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Posts posted by ChiGoose

  1. 18 minutes ago, ArdmoreRyno said:


    Let me ask you... 


    Do you guarantee that it will be false? 100% never going to happen?


    I cannot guarantee anything but I am very willing to bet that the middle class will not be bled dry by the new IRS auditors.


    17 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    Who’s complaining about elites? They pay lawyers who understand every loophole. So be it. The IRS should be smaller or even abolished. Taxes should be simplified for the vast majority of taxpayers and should only take maybe a half hour to complete. 


    What they should do is just have the IRS prepare the returns for most Americans. Employers provide the information to the IRS anyway but we have to guess what they have because lobbyists won't let congress simply the process. If you are not a contractor and get a W-2 every year, the IRS basically already has everything they need. You should be able to just view it and either approve or change it.

  2. 1 minute ago, Boatdrinks said:

    They won’t be targeting elites. Again there are too few of them and they have lawyers to fight it out. No, the liberal wet dream wishlist will be paid for by ordinary Americans and they’ll be bled dry by mobilizing IRS forces. 


    So this will prove out to be false.


    But it's weird to me that all these people complaining about the elites naysay any action of actually holding elites accountable. I don't get it.

    • Eyeroll 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    Sure, the irs should enforce tax law against all, including elites and starting with all the corrupt politicians. I’m just telling you it’s not gonna happen, and throwing 80 billion more dollars at that garbage political agency isn’t changing that. 

    and what do taxes have to do with poor and middle class???? 


    Ok, so a law that mandates that the IRS use additional resources to go after the elites means they won't do it? So are you saying that it is impossible to enforce the tax law against the elites and we shouldn't even try?

  4. 1 minute ago, Demongyz said:

    That very well may be true, however, what did they think would happen when they did this in this way?  It looks disgusting because it is.  If Trumps FBI raided Obama's house how would that have looked to the left?  I'm going to call it, they would say he is a Nazi.


    What other way should they have done it? They wanted to be sure they had all the documents, what other way is there to do that than to physically go there and check?


    From what we know, it seems that they coordinated with the secret service detail, arrived in plain clothes, and many of the people who were there didn't realize what was going on while the search was happening. I think that beats the heck out of a pre-dawn no-knock with SWAT teams knocking down the door.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Demongyz said:

    Who knows?  Honestly what documents could he take that they didn't already have?  What do they need them for?  Has Trump lost top secret clearance?  I doubt it.


    I doubt he has clearance. Presidents generally don't need clearance since they own the classification of information by virtue of being president. No SF-86 required. . Former presidents can be read into classified info at the request of the current president, but I don't believe former presidents maintain any clearance on their own.


    So a big concern (and I am NOT saying this is what happened) would be someone selling secrets. Documents with TS/SCI info on them would be very valuable and could make someone a good chunk of change.


    Less malicious would simply be that those documents belong to the national archives and should not be stored outside of its custody. If they did not believe they had received all of the documents taken from the White House, they would likely want to search to ensure there are no documents remaining at Mar a Lago that shouldn't be there.


    Since these are physical documents instead of digital ones, it's not as simple as just ensuring files were deleted or removing a server or two.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Demongyz said:

    The President can declassify whatever he wants, he ordered that material come out while president.  Does he not have the right?

    Other presidents have taken documents they probably shouldn't have when they left office for their presidential library, how many of their houses have been raided by the FBI?   The FBI was at MAL a few weeks ago and they didn't like the way the documents were stored so they put a padlock on the door.  Was it so important to raid?  NO!  This is political.


    Did Trump declassify the documents while he was still president? I haven't seen anything on that.


    There are a lot of questions that we don't have answers to (but it's not preventing people from jumping to conclusions) but if this was all political, Trump could just make the search warrant public and show it's about some paltry little thing and didn't justify the FBI actions.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    and just to confirm, you are fully on board with the irs, a 14 billion dollar a year money oven, needing 80billion more dollars in an era of near record  standard deduction filings, correct? 


    The law as crafted is to give the IRS resources to target high wealth individuals and corporations with complicated tax structures. I am absolutely in favor of ensuring that all Americans are subject to our tax laws, not just the poor and middle class. If they use the funds improperly, they should be punished for it.


    So I will ask you for a third time: Do you think the IRS should enforce tax laws against the elite?

  8. 3 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:


    What I've got to ask is for the sake of retrieving or seizing a few boxes of documents, could the DOJ/FBI have been any less discrete?  Maybe they should have thrown in a couple dozen SWAT team guys repelling down ropes from Blackhawk helicopters dropping tear gas canisters onto the property?   


    From reports, they showed up in plain clothes and the secret service brought them where they needed to go. Many people in the building didn't realize what was happening until after.


    Which seems very discrete. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    The IRS is a already $14 billion dollar per year black hole. No I abso fuggin lutely do not want to hand them over 80 billion more dollars they can fritter away in government largesse and or harassing the rank and file tax payers. 

    Like many of the other fed institutions they are politically charged frankensteins bent on their own gluttonous growth. 


    they aren’t coming after elites you silly goose, those are the ones pushing for this. They objective is to further sever the ladder of upward economic mobility for non-elites. 

    it’s always amazing the poor grasp of history most have, the poor grasp of why the founding fathers were so intent on limiting the power of the state plutocracy.



    So what you're saying is that you *don't* want the elites to be audited. Ok then...

