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Posts posted by ChiGoose

  1. 2 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


    What an interesting partisan way to frame it.  


    What actually happened is that Pelosi rejected two of his choices, Jordan and Banks, and he rightly withdrew his entire list.


    With it being such a slam dunk case why would Pelosi object to any pesky Republicans asking their wacky conspiracy theory fueled questions? 


    That's the funny thing about achieving something remotely close to being bipartisan You know you've achieved it when each side isn't happy with some of the appointees on the other side.


    The dems were and are absolutely thrilled with every single member on the committee. 


    Therefore bipartisan it is not.

    LOL. Drinking the Kool Aid, I see. 

    Pelosi rejected Banks and Jordan because she suspected they might have been involved in the events leading up to Jan 6 so them serving on the committee would have been a conflict. She would have seated the rest of McCarthy‘s slate. 

    I guess the 9/11 commission was partisan because we didn’t have any Al Qaeda terrorists on it to give their perspective.

    The Warren Commission was partisan because they didn’t have Lee Harvey Oswald on it (or whoever was on the grassy knoll if you’re one of those people).


    Every single witness who testified to the committee was either a Republican or non-partisan. If they wanted it to be more bipartisan, they should have had more Democrats testify, I guess. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Buffarukus said:


    im talking about my examples of leftist conspiracies.


    i gave you rationale in my original reply why your (facts that should not be questioned ) are viewed with scepticism, or as you say conspiracy theories that doubt them. vax stops hospitalization..not in kids! ect. ect. reread if neccessary. 

    Questioning of facts is one thing, but the majority of this board is essentially  taking that “4 out of 5 dentists recommend trident” and searching for that 5th doctor who recommends chewing on tinfoil. 

    Also, the COVID vaccine does reduce hospitalization in children. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:




    "I'm not a doctor" . Check


    Stutter. Check.


    He's just getting old. Check.


    Bringing up Trump when asked about Bidens clear dementia. Check.


    You've got the clown left talking points down. Congrats on once again being "above it all"


    As for your other contention that the Trump subpoena somehow makes the sham committee fair is once again laughable.


    Did I miss where Pelosi appointed some new non RINO members to the committee?

    She agreed to three people McCarthy wanted and then he withdrew them either because he’s an idiot or because he felt it would allow idiots to claim that it was Pelosi’s fault there were only two republicans on the committee. 

    • Eyeroll 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Buffarukus said:


    your not obligated. i do not expect much from the left on here which is why i rarely post. you brought up a few right wing stereo typical conspiracies you see on this board. obama is behind everything. clinton is behind everything. not sure what threads this is so prevalent in.


    i simply saw it and decided to give some more grounded, recent, conspiracies that leftists believe. ones that have destroyed the country. not examples a person mumbles in the street that have had little effect on this strange "outside" i hear so much about.


    you could give any response you want but a "your crazy and need to get out more" is the laziest of them all. who knows maybe a couple more "yeah we were wrong on that one" from a few on that side might be the beginning of turning this around. or, you can keep thinking its nothing but straw men. 


    either way 🤷‍♂️

    Which one was I wrong on?

  5. Just now, BillsFanNC said:


    Great stuff.


    Now what's your take on President Biden's dementia? 


    Real or hoax?

    I’m not a doctor. He’s certainly lost his fastball but I’ve had family members with dementia and he’s nowhere near as bad as them.


    Tripping up on words as an elderly person who struggled with a stutter isn’t necessarily dementia.


    That being said, I’d prefer if he didn’t run for re-election.


    But hey, at least he isn’t stupid enough to steal government documents, so he’s got that going for him. 

    • Vomit 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


    Now, now  we've just missed all your insightful takes from above the fray from our favorite "former republican" poster.


    Cmon man. I'm interested in your takes on the J6 interview transcripts of "testimony under oath" that you were so certain were coming in September.


    Please give us your take. What juicy bits were revealed?

    Well you all have been complaining about it being one sided and now they’ve subpoenaed Trump to testify.


    He can finally get to tell his side, under oath. Are you excited? Or do you realize he’s not gonna do it?

  7. 2 minutes ago, Buffarukus said:


    that's it? not suprising, which is why i dont post here much anymore. not alot of thoughtful debate from the opposition. ive been outside alot acctually which is why i see things a bit more concerning then moon landings and soros cabals. im talking to people about prices and hard choices being made. when your out there do yourself a favor. do a bit more then stare at the clouds and you might see the topics i brought up are not so easily dismissed as "brain rot".



    You posted a lengthy screed full of straw man arguments and fallacies. Why am I obligated to respond point by point?

