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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. There’s a podcaster I really liked but then it came out he was sexually harassing women. Even though it didn’t have anything to do with the content he created, I stopped listening because I didn’t want to support him after that. I can’t even imagine still listening to any of these goons who have been on our enemies payroll. It’s insane.
  2. We can all agree at this point that JD Vance’s advance staff hates him, right? Either that or they are the most incompetent people in politics. Yet another example:
  3. Personally, if I found out someone whose content I shared was being funded by our enemies, I’d stop sharing (or even consuming) their content. But that’s just me…
  4. Tommy Eyerolls keeps to his script. Just parroting the talking points he knows by heart. Trying to think critically hurts his head too much. Better to just repeat what he’s been told to say.
  5. Buddy, they don’t even understand what the law is. They’ve gone so far down the internet rabbit hole that they can’t tell up from down anymore. The only thing that anchors them is Dear Leader.
  6. That is the most pathetic, sad, and lonely account on this board (which is saying something). Sometimes I wonder if it’s actually a liberal trying to post the most ludicrous and unbelievable MAGA stuff just to see if people bite.
  7. Yeah, this is just straight up projection on his part. Dem candidate approval shifts with the news. Trump's approval rarely changes, no matter what happens. Dems were so unhappy with their candidate that they forced him off the ticket. Trump was convicted of 34 felonies and the people here bragged that it'd only make them support him even more. The cult call is coming from inside the house, MAGA
  8. It's not. The watch sales are not part of the campaign and the money doesn't go to the campaign. From the link @Tiberius posted: "Fine print in the online ad says they are manufactured by thebestwatchesonearth LLC under a paid license agreement. It states that the watches 'are not political and have nothing to do with any political campaign.'" It's just a straight up grift.
  9. I don’t see how you get that from the tweet. Different states have different rules for how and when they purge voter rolls. Seeing that an important state removed 700k voters from the rolls just before the election and responding by saying people should verify that they are still registered seems… normal.
  10. Can you explain the logical leap you’ve made from “hey, make sure you’re registered to vote” to “we are going to cheat”?
  11. “Free speech” warrior bans user for posting publicly available information. Twitter Banned Me “Self-styled free speech warrior Elon Musk’s X (Twitter) banned me after I published a copy of the Donald Trump campaign’s JD Vance research dossier. X says that I’ve been suspended for “violating our rules against posting private information,” citing a tweet linking to my story about the JD Vance dossier. First, I never published any private information on X. I linked to an article I wrote here, linking to a document of controversial provenance, one that I didn’t want to alter for that very reason. The principle involved here is complex. I do not believe it is the job of the news media to alter documents, as if it’s a defacto government deciding what the public should and shouldn't know. Yes, I know that it is general practice to delete “private” information from leaks and classified documents, but in this case, not only is Vance an elected official and Vice Presidential candidate, but the information is readily available for anyone to buy. The document itself describes its method of acquiring the so-called “private” information about Vance: "We undertook an examination of all readily available and relevant electronic and online records, several hundred Nexis and news articles, dozens of active and archived web pages, and several dozen public records from Nexis and the resources of various federal, state, and municipal government offices." In other words, everything was out there, either readily or for purchase. We should be honest about so-called private information contained in the dossier and "private" information in general. It is readily available to anyone who can buy it. The campaign purchased this information from commercial information brokers. Those dealers make huge profits from selling this data. And the media knows it, because they buy the data for reporting purposes, just like the campaign. They don’t like to mention that though. On the one hand, this is a very funny end to my Twitter journey. On the other hand, I no longer have access to the primary channel by which I disseminate primarily news (and shitposts of course) to the general public. This chilling effect on speech is exactly why we published the Vance Dossier in its entirety. Not a single media organization was willing to publish a document that would have been a no-brainer during or prior to the heyday of Edward Snowden’s disclosures. That illustrates the dramatic shift in attitudes about what the news media thinks the public should know, and the role the mainstream plays in steadily ceding that territory to the national security threat machine. Media’s job, I believe, is to push back against these various forms of censorship. I’ll keep doing that here on this newsletter, where you can find me going forward. If you agree with what I laid out, I hope you’ll subscribe. Did I make a mistake in not redacting the “private” information on J.D. Vance? If I wanted a Twitter account, apparently so. But on principle? I stand by it absolutely.”
  12. What elected position did Hunter have and what benefits of that office was he giving out in exchange for money and/or gifts?
  13. I mean, it’s obviously not, but never let facts get in the way of a good feeling.
  14. I stan Barbara
  15. Even if you’re not sure he is innocent, the fact that the victim’s family and the prosecutor’s office both opposed the execution should mean that the execution should not have happened.
  16. The video the story is based on: Listened to the podcast version while running errands. Quite the story
  17. What a sad, sad man Peter Thiel
  18. Honestly, winning Catan with just two cities is almost as impressive as Josh’s performance tonight. Dude just wins.
  19. I wonder if he's going to be throwing his hat into the ring for the 2025 Omaha mayoral election
  20. A healthy dose of skepticism is a good thing, especially considering how wild and lurid the claims are. But this isn't faking email dates. It would require, at the least, hacking the porn site, backdating comments, creating additional accounts to respond to the account and backdate those comments, creating a Google account and posting reviews of products Robinson publicly endorsed (and somehow backdate those if the reviews were before his public endorsement) all while using an email address that Robinson still uses (which means some of these activities would likely pop up in his inbox). I'm open to evidence to the contrary, but the simplest explanation here is that it was him.
  21. Oopsie! Quality organization you’ve got there, Donnie
  22. Guys, a new communism just dropped: deciding what to read is bad now.
  23. Every time I think you can’t possibly prove my point yet again, you go ahead and do it. I actually do read and listen to conservatives. Just because I don’t read every rando clickservative blog doesn’t mean I make the same assumptions you are somehow both making and decrying in this post.
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