  10. 1 minute ago, cle23 said:


    Exactly.  And even if they did send them, they were obviously requested.  And WHY were they taken/requested?


    There's a real chance that what happened here is:


    In the chaos of closing up the Trump White House, they just grabbed everything, not realizing they took classified materials. When asked to return it, Trump refused for whatever reason (could be as innocuous as he thought the stuff was his), but then ultimately returned it when he realized he could get in trouble. The GSA then looked at the documents and felt that they were missing some and referred it to the FBI who obtained and then executed a search warrant.


    Maybe they find nothing. Maybe they find some things and take them, but ultimately decide this wasn't malicious and do not file charges. Maybe there is something deeper going on here (like selling access / information) that they will charge. We don't know right now.


    But it would be nice if Trump would make the search warrant public.

  11. Just now, dpberr said:

    This has less to do with Trump and more to do with the FBI trying to create a violent flashpoint for some reason.  They've been banging that domestic terror drum and nothing has happened.  


    They want their "See! See! We told you *they* were violent!"  moment and they will keep trying to provoke one, and keep raising the provocation level.  






    This is insane. Just so you know. This is the rantings of someone who has completely lost touch with reality. Log off. Go touch some grass. The internet is rotting your brain.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    wage earners on w2? Are you insane? Starve IRS of resources? By not supporting doubling the army of auditors? Standard deductions were higher than ever last year. the  post said they would have to target average households to hit their target.

    Big government is a both party problem for sure, but your party has a track record of stealing way more of my money to do it. Also, The other one at least doesn’t hide their collusion with big business the way yours does. They are open about and embrace it. These are Facts. 

    Elites are the people in charge of your political machine you’re cheerleading you fool!!!! 


    Ok, let me ask you something. Should the IRS spend more time and resources enforcing tax laws against the elite? If so, would you support them getting additional resources to do so? If not, why?

  13. Just now, cle23 said:


    I have read that the GSA sent them, but there were also reports of Trump taking documents all the way back in January/February.  So it depends on what they were looking for.


    Nah, I'm sure the guy who rips up documents and throws them in the toilet handled all of those documents properly and provided the GSA with everything they asked for...

  14. 27 minutes ago, Boatdrinks said:

    Oh I’m sure she received a “ stern warning” from the same corrupt organization that lied about Trumps “ connections” to Russia. Never raided or even subpoenaed. This is a huge political stunt and you just can’t admit it. The Dems want to prevent Trump from running in 2024. 


    So let me get this straight: The FBI trying to obtain evidence when classified material was improperly handled is a political stunt? Interesting...

    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. 4 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    conspiracy??  What do you think they are hiring an army of auditors for? You think people in the $75k bracket are adept tax evaders? Most of them filed standard exemption. 

    you don’t think they require they produce audit findings and revenue ?


    do you not understand what auditors do? 

    face it chi- you stoop for the party of big government and corporate elites. Embrace it, it’s you moment! 


    They are bringing in auditors because without more resources, all they can do is audit wage earners on W-2's. High wealth individuals have incredibly complicated tax returns that make it difficult to audit. If you want the IRS to be able to audit them as well, you should want it to have more resources. However, if you would like to starve the IRS of resources, then all they will do is audit middle class Americans because it's easier.


    Also, big government is a bipartisan thing, buddy. Administrations of both parties have increased government spending, but at least the Dems don't run up the massive deficits that the GOP does.

    • Eyeroll 1
  16. 1 minute ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    Be certain for these numbers, if you are a net tax payer and know 5 other households like you, one of you will be audited next year. They’ve got a mandate now to find a way to steal more of you money. 


    Well this will almost certainly prove to be false. But I'm sure by then we'll be on to the next big conspiracy.

    • Eyeroll 1
  17. Some more context on the impact of the IRS funding:


    Reconciliation bill includes nearly $80 billion for IRS including enforcement, audits: What that means for taxpayers


    Part of President Joe Biden’s agenda, the Inflation Reduction Act allocates $79.6 billion to the agency over the next 10 years. More than half of the money is meant for enforcement, with the IRS aiming to collect more from corporate and high-net-worth tax dodgers.


    The remainder of the funding is earmarked for operations, taxpayer services, technology, development of a direct free e-file system and more. Collectively, those improvements are projected to bring in $203.7 billion in revenue from 2022 to 2031, according to recent estimates from the Congressional Budget Office.


    IRS audits have plunged over the past decade, with the biggest declines among the wealthy, according to a May 2022 report from the Government Accountability Office.


    The audit rate for Americans making $5 million or more dropped to about 2% in 2019, compared to 16% in 2010, the report found. The agency said it is working to improve these numbers.





    IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig said the $80 billion in funding would not increase audits of households making less than $400,000 per year.


    “The resources in the reconciliation package will get us back to historical norms in areas of challenge for the agency — large corporate and global high-net-worth taxpayers,” he wrote in a letter to the Senate.


    “These resources are absolutely not about increasing audit scrutiny on small businesses or middle-income Americans,” he added.



    • Haha (+1) 2
  18. 6 minutes ago, B-Man said:








    First the FBI basically handed Trump the election by violating their own protocols


    Then they found dozens of contacts between his campaign and Russian operatives and decided to just write a report about it.


    Then they found multiple instances of Trump himself obstructing justice but let the statute of limitations run for no reason


    Then they tanked the background investigation into one of Trump's Supreme Court nominations despite more than 4,000 tips


    Yup. The FBI definitely has it out for Trump. That can be the only explanation...

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