  8. 6 hours ago, Buffarukus said:


    this is interesting. i think your a reasonable poster but not sure whether you truly believe what you are saying or purposefully framing your "facts" in a way that make it seem as there are not some legitimate arguments. after watching (mostly the left) REPEATEDLY be suckered into complete bs that has resulted in destruction of our economy and society id ask you to at least take one foot off the soapbox. 


    you act as if the left wasn't in full blown tyranny mode during covid. pushing flat out lie after lie to keep society under strict control. the vax prevents hospitalization "fact" is true....FOR WHO!!!!? for children that the cdc just said should be on a vax schedule yet have virtually zero risk? for people who already had covid and have gained better longer lasting immunity? no, only for high risk which no one really disputed. but strange how the facts leftists push seemed to coincide with pharma and rich making billions off it. but goose gives a blanket fact so pay up for life.... or your crazy! 🤪


    not a long time ago it was FACT vaccines stop the spread as well. a FACT lockdowns are great for curves and the economy can easily withstand indefinite lockdowns. a FACT that the states that let you choose are doomed and walmart is much safer then teds convience store. that rotting in your aprt is far better then taking a walk in the park. PADLOCK IT! stay inside, wait patiently for the gov to give you free money and shutup you evil sob or we will take your job and remove you from society!! damn conspiracy nuts are not listening to all these FACTS! 


    election legitimacy? trump and biden won is a fact you say? no argument here. i find it funny how only one of the 2 had states who decided, AGAINST their own cdc guidance that voting must be conducted much differently then the way it was always done. yet both had leaders declaring them. only one faced all these interesting changes. but you think people watching these "emergency" changes and then becoming skeptical is "them being stupid"? the party that advocates for no voter IDs and reducing security is completely incapable of fraud and questioning them is participating in conspiracy? even as proof was given in their own primaries they are capable and willing? even as Rs who instituted security measures in georgia are clearly implementing suppression. Jim crow 2.0. no engaging in conspiracy there. whats that? the voting total is highest its ever been? but, its was a fact to these people who are well versed in what should be questioned.  


    the rest your being extremely hyperbolic but unsurprisingly biased in your conspiracy subjects. i havent seen much from the moon landing crowd in here but i have seen plenty of burning down cities and defunding police is a good thing in the fight against racism.  some biden is much better then the alternative while they can not name a single thing his policies have done that have improved their personal lives. plenty about womens rights  even if they cant define it. ect ect. those are some pretty good conspiracy subjects that society is currently enduring the negative effects from. those are mainstream to the party. naming powerful dems being behind things ( in a party with majority rule) are pretty bad examples of way out there conspiracies to be tossed aside imo.


    so 2+2= the banana the left is continuosly slipping on. and yet they are still screaming whoever isn't on the floor next to them are "betraying our own ignorance".



    Pop a Xanax, log off and go outside for a bit. The internet is rotting your brain. 

  9. 37 minutes ago, Orlando Tim said:

    With all your knowledge have any of your predictions come true? 


    Eh, predictions are tough. I didn't think that Americans would be stupid enough to elect a failed businessman (several times over) and obvious conman as president but Trump proved me wrong in 2016. 


    One of the few perks of being on PPP is seeing what the most ignorant people in the world actually believe. While it makes me sad about the state of our country, at least I can see the idiocy firsthand to see what's coming down the line.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Tenhigh said:

    Like when Tibs calls Biden a great American President or when Billstime talks about how the Steele Dossier wasn't discredited?  Agreed, those guys are nuts!

    The following things are true and anyone who disagrees is not expressing an opinion but actually betraying their own ignorance:


    - Trump won the 2016 election

    - Biden won the 2020 election

    - The Russia investigation was not a hoax

    - COVID is not a hoax

    - Getting a COVID vaccine reduces your chances of severe COVID or hospitalization

    - JFK Jr. is dead. He’s not coming back to take the presidency.

    - QAnon is a hoax (and we likely know who is currently posting under that identity)

    - The moon landing was real

    - George Soros isn’t secretly behind everything

    - Hillary Clinton isn’t secretly behind everything

    - Barack Obama isn’t secretly behind everything 

    - Hillary Clinton didn’t have Seth Rich murdered


    These are all facts and despite that, the majority of posters on this board disagree with at least one of them. That’s not them expressing an opinion, it’s them being stupid. It’s like saying 2+2=Banana. But for some reason, about 90% of the people on PPP believe 2+2=Banana and try to “own” anyone who disagrees. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  11. 30 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


    Thanks for the confirmation of your clownhood.

