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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Was Bosa literally unblocked on every Peterman INT? Maybe, therein lies the agreement to sabotage Peterman. Easy to agree to just let one certain guy roam free in the backfield.
  2. I think "lightly shitposting" would be more appropriate... No, I don't think there was a conspiracy against Peterman. But, I won't discount the possibility one one having existed. Are you discounting the possibility? *Also, the one post you responded to regarding "joking" literally had a Leslie Neilson gif in it. Come on, man!!!
  3. Idk, man. The way Tyrod was running around with his helmet on, it seems like he might have known what was up. I mean, Peterman was not even finished dropping back when some of these guys were let in. Sure it happened to Tyrod, but not on every play.
  4. You mean the guy running around like a fruitcake with his helmet on? It certainly looks like there may have been an agreement between some players. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
  5. So, players never purposefully suck when they don't agree with a coaches decision?
  6. Did the Bills OL purposefully sabotage Peterman? Or, are they really that bad? No, Mills just kind of didn't block him.
  7. If I had to bet, I bet on the Bills' OL just being that bad. But, part of me can't shake the feeling that as a result of TT being benched some players didn't play as well as they could have. I mean, I don't think that was the case, I just have a feeling it might have been.
  8. Wow, I was joking. Sorry, if you were not able to pick up on that. I thought the gif and the fact I said I was joking would have given it away. That said, EJ is horrid and Tuel was not much worse (if worse than EJ at all). Peterman might have been sabotaged by TT loyalists. Who knows? Do you think the coaching staff isn't pissing off players? Trading all the talent and benching the starting QB? I mean, they literally let Bosa come in unblocked. No, I don't think race has anything to do with it, except for in the eyes of retarded or ignorant fans. Below is for real on Peterman? Was he sabotaged, purposefully? Does the Bills OL just suck that much? "He literally didn't bloce me" <--- my favorite part
  9. I want GM: Whaley Coach: McDermott OC: Gailey DC: Shwartz If I had to take one, I'd lean to Schwartz.
  10. I was just joking at Tibs. Though, it would be fun to point out how we ran Orton out of town. Benched Tuel after he outplayed EJ. And, had certain players sabotage Peterman's start. (Especially horrifying) Players need to be held accountable for playing like poop (looking at the especially poop like lines).
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/eight-women-say-charlie-rose-sexually-harassed-them--with-nudity-groping-and-lewd-calls/2017/11/20/9b168de8-caec-11e7-8321-481fd63f174d_story.html?utm_term=.1294c24a0589 Man, when I'm trying to get laid, from now on I'm just going to think, "what would Bob Ross do?" I'm just going to narrate the process like he would a painting.
  12. Do you think the rest of the offense is just that terrible, and they played just as hard as when TT was the QB? It is inarguable that since Whaley the Bills have had shunned white QBs. I'm just pointing out the culture that has been bred.
  13. Yup... It is not like TT has been allowed to take a dump on the field in more than one game this year. Heck, 2 of the last three blow out losses were led TT. That said, I think the problem is in the OL. I mean, do you think the OL let Peterman get lit up because he is a white QB?
  14. Of course it doesn't meant sheet. Also, the correct answer is that mayor chick from puerto rico, IMO. I'd love to see her posted unironically on Time. It'd add to their legacy
  15. http://time.com/5027387/time-person-year-2017-poll-results/ Don't forget to vote for taytay.
  16. You're right. People will do anything for a second of fame.
  17. Good. Getting the ball out fast and keeping the defense off the field will make the Bills look like contendas! At least for a game of two.
  18. Are there any good sources, stories, reports, or videos on the "Bickering Bills?"
  19. Idk, I think the team is better off not playing Tolbert, regardless. With the speed of Peyton Manning and the body of Tony Soprano, I despise this regime's love for that fool.
  20. Man, this guy just doesn't give a ****. Really makes me hate people, more than I already do. http://www.tmz.com/2017/11/16/harvey-weinstein-disguise-dinner-women-arizona/
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