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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. I’m not going to “both sides” calling half of Americans the worst people on earth. We can debate what is appropriate for protesting and it’s effectiveness. That’s a fine discussion to have. But what he said is disgusting, indefensible and shows that he himself is an example of what is wrong with this country.
  2. This kind of disgusting and vile language is a big part of why everything is so ***** up right now. Anyone who views half of America as their enemy is un-American and should be shunned and ignored by civil society. Go ***** yourself you piece of garbage.
  3. I love the whole “Dems are so powerful that they control the media and when viruses happen but also they can’t pass any meaningful legislation and their president is underwater in approval rating” Real Galaxy brain stuff right there.
  4. Publicly protesting people is still better than encouraging people to run over protestors with cars. One of those actually has a deeply rooted history in our country.
  5. “The constitutional right for Supreme Court Justices to eat peacefully in public is well rooted in this nation’s history, dating back to when Sir Isaac Newton invented gravity while snacking on an apple outside.” -Sam Alito, probably.
  6. I think that is something a Dem primary challenger *could* do, but I’m not sure I would wager on it actually happening. Biden’s age opens him to a primary challenge, but the Dems are so intent on deferring to people who are older than dirt that I’m not sure what we should expect. If Biden decides to run and is challenged, I doubt he backs down. But such a scenario would likely weaken him should he survive to the primary, like Ted Kennedy did to Jimmy Carter. My hope is that he isn’t going to run but is just waiting to announce that he’s a lame duck as that would likely tank whatever agenda he still wants to accomplish.
  7. I was on the oppo team for a campaign in Chicago a while back. I went to an event of one of the other candidates as a tracker to take notes on what they were saying to the crowd. The event was pathetic. I think there was as many campaign staff there as guests. The candidate also didn’t seem to be planning on giving a speech, they were just taking individually to the people there. I grabbed a slice of pizza and found a quiet corner to watch football on the tv while waiting to see if the candidate would make any remarks. The candidate actually came over and sat down next to me and started a conversation. I was noncommittal and mostly let them do the talking, which was mostly about how much they liked Bill O’Reilly’s books, which I found odd since they were running as a Dem. Ultimately, I left early and called it a wash. I don’t think I even filed a report, I just told the manager about what happened and that there wasn’t anything usable to the campaign. Mostly I was annoyed I missed half the football game… That being said, doing oppo is a blast and I highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in getting involved in a campaign.
  8. I originally thought it was a liberal clerk but now I’m thinking it was someone on the conservative side. Roberts is a bit of a squish to ultra conservatives and seemingly wanted to uphold the Mississippi law without outright overturning Roe. Kavanaugh is close to Roberts and may have been on the fence between Alito’s decision and the path Roberts wanted. By leaking the decision at the time, it showed where Kavanaugh stood in February. If the decision ended up being 4-2-3 between Alito, Roberts, and the liberals, it would be very clear that Kavanaugh was the one who flipped. I think the leak was to pressure him to stay in line. Obviously I could be wrong and I definitely could have been a liberal but it would have been very stupid for them to leak it.
  9. "Joe Biden has spent his entire life working to build a better America for every American. I understand and respect his desire to run for a second term, but should he win, he would be 86 years old at the end of his second term. When he ran in 2020, he did so as a bridge to the next generation of Democratic leadership. Now is the time for us to cross that bridge" -Joe Biden's 2024 Primary Challenger I don't think it would be that hard for someone like Buttigieg, Swalwell, or any other younger* Dem to find a way to gracefully challenge Biden without attacking him. *Please for the love of God, can the Dems end their gerontocracy? Please?
  10. As someone who bought some Twitter stock after this whole fiasco started, I would be happy with this.
  11. More likely Biden's age is how the left gets rid of Joe for 2024.
  12. Not surprising but it will be interested to see how this plays out. The claim about the bots doesn't make sense once you sign the M&A and is likely not actionable. But $1 billion is a hell of a penalty, so I imagine they are going to fight this one out. In any case, a bunch of high powered M&A attorneys are about to make bank on the litigation from this.
  13. This is like the Mo Brooks offer. It's an offer they know that no committee would accept and they expect it to get rejected. Then they can claim bias or whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up fundraising off of it.
  14. Pretty solid start to Biden's presidency, at least in terms of job creation:
  15. Drove to Rochester last weekend and the drop in prices between the drive out there and the drive back just five days later was pretty stark.
  16. I would guess a straw man purchase. Someone purchases the gun legally and then hands it off or sells it to someone who could not have legally purchased it. Gun tracing is not always great, especially for dealers who have gone out of business (here is an article from 2016 on this) If we amped up the ATF's ability to better identify who purchased which guns, we could prosecute more of the straw purchasers. In the idea of treating guns like cars, it'd be like the registration info the DMV has about our vehicles. However, there is opposition to this as a database of firearms makes people think the government is going to come for all of their guns.
  17. Are you equating the actions taken by a president in the duties of their office (even if they are controversial) that they believe may help them get re-elected with the president acting against the advice of his lawyers to try to change the outcome of an election after it had been conducted? Because those are totally different things.
  18. Oh wow, genius idea! Why didn't anyone ever think of this before? All our problems are now solved with this one easy solution that surely will be done quickly.
  19. How abortion providers are adjusting to new realities in a post-Roe world On exceptions for life threatening pregnancies: Somehow, I am not optimistic that other states will do a better job at writing abortion laws...
  20. I am not a data scientist, so I am not able to determine the truth of what is being claimed. The reason I do not believe that this massive fraud happened is that Trump's DoJ, Trump's lawyers, and Trump's campaign looked into basically every crazy claim out there and were unable to find anything to corroborate the claims. It makes me dubious that someone like D'souza, a known hack and felon (until he got his pardon) found something that they all missed. Most of the claims in the movie have also been debunked by other outlets, but given what I've seen you post here, I don't think you could be convinced by any outlet that made such claims. So where are the arrests? If the data is that good, they can easily identify who these people are. Follow their data back to the place the return home to every night. If it is a massive fraud against the United States and we have this kind of detailed evidence, why has nobody been arrested? Is literally every law enforcement agency in the country part of the big Dem cabal? I guess I could just be smarter and give my money to D'souza and then maybe buy myself a nice set of pajamas using his promo code. That'd be the smart guy thing to do and definitely not the thing someone who fell victim to a grift would do.
  21. Looking forward to the claims that he's a RINO or actually a Democrat. If you don't toe the line of the glorious god king, you might as well be a member of the DSA.
  22. Ok, let's say this is right (and I don't think it is), and there were 242 people who went by drop boxes and these organizations: What does that prove? How did the "mules" defeat the verification procedures?
  23. There are two republicans on the committee. Almost all of the testimony is from republicans. To make it truly bipartisan, they should get dems to testify. As I've stated countless times before, the "other side" here isn't republicans, it's people who know they are lying so they are trying to avoid testifying under oath. I would love for Mark Meadows to testify. But he won't, he's fighting testifying tooth and nail. Same for these other people. They talk a big game in the media because they can lie with impunity. But when push comes to shove, they do everything they can to avoid testifying.
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