    LOL. I wasn’t the one tagging someone who hadn’t posted in weeks and then tagging them in a random thread they hadn’t participated in. 

    I was starting to think you had a crush on me because I’d clearly been on your mind. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Tenhigh said:

    And yet you lost so many arguments, but welcome back!

    Given the level of intelligence and sanity on this board, I’d be worried if most of you all agreed with me. Like, if any of most of the posters here agreed with something I said, I’d have to re-evaluate my position.


    I’ve just been shouting into a void of ignorance. Never expected much to come of it, honestly. 

  13. 6 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:

    Hey @ChiGoose did you disappear for a awhile because you were reading all the imaginary J6 committee transcripts under oath that you assured us were arriving in September and as expected never did?



    No, I have a life and had more important things to do than argue with the most ignorant people on the internet. 

  14. 1 hour ago, BillsFanNC said:


    And @L Ron Burgundy @ChiGoose and on and on...


    They are all essentially @BillStime without posting the same lame meme over and over.


    Clowns. Everything boils down to Trump with these morons. 


    i doubt @L Ron Burgundy actually listened. What part of the line ..I took the blue and the red pill and spit them both in the garbage didn't he get?


    I despise rap as a genre as well....the point again is that a lot of young people...millions upon millions are listening to this guy and his anti woke message. He has no record label or promotion from the music industry whatsoever in addition to the constant attempts to cancel him.


    Good for him.


  15. 2 hours ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    This is so f'd up.  We had a system that worked, it wasn't perfect but it worked.   This that we have now is just sad.  And why?  Christians.   

    I wouldn’t say Christians as much as right wing ideologues.


    Some people actually believe this stuff, but for those in power, it’s mainly just a tool to get the masses to support them. They know that the women in their lives will always have access to abortions if needed. But in their minds, this plays well with rubes and helps them keep power so they can do what they really want: transfer wealth from the average American to the rich. 

    • Agree 1
  16. 19 minutes ago, Doc said:


    LOL!  What "latest MAGA conspiracy"?  That the dossier was, as most of us knew, total bull#### that neither the FBI nor Steele could corroborate and that Danchenko was a liar, yet were used to go after a political enemy?

    The dossier was barely a part of the Russia investigation. It got all of the headlines because it was salacious but most of the Russia investigation had absolutely nothing to do with it. 

    • Eyeroll 1
  17. New items added to original post:


    Doctors in abortion-ban states fear prosecution for treating patients with life-threatening pregnancies

    35. Patient at 19 weeks of pregnancy was going septic but treatment was delayed while the doctor obtained second opinions and final approval from a hospital lawyer.


    When Can Dying Patients Get a Lifesaving Abortion? These Hospital Panels Will Now Decide.

    36. Hospitals are now using panels to determine whether a patient who is suffering a medical emergency may lawfully obtain an abortion.


    ‘They’re Just Going to Let Me Die?’ One Woman’s Abortion Odyssey

    37. Patient whose fetus did not develop a skull and was leaking brain matter into the umbilic sac had abortion cancelled even though continuing with the pregnancy would risk her life. She had to travel out of state in order to obtain care


    Woman unable to get abortion may be forced to give birth to headless baby

    38. Woman whose fetus is missing the top of its head and has no skull is denied abortion.


    Florida court rules teenager ‘not mature enough’ to have abortion

    39. Court determines that pregnant teenager is not mature enough to obtain an abortion


    SC legislative hearing

    40. 19 year-old's fetus is non-viable but because it has a heartbeat, she is refused treatment and sent home.


    ‘I’m Carrying This Baby Just to Bury It’: The Struggle to Decode Abortion Laws

    41. Louisiana's abortion law is causing doctors to refuse to perform abortions even when they are medically necessary out of fear of losing their medical licenses or facing criminal charges

    42. Louisiana doctors fear that the threat of prosecution will hinder their judgment or delay emergency care for pregnant women. One questioned whether they might be prosecuted for treating patients with meds used to treat other conditions that could harm a pregnancy


    Affidavit in Lawsuit Against Louisiana Law

    43. The language in Louisiana's abortion law is confusing, contradictory and unclear from a medical perspective, leading to concerns from doctors that they will may face fines or even jail time if they make the "wrong" decision or interpret the law incorrectly. In order to comply, doctors may have to delay or forgo standard treatment, increasing their patients' risks of severe morbidity or even death

    44. Pharmacies refused to disperse misoprostol because they did not know whether they were allowed to under the new abortion law. Even large corporations are unsure what is and is not permitted.

