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Mountain Man

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Everything posted by Mountain Man

  1. Yes it does. The resale ticket market was the worst its been in many years and the worst by far for any of the London games last year, as well as the Jags game being the slowest seller on initial sales They are in the sense they have little relation to the number of people who actually attended
  2. Yeah, makes sense. I think it's 80 something percent of total. With the CBA negotiation. I can see front loading contracts for the likes of Dawkins and Milano to give flexibility in the future
  3. Attendance figures are meaningless. Even if the seat is empty it counts as as attendee if they sell a season ticket for it. Touts lost a fortune on the Jags game as the tickets were selling for less than 10 quid on game day. They were struggling to give them away
  4. If they are both at Wembley it's a seriously risky move. It's risking a poor attendance. Spurs will sell out regardless, but 2 Jags games at Wembley given the Dublin game is risky. I know a number of people dumping London this year already because of the Irish game
  5. I think that's the thing. There are as you say a lot of Jags fans. Probably top 10 best supported if you use the unscientific jersey count method. But I don't think we seeing the growth you did 5 years ago and certainly you are seeing a shift amongst neutrals. It's notable how now the Jags game is always the easy game to get tickets for
  6. So clearly we have a difference of opinion. For me, the backlash against the Jags is obvious. Previously at Wembley they got the neutral support, in the last 2 or 3 years that has clearly swung against them. This year the Jags game was a very one sided crowd against the Jags. Furthermore if you look at the NFL's UK social media. You see a huge and growing hostility. People are sick of having the Jags pushed on the UK fan base and told to love them. No doubt, since their 1st trip the Jags have benefitted from London. Having gone from a bottom 3rd supported team, to a fringe top 10. But they have reached saturation point, the marketing is causing more damage than good.
  7. For all his faults. The one thing I won't question with Allen is his drive and desire to win. Its as obvious as any player in the league. Which makes that move pointless. It wouldn't motivate him any more than he already is
  8. It was better than expected but I can't see it surviving. Some of the new novelty elements will become annoying real fast, like the interviews. And the better ones the NFL will quickly take. Whilst it's good to watch football. The standard was terrible If there is any sign of success, the NFL will create its own feeder league, that they control. They won't let the XFL succeedc
  9. The fact I live in the UK and am a season ticket holder for the Wembley games and have been for years.
  10. The biggest problem in London is 99.9% of fans have a team already. Just putting one in the city doesn't automatically mean fans will give up long held loyalties to support it
  11. The Houston uniforms look smart
  12. That's worked, same as kick offs. The clock rules haven't (its still been a 3 hour game) . Nor has the soft calling of things like Offside
  13. These clock rules are stupid. Just keeping it running regardless outside of 2 minutes will make comebacks far far harder Most are current college ones
  14. That's how soccer stadiums are designed.
  15. I'd understand if they did a sneak and let him leap the pile
  16. When you have 50 thousand opposition fans in the NFL's multi billion dollar palace they won't have a choice. You also have to play in the mood of London fans, which is far more anti Jags than the media would like US fans believe
  17. Yeah, maybe that's pushing it. I do think it's a case of a bad team vs bad team. Which means an equal matchup. Its why I watch random FCS games. Entertainment value
  18. It is. Its not very good though. The refereeing has been a joke, and some of the footballing basics have been shocking. A half decent college team would beat both teams easily
  19. It won't be the Jags moving to London. It'll be the Chargers. Its the obvious way out their LA mess
  20. Back to back penalties for the Bills A couple of years ago. He was drafted with Ray Ray in the 7th. Did nothing.
  21. Whichever team knows how to actually tackle will win the League.
  22. Multiple significant kicks from over 50 in known wind conditions.
  23. By your definition. Not by mine.
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