide ban should the GOP control all three branches. Also, I would not be surprised for SCOTUS to go after Obergfell v. Hodges, Lawrence v. Texas, and even Connecticut v. Griswold.
  4. I assume the people advocating for fetal personage based on Christianity are also for banning pork, shellfish, tattoos, and wearing mixed fabrics.
  5. I wish you were right. I would suggest you start talking to people in the medical profession and reading the actual laws. What you're saying seems like common sense but it's not actually how medicine and law work. In the meantime, here are some real world examples of how different abortion laws impact care for miscarriage: In Texas: In Michigan: In Poland: In Ireland: Some more info: Bloomberg: Women jailed for a miscarriage:
  6. Methods of abortion: methotrexate, mifepristone, D&C, D&E, etc. Treatment for miscarriage: methotrexate, mifepristone, D&C, D&E, etc. @B-Man: these are completely different things.
  7. They will not be required to, it all depends on how they want to write the laws. And from what I've seen, many of the people writing these laws are not exactly the brightest people.
  8. If you think overturning Roe and banning abortions is about having more babies, then you're not paying attention. And as I have pointed out elsewhere, this can have dire consequences for women who have miscarriages. If people really wanted to reduce the number of abortions, there are proven methods for that. Banning abortions is not one of them, but reducing the number of abortions isn't the point for them anyway.
  9. Well for one, because one would hope that women would have access to proper healthcare regardless of which state they were in. And for another, states like mine are now going to have to provide services to people from other states, in effect subsidizing them. Decisions in some states can have impacts on people in other states.
  10. There are proven ways to reduce the numbers of abortions, but "pro-life" advocates generally oppose them in favor of banning abortion. Truly pro-life would be advocating for pro-natalist policies (which would likely find decent bipartisan support). Banning abortion will not end abortions, it'll just make them less safe. Hard to argue that cruelty isn't the point.
  11. Here is an article outlining it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/24/abortion-state-laws-criminalization-roe/ 13 states with trigger laws will ban abortion shortly. 5 states likely will ban abortion soon
  12. Illinois is already prepping to service the midwest and Texas. Just another example of blue states subsidizing red states.
  13. As someone who has had to unfortunately become intimately familiar with all of this over the last couple of years, I am going to try to spell this out as clearly as I can. Medically, there is little difference between an abortion and treatment for a miscarriage. Depending on how far along, it might be a pill or a shot like methotrexate, or it might be D&C or D&E. In fact, when you have severe bleeding in a pregnancy and go to the ER only to find everything is still fine, your paperwork will read "threatened abortion." A miscarriage is labeled "spontaneous abortion." When you have a miscarriage, doctors generally suggest one of these methods because the other option is to wait and hope the body expels the fetus and tissue. This risks the mother going septic and potentially dying. A simple procedure is preferable to that risk. Legally, it all depends on how the laws are written. Under Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the law required an exception for the life or health of the mother. So someone who is pregnant but the fetus dies or stops developing is able to get the proper care because without it, they could go septic. Now that Roe and Casey are overturned, there is no such requirement nationally. States can absolutely enact full abortion bans with no exceptions. This will mean that doctors may not be able to provide treatment for miscarriages until the mother starts suffering from something like sepsis. Or they may make the law vague enough that doctors are unsure of what they can or cannot do, and side on the edge of caution and reject treatment. We've already seen this in Texas since their new abortion law was enacted. Depending on how the laws are written, it may make providing abortion care so difficult and risky, the abortion providers just shut down, leaving people with few to no options. The immediate pushback to this is that states won't pass those kinds of laws. I would love for that to be the case. But like I said, we've already seen doctors in Texas unsure if they can provide care in certain instances of miscarriage. Also, we've seen idiotic attempts like a proposed law in Ohio that would require ectopic pregnancies (pregnancies in the fallopian tube that can cause a rupture and kill the mother are treated with an abortion) to be re-implanted, a procedure that does not exist. Thankfully, that did not pass. But we also see in countries with very strict abortion laws that women die from miscarriage because they cannot get the proper treatment. With today's decision, there is absolutely nothing stopping states from passing similar laws. So when I said that I am happy I live in Illinois, it's because we have laws here that protect my wife and if we lost another pregnancy, she would have no problem getting the help she needs. Soon, women in many states will likely not have that safety.
  14. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage and the proper treatment for a miscarriage is an abortion. My wife has had several miscarriages and it was easy to get her the care she needed. Without Roe and Casey, there is nothing stopping a state from banning abortions outright, with no exceptions. People in Poland are dying because of their abortion ban today.
  15. Up next: Contraceptives Same Sex Marriage Same Sex Relationships
  16. Thank god I live in Illinois. This is going to be so awful for so many people.
  17. It’s also telling that we frequently see “otherizing” by people on this board supporting the Trump side. The Left is deranged Liberals are Commies Enemy of the people. It’s this kind of language that dehumanizes the other side, giving permission to dismiss them and often leads to violence. While those with more left positions certainly talk crap about GOP officials and public figures, you do not see nearly as much vitriol directed at other regular Americans.
  18. Ok, let's say that you're correct. Frankly, I don't have the time or patience to chase down everything posted on RedStateThisIsRealNewsBenShapiroFederalistWeThinkOurReadersAreIdiotsAndWeAreScammingThemForProfitDotCom, but let's say you're right: Trump asked for more security and it was denied by Nancy Pelosi, the Deep State, Democratic Socialist Liz Cheney, the reverse vampires, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and all of those people who eat babies. How is that exculpatory for the recorded phone call where Trump commits a crime?
  19. Wait, you think I wasn't aware that they did not have the proper security for Jan 6th? It was clear that the decision was made that they didn't need the kind of force that they had for the riots after George Floyd's death. And it was clear that the people who made that decision were wrong. And of the three people on the board that oversees the Capitol Police, two of them lost their jobs the next day. None of this is new.
  20. @DRsGhost is so incompetent that his big "gotcha" that negates the fact that we have a recording of Trump literally committing crimes is that two people rejected help prior to Jan 6th and then were fired the next day. Now we just need several balls of red twine and a carton of thumbtacks to prove that this was all a big deep state conspiracy and our God King Trump was framed.
  21. Pretty sure you only ask for pardons when you never did anything wrong and were totally in the right. Yep, that's probably it.
  22. According to this article, the request was denied by the House and Senate Seargant at Arms: Considering that both of them lost their jobs the very next day, it would seem they royally screwed up and got what they deserved.
  23. Patel is a grifter, so he targets the easiest marks that most grifters target: diehard Trump supporters. Tell them what they want to hear and then sell them a book or some vitamin pills or whatever. He's not as good as Trump though, who can just ask for money for a defense fund that doesn't exist and they'll give him $250 million. But you gotta start somewhere!
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