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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. This one was bad; imagine if the victim was black. The news would have actually talked about it, as this murder* was worse than most of the ones folks rioted about.
  2. http://www.tmz.com/2017/12/07/mesa-police-involved-shooting-bodycam-philip-brailsford-not-guilty-daniel-shaver/ Really, I usually give the police the benefit of the doubt, but... If I was king of the planet, the whole police department responsible for this would join the the faux cowboys in my Unit 731 remake.
  3. We've already rounded em' up in Israel and decided to let the Arabs solve the problem...
  4. Ahaha... So, you're saying westerndecline has a chance?
  5. I edited my post after you quoted, but before you posted. I felt like that because he treats you like he wants to get into your pants.
  6. Okay, I am not sure why him saying "touche" made my brain make some sort of connection, but it did. Who knows? *Every time he replies to you is different than how he talks to everyone else.
  7. !@#$ you Indian people, you got laches! Kind of racism is this?
  8. Man, now you're just being racist against newbies.
  9. The Nazis were the conquered people, if I recall correctly. What do you think about the Indian people's American settlements? Is America rightfully theirs, and does that mean it is morally okay for them to genocide the rest of us? Have fun calling everyone a racist.
  10. I see things from a military perspective. Group A lost to group B, period. I am sorry you choose feels over reals, and hope you find your handles.
  11. Why are you so emotional about the subject? I say emotional because you abandoned logic or reason pages ago in order to label others various derogatory terms. Shitposting or not, look out for yourself.
  12. But, what about the Muslims forcing the Jews out of the surrounding states? Further, peoples have been conquered and relocated for "decade after decade Century after century." I believe the Muslim folks in that region should be recognized as a conquered people and leave an area they stole from the Byzantines, Christians, and joos (while attempting to create their own bigoted state). I am happy Trump finally took a **** on this stupid Palestinian loving fad. Hoping this is the first of many to come. I mean, I prefer to have historical landmarks and structures nit be destroyed by a religion wrought with extremists in the Middle East.
  13. Could an outsider, like Trump, even get elected 15-20 years ago? Social media and mass communication have their own effects.
  14. Hillary? What about Bush? Obama? I think people underestimate the effect Trump's lack of prior government experience has on the swamp. He was elected as anti-establishment and folks are wondering why the establishment seems to have a problem with him?
  15. Peterman will tear it up and this board will have to put up with SaviorPeterman for the next 20 yearz... https://media.giphy.com/media/xT39D9xsA7sRUqUDu0/giphy.gif
  16. They are Internet dating aps. It can be easy to get free love via those. They have been blamed for an increase in STDs.
  17. bull ****... It is called Tinder, Bumble, etc.
  18. I hope he doesnt. It is getting past the point where I really empathize with some of these "victims." I don't like the guy's politics, but this is just stupid.
  19. I wonder if folks don't want to admit via a poll that they are voting for Moore. Or, the polling is just not covering the same regions in Alabama. I think it is the former, but this is one of the hardest races to predict, but if I had to bet I'd say Moore wins. Yeah, I have grown so sick of so much of the media, these days. Are there any outlets that don't express political bias constantly? I mean, I miss the days where the media strived to appear neutral.
  20. Stop... It subtracts from a conversation when people act like one side has more degenerates than the other. Further, I'm not sure he even wins.
  21. If I had time I am sure I could find more specific references, but I seem to remember, whether legitimate or not, hearing claims that Trump supported a vote for Moore. I know I remember hearing other reports of cons supporting Moore, I just don't remember the specific who/when/how. I agree, I am just referring to this specific instance.
  22. Alabama conservatives* Still, it is such an important seat you are seeing conservatives outside Alabama endorse the guy, despite the allegations. Those conservatives do represent other districts. Though I tend to agree with you, an argument could be made regarding the sacrifice of morality in exchange for power/control would tarnish plenty of conservatives outside of Alabama.
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