    45. Exceptions under the abortion law are unclear, leading doctors to fear they may be prosecuted for providing the standard of care for lethal fetal anomalies

    46. Patient who became pregnant on birth control told doctor she hoped the pregnancy was ectopic so she would not have to travel out of state

    47. The decision for how to move forward with premature rupture of the membranes needs to be made quickly between the patient and her doctor. The abortion law will cause confusion and delay treatment during the critical time

    48. The abortion law's lack of clarity could impact treatment for non-pregnancy conditions that use drugs like methotrexate, which can cause abortions. This can cause a chilling effect on the proper treatment for these illnesses

    49. "Abortion" is regularly used in a medical context to refer both to the spontaneous loss of pregnancy (miscarriage) and an elective abortion. Under the abortion law, doctors will likely have to delay care to seek legal advice on what treatment they are allowed to provide

    50. Post-Dobbs, doctors have begun to delay treatment out of fear of potential prosecution. This delay can cause irreparable harm

    51. Louisiana's abortion law requires doctors to wait until a pregnant woman is extremely sick, even on the verge of death, before terminating a life-threatening pregnancy


    Doctors speak out: Idaho’s ‘cruel’ abortion laws will cause harm to their patients

    52. Under Idaho's abortion law, doctors may be prosecuted for providing abortions to cancer patients so they can receive chemo treatment

    53. Idaho's abortion law's vague language will result in confusion for what treatments doctors can provide and when, which can negatively impact patient health


    States with the toughest abortion laws have the weakest maternal supports, data shows

    54. Since states with stricter abortion laws also have less access to health care and worse health outcomes, "...there's going to be not only more hardship, but greater health problems and maternal deaths..."

    55. The 14 states with the most restrictive abortion laws had the worst maternal and child health outcomes in the country

    56. Women living in states with the least restrictive abortion laws have a 7% lower chance of having a child with low birth weight. Black women in those states have an 8% lower risk

    57. States with abortion restrictions also tend to have the highest infant mortality rates

    58. States that enacted laws to restrict abortion based on gestation age increased their maternal mortality rate by 38%


    This never should have happened,': Doctor alleges pharmacy denied woman medication for miscarriage

    59. Pharmacy denied medication to help patient during miscarriage


    A Mother, a Daughter and an Unusual Abortion Prosecution in Nebraska

    60. Facebook provided chat records to police who used them to prosecute a mother and daughter for facilitating an abortion


    Affidavits: 2 more pregnant minors who were raped were denied Ohio abortions

    61. Two Ohio children who became pregnant due to rape were forced to leave the state for care

    62. Two Ohio women with cancer are not allowed to terminate their pregnancies nor can they get cancer treatment while pregnant

    63. Three Ohio women whose fetuses have severe abnormalities or conditions that make a successful pregnancy impossible cannot get abortions


    OP-ED: Abortion bans actually deter women from having babies

    64. Patient with wanted pregnancy was diagnosed with cancer but was told the doctor would not provide an abortion until she was on the cusp of death due to the law

    65. Patient suffering miscarriage with vomiting and pain was denied treatment and went to another hospital which made her wait three days for an ethics committee to decide her case


    Teen girl denied medication refill under AZ’s new abortion law

    66. Minor with debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis was denied a life-saving prescription because of Arizona's new abortion law


    Can rape victims access abortion in Mississippi? Doctors, advocates say no.

    67. Due to concerns about prosecution, no doctors in Mississippi say that they would perform an abortion on a rape victim

    68. Woman experiencing miscarriage was asked to prove she was having a miscarriage in order to obtain the medicine her doctor prescribed


    Some women say they’re having trouble getting prescriptions filled because of Georgia abortion law

    69. Pharmacy requires additional information from doctor to provide woman with drug she had been receiving from them for years

    70. Many members (but only women) of a healthy living foundation are reporting they are being asked to provide additional information for existing prescriptions.


    Woman With Severe Chronic Pain Was Denied Medication for Being ‘Childbearing Age’

    71. Woman was denied medication for a painful chronic condition that had previously caused her to consider suicide because she was of childbearing age


    Some Abortion Bans Put Patients, Doctors at Risk in Emergencies

    72. Doctors report seeing treatment for ectopic pregnancies being stalled until they rupture and become life-threatening; people with broken water and fetal parts stuck in their ***** sent home until fetal demise or the patient ends up in the ICU


    Abortion bans complicate access to drugs for cancer, arthritis, even ulcers

    73. After 20 years of trying to conceive, Tennessee woman decided to get sterilized after her doctor told her it was the only way she could stay on her current treatment for rheumatoid arthritis


    Kentuckians demand control over their bodies as doctors navigate abortion law gray areas

    74. Physician's assistant refuses to fill medicine or patient experiencing miscarriage because they did not want their name on the order.

