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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. I don’t know how many times I need to say I don’t watch TV news but I also know that you don’t actually understand things and just project your own ignorance, so… cool story, I guess?
  2. Yeah, and that’s a dumb thing to believe. Unless your brain has been pickled by the internet, of course.
  3. The olds don’t realize that time has passed them by. They see stuff like this and don’t get it because they’re not the target audience. They’ve spent their entire lives being catered to by everyone and it’s confusing and angering that it’s not happening anymore.
  4. How are the death rates now? Seems to be quite a bit lower than when he took office. Do you think Biden should have pushed more for staying at home and mask mandates?
  5. I am sorry cognition is such a problem for you. Perhaps see a real doctor for the issues you’re having understanding very basic concepts.
  6. I hope people are able to evacuate
  7. Buddy, there was such a lack of federal leadership that states were bidding against each other for supplies and some states were trying to bring in resources secretly because the feds kept stealing them. As for the vaccines, it wasn’t until April 2021 that all states had approved vaccinations for people 16 and older. As people are getting vaccinated, we see two final spikes and then the numbers drop significantly. Operation Warp Speed was a huge success but MAGA has walked away from it because they want more diseases now. Are you actually a doctor? Please say no.
  8. Trump was president for about a year during COVID while Biden was president for several years. Hard to imagine people believing the first part of this graph was good:
  9. Why is the linear nature of time so confusing for some people?
  10. I appreciate that and trying to understand what MAGA people are thinking is a big reason why I come to PPP. I believe they genuinely believe things like him caring about working class Americans. It’s an interesting study in cognitive dissonance. MAGA = juche
  11. I hope to God you’re not a real doctor
  12. Thankfully, 81 million Americans recognized the truth and ended Trump’s disastrous term. Now we just gotta work hard and keep that idiot out of the White House again
  13. There’s someone near my neighborhood in Chicago that has a Cybertruck and every time I see it, I do a double take. Ridiculous vehicle.
  14. Man, you’re really drinking the juche, huh?
  15. Very odd that the hurricane machine only seems to work during hurricane season
  16. Well, since he decided to wake up at 5:30 again, I suppose I have some time to answer this. (Seriously, this routine is getting a bit old. I’d like to be able to sleep in until at least 6…) It’s mostly the internet, especially social media. When people see something that confirms their priors, they reflexively want to believe it. There’s no need to investigate further if it feels right. When I see them post stuff that looks really bad for the Dems, I don’t want to believe it, but the Dems are not perfect or universally good, so it could be true. So I often look into it to see if it’s actually true. With the stuff on PPP, it is rarely actually true. Which is why I’ve been dropping a lot of their debunked lies in the “Is Biden Dead?” thread. Also, I think a big part of it is that the world is complicated. Instead of recognizing that it is chaotic and uncaring, it’s comforting to believe someone is in charge, even if they are someone you oppose. It gives an explanation as to why things are the way they are, why maybe you’re not as successful as you thought you’d be, and it can give you purpose: you’re the rebel fighting against the evil empire. The real truth: that there’s no “them” or (((them))) or uniparty pulling the strings behind the scenes means that there is no greater purpose they are fighting for / against. That their life is the way that it is because of luck and their own actions. That’s a scary thought to some.
  17. Around 5:30am. The little one is having a bit of sleep regression.
  18. 74 million Americans voted for him in 2020 during some of the worst parts of the pandemic he was bungling. Even though Biden crushed Trump in the popular vote, he only won by about 43,000 votes across three states in the electoral college. That’s about 0.03% of all votes cast. Trump is more popular now than he was then. This is a coin flip race.
  19. Oh look, NC Republicans think the MAGA posters on PPP are a big problem:
  20. "Everything I don't like is fake news!" -MAGA
  21. Biden's not dead, he's just been traveling back in time 40 years to start allowing murderers into the country bit by bit so that there will be 13,000 in the country by the end of his first term.
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