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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I hate to agree... But, the Buffalo teams cannot allow these types of malicious hits, regardless of what the NHL/NFL does.
  2. I don't care, if AL elects Moore, the conservatives lose credibility. Sucks to lose a Senate seat this way, but !@#$ that !@#$.
  3. I have been getting flamed for saying this since the Balls were in Chino raping the HS leagues, but the middle one is not very good. And, the youngest is the best, by far. As easy as it is to rag on the guy, he did an awesome job raising 3 NBA quality boys. Surprised the guy hasn't started his own basketball camp.
  4. I member the Tritons!!! San Clemente High was also the setting for the movie "Brick." If the Bills get Darnold, I might cry.
  5. You know, the only thing that has kept me watching is not the Bills, but their fans. Bills fans need to cheer for each other, not the team. We'd be happier on Sunday. Haha.
  6. The refs are slowly making me lose interest in Foosball.
  7. So, Tre wasn't hurt enough for you? But, both instances had player (a) hit player (b) with an intent to cause severe bodily harm. Both instances happened outside the scope of the game. Player (b) was injured on both played. Both plays had player (a) land a blow from behind, which drove the head of player (b) into the ground/surface. It is not harder to make Gronks hit seem worse when one points out that the hit happened while play had ceased. Gronk also used a brace as a weapon. AND, Tre was already on the ground when Gronk launched. I suppose the only valid argument you have is the extent of the two injuries, as Tre only got a concussion and didn't have his neck fractured... You are aware that criminal charges can, and should be brought, against Gronk, regardless of Tre ONLY having suffered a concussion.
  8. Lmao, what a load of crap. It was because it happened maliciously and outside the scope of the game.
  9. That guy got a criminal charge, no? The incident resulted in injuries so severe that they ended Moore's professional hockey career, and they also resulted in criminal assault charges against Bertuzzi. A civil lawsuit was also launched against Bertuzzi and his team, the Canucks. Later, on August 19, 2014, it was reported the civil trial ended with all parties agreeing to a confidential settlement. -wiki
  10. I think you're missing the point that no football was being played when Gronk did his thing.
  11. Bertuzzi got criminal charges for his hit on Moore, I believe. Certainly, not out of the realm.
  12. From what I heard. Scott got 1 season (NHL strike nullified) and 20 game suspension, from the NHL. Settled a civil case for an undisclosed sum. Got community service from criminal court. And, ended up basically being forgiven by the hockey world very quickly. I was just using that hit as an example of how bad things can get when you hit someone from behind and drive their head into the ground. Ended Moore's career. Doing **** like that has ended more than just careers. Interestingly, Gronks "excuse" was to blame the refs.
  13. The race card would make potential fallout entertaining. Hope it doesn't happen and Gronk gets his... I just think his running start is considered. I mean, he did a hop step before he launched all his weight at the back of Tre's head/neck. A seriously dangerous spot to hit like that. Remember the hockey player, for the Avs I think, who had his career ended on a dirty hit from behind and driving his head to the ice. Bertuzzi/Moore hit.
  14. I can't help it. This is pretty frustrating. Gronk injuries Tre on one of the dirtiest hits the NFL has ever seen. Bills get 15yd penalty. God, I hate the Pats and the refs. Getting closer to taking a break from the NFL for a few years.
  15. The big difference is the status of the players. Sad truth. I do think the NFL won't do enough, even though this could have resulted in worse than just a concussion.
  16. I feel similar, but I doubt many outside of Buffalo fans will.
  17. Jim mcmahon and ???? Martin. The gif doesn't do the play justice. This article claims it to be the dirtiest hit in NFL history. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/thirty-years-ago-bears-packers-featured-the-dirtiest-hit-in-nfl-history-102016%3famp=true
  18. Is the Gronk hit at the same level of severity as this one? 1) Well after play 2) player (a) not looking 3) intent to injure 4) actual injury
  19. Russ Brandon is. I don't care what some people say, that guy is the snake behind more than is admitted.
  20. It has been the attitude in Buffalo for a while. It is like the trams don't know when to react with retaliatory violence. You threaten the well-being of one of my teammates, in such a fashion, I'd be getting a suspension as I got my ass beat by Gronk. I remember the Ryan Miller injury, to a Boston player (I think), where the team just accepted it. I mean, !@#$ the league. If they don't do anything, you gotta sometimes take matter into your own hands.
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