    75. Kentucky sees surge in people seeking sterilization after Dobbs decision


    Chattanooga doctor sends pregnant patient to North Carolina for abortion

    76. A pregnant patient in Tennessee was experiencing a dangerous pregnancy but her doctor had to send her out of state for treatment. The doctor herself is now moving out of the state


    Texas Woman Nearly Loses Her Life After Doctors Can't Legally Perform an Abortion: 'Their Hands Were Tied'

    77. Texas Woman whose water broke at 18 weeks but doctors refused to treat her until she developed sepsis three days later. Her condition was bad enough that friends and family rushed to her bedside, fearing she was dying.


    Stories of the consequences of Dobbs

    78. Multiple stories of the consequences of abortion bans (some may already have been included in the list, so I'm just including the video as one item)


    Missouri Woman Denied Emergency Abortion Called a State Senator for Help. He Sent Her to an Anti-Abortion Clinic.

    79. Missouri woman's water broke at 17 weeks and the fetus was non-viable but doctors refused to treat her. She had to travel out of state for care


    What Happens When Doctors Don’t Learn How to Do Abortions?

    80. Ohio woman's water broke too early and the pregnancy was non-viable. Doctors had to wait hours to treat her. Even then, the resident at the hospital had never performed the procedure due to the state's ban


    A Young Victim Of ***** Was Denied An Abortion In Florida And Forced To Travel For Care, Planned Parenthood Said

    81. A child victim of ***** was denied an abortion in Florida and was forced to travel out of state for treatment

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  18. 1 minute ago, aristocrat said:

    the mental gymnastics of not charging someone who had more than 200 times more illegal info is very funny to me. Not to mention the fact that as a president he could have de classified these documents which Hillary couldn’t. 

    feds knew they had nothing so they leak they were looking for nuclear secrets to make him look guilty and justify their search to the general public and rubes like you. It’s wild to see

    Hey, here’s a fun idea. Read the actual statutes and then read the FBI’s statement about Hillary and then apply the facts of both cases to the statutes. 

  19. 1 minute ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Ja, I don’t recall folks suggesting what Biden did was criminal, or impeachment-worthy.  The argument imo is that while Trump was being hounded for all sorts of issues that were reported on a second or third hand basis (something that continues to this day), Biden oafishly brags about shaking down an ally to bend them to his will.   The larger point was that what happens everyday in Washington establishment circles suddenly became a major national crisis that stunned insiders. 

    I agree with you about the establishment version of Biden’s actions, and the preposterous take that his son and his good fortune were completely incidental to the big picture. 

    Bottom line….family members riding the coattails of their powerful relatives and getting special treatment is nothing new at all.  Rs,Ds, Is all do it.  

    Ok, so I literally just laid out why this is wrong and also not what the Left is saying but you went with a straw man anyway because it makes you feel good or whatever. 

    At this point, I can’t tell if the Trumpists here are just acting in bad faith or have serious reading comprehension problems. 

  20. 14 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

    That’s the Establishment narrative…And the Establishment stretches across the entire West, not just America…


    In 2015 The Guardian rated Ukraine the most corrupt nation in Europe…https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2015/feb/04/welcome-to-the-most-corrupt-nation-in-europe-ukraine


    That was roughly the same time the prosecutor was investigating corruption in the country, including Burisma, where Hunter Biden was on the Board (without any knowledge of the oil industry, I might add)


    Biden withholding the money wasn’t because the prosecutor was “pro corruption”, as the Establishment would want us to believe…But rather because an investigation by the prosecutor posed a threat to the business dealings that the Bidens, and the Western Establishment, in general, had going on in a corrupt Ukraine…



    It’s the establishment narrative because it’s the truth. You are taking small bits of facts (Biden got the prosecutor fired and Hunter worked for Burisma) and connecting them with falsehoods. 


    Ukraine had a ton of corruption but their prosecutor wasn’t doing much about it. The Obama administration and our European Allie’s wanted Shokin gone so that someone could come in and actually prosecute corruption. 

    At that time, Hunter was not under investigation so removing the prosecutor would have no impact on him. If anything, it would increase the chances he would be investigated. 

    Hunter seems like a real piece of crap,  and if he broke the law he should pay for it, but this narrative about the Ukrainian prosecutor has no basis in reality. 

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