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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Just curious... Could have been a myriad of different folks, he was referring to.
  2. I'd love this. Bernie is the best person to run Quaid against, if comedy and drama is what their going for.
  3. Just more evidence of how useless the faux cowboys and their fanbois really are. When you can come up with something better than "cowboy beat u up" and "me no read" let me know. Until then enjoy the ride...
  4. Man, I really touched a sensitive spot with the faux cowboys here. I mean, keep dressing in your "ceremonial cowboy outfits" while you shop at the "wa'mart." It is perfectly fine with me. However, I really don't think the traditional and antiquated garb is impressive. Quite the opposite. When your best retort is "muh cowboys beat you up" you do nothing but strengthen my point. Just one more bit of anecdotal evidence illustrating what garbage these people really are.
  5. I have a bad feeling we will be getting him. Darnold/Rosen would be best, if we trade up and get him with SF @ #2. That said, it is too early to guess on who they'll pick.
  6. No, faux cowpoke, "diminish" any sort of cowboy legacy the US has. Why would anyone embrace adults dressed up as children? Persons who look more cartoonish and silly than any utility their dress may have... I see no benefit in society condoning these cartoonish and silly people, or any of numales who choose to don silly or cartoonish outfits. May the "muh history" excuse be kept on the civil war reenactment battlefields. No, standing up for cartoonish, silly people is "bad trolling." Of course, I wouldn't put em' in camp, I cant! Neither, can you guys show me how wrong I am about the faux cowboys adding a net detriment to society. Hell, even on the individual level, they are all detriments, from my experience.
  7. You have a point. But, what if I say I picked it up to turn it into the police and it just went off? I mean, the entire case was bad from the beginning, and has a lot more to do with politics than law 1) SF got notification from the feds about a warrant SF had for the guy 2) Warrant was for (misdem) possession of pot 3) SF had no interest in pursuing the charge, just requested he be turned over before the feds deport him 4) Feds honor request 5) SF turns him loose under their "sanctuary" 6) Guy probably steals gun from US agent 7) Guy kills lady after getting the gun he claims to have "found" 8) The killshot was a ricochet off of cement (really throwing murder off the table) 9) Guy is arrested and gets a strong attorney 10) Prior convictions don't come in 11) SF DA is trash and files Murder 1 charges against to guy 12) invol is included, and the DA makes little attempt to press murder charges, despite filing them 13) Guy's stupidity is played up by defense attorney 14) Guy is already homeless, so the curve has already changed 15) Throw in Trump and the current Illegal Alien crap, SF jurors might have had their mind made up I'd like to think the DA was sheet and the defense attorney just beat them, which is probably the case. "That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer..." Who knows? I didn't do enough research to really pass a judgment on the case (I doubt many people who blab about it have). I would like to think that the justice system is better than playing politics regarding this. I doubt it, but I'd like to think so. As such, I wrote "it may have very well been the right decision." A true and accurate description unless I am shown otherwise. Idk, if SF purposefully requested the guy be turned over to them on an erroneous warrant, then freed to guy, I'd say there might be civil ramifications against the city. It'd be fun to watch fail.
  8. Man, I am going to be entering a JCVD weekend. You no curse JCVD!!!! Nothing wrong with being comfortable. High post count doesn't mean sheet. Further, he was right in calling out the numale, who was hyperventilating about a joke. Obviously, if I was king of the planet I would just put faux cowpokes in internment camps to harvest food, like real cowpokes. I mean, since yall put so much money into your outfits... Oh, chemical castration, too. People who wear big hats because their heads are too small ought to be removed from the genepool, somehow. Do you suggest a big gay pile? Do you think it'd work? But, am I wrong about the world being a better place without faux cowpokes?
  9. Nope, that's why it is ironic to me. Homeless Illegal Alien finds gun under pier, picks it up, and it accidentally discharges. Gotta find evidence otherwise.
  10. Ironically, civil court is where the justice will be dealt. This decision is pretty bad for the City of San Francisco. It may have very well been the right one, though.
  11. Dude, you know you want to go get that hat... Your Internet pride is stopping you. Sad! What Would Trump Do?
  12. I think your [sic] smart enough to be bothered by the fact you misused the word. Some blah, blah, blah: "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster." Also, don't threaten me with you waddling over to "muh stetson" in order to prove you "ain't no brainlet." I mean, don't PROVE IT!!!
  13. No, I just hate faux cowboys and crazy people who tend to wear em'. I mean, I am sure there are some normal people who wear cowboy stuff, I have just yet to find one the world would not be a better place without. I simply have not dealt with enough manbun/yoga pants guys to make the leap to throwing em' off a cliff. But, faux cowpokes are a net detriment to society. While I'm on the subject of purging, those who don't know the difference between "then" and "than" ought to be purged as well. Literal brainlets:
  14. Then* Also, yes. The !@#$s in cowboy hats need to be purged from the genepool, not just congress.
  15. I had the Bills getting 7 wins this season. I'm sticking by that prediction.
  16. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2017/11/28/angela-lansbury-talks-sexual-harassment-women-must-sometimes-take-blame/900780001/ Tough old bird. Seems to agree with a few posters here. The real question is, "Would you rattle her bones, today?"
  17. Claiming to be a minority in order to get a job is pretty ****ty Giving a person a job because of their race/ethnicity is very ****ty Getting a job based on lying about minority status is pretty ****ty Becoming a virtue signaling hypocritical face of the Democratic Party is pretty ****ty Calling the garbage lady out for her **** is pretty pricelesss Trump looks like a little bit of a turd when he does this, but Pocahontas gets exposed for some VERY REAL **** every time Trump does it. Trump did crap like this to Weiner, too. Pocahontas is in good company.
  18. I think Denver drafts high and picks a QB. This draft is going to be interesting.
  19. Agreed. It is easy to hate the villains, but when the trolling is that effective, you gotta respect it. Such a dick move.
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