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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I don't think removing or keeping NN will. The article you referenced did conclude that the removal may force localities to allow more ISP options. I do agree that this shouldn't be a left v. right issue. Honestly, I think most folks opining about this have zero clue what the effects will really be. I mean, this is above my pay grade. But, I hadn't heard anything from the pro-removal folks that would convince me the removal would be a good thing (outside of the forcing localities to allow more ISP options).
  2. I know it really may seem like it isn't a problem for other folks when you have options but it is. Albeit a first world problem and hard to empathize with. It is really part of why I dislike the localities and their throttling of ISP options. Seriously, I remember when I lived in Palm Springs there was at least one company who had been trying to install wireless towers but had been denied for years. Their service was better than the Verizon DSL and at like 30/mo. The two options being Comcast (good, reliable, and a bit pricey) and Verizon DSL (complete crap, but priced at like $40/mo plus feeeeeees). There are certainly issues with people given 2 options, with one being DSL and the other being cable. Do you really think Verizon or ATT is going to lay line (outside of business areas) when wireless is taking over at such a rate? Who knows? Maybe, removing NN will force people to put pressure on the crooks in their local government to allow new building. But, there certainly is are problems when DSL carriers claim they provide serviceable Internet access. Maybe for the AOL days, but not anymore, which is why I really am not sure if it should count as a "second option."
  3. When Palm Springs and beach cities of the OC are the middle of nowhere... Dude, come on now.
  4. I have ATT and Cox as choices. ATT is DSL only. I was getting lIke .7MBPS download speed and they said it was the best they had. Cellular and satellite services are insanely expensive or not available (house in side of large mountain/hill. So, I am left with Cox, if I want to use the Internet like the rest of the world. Whatever happened to that 400 billion the ISPs got for fiber infrastructure?
  5. I need to do the Linux thing... Windows is ****, the more I think about how much of my ram/cpu it is now using compared to when I first bought my comp. And, the bulk of the usage is Windows "upgrade" crap. "To make Windows better." I really do think those two issues are pretty huge. Suprised others even care.
  6. This is actually vastly more important than NN. GREASE !@#$ers are literally jacking up the prices and taking bribes.
  7. I don't go to Starbucks, ha! Also, as to the bold text, source? It seemed to me like they stopped years before.
  8. The whole "data plan" thing is a pretty weak argument, IMO. I mean, everyone can also get satellite Internet, too. It is just insanely expensive if one were to use it in the same way people use traditional ISPs. You're really telling people that they can pay 10x the price, if they want the ability to choose. Fact is, some people can't afford it. Paying 10x to use a different channel of interstate commerce is akin to using an interstate toll road to get to work. I really think you're reaching too far down the toilet to make your argument. Exactly...
  9. I heard this on the radio. https://www.google.com/amp/s/arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/08/us-broadband-still-no-isp-choice-for-many-especially-at-higher-speeds/%3famp=1 The article states differently, but still a high enough percentage to question this repeal.
  10. Thanks, still doesn't change my mind much, outside of the argument that removing the regulations will for localities to allow more ISPs. This is a YUGE problem, IMHO. I really don't know why localities prevent new ISPs from entering the market. I find it disgusting, really. The question is, "why do localities do such things?" If removing NN forces localities to allow more infrastructure building, then a compelling argument has been made, for me at least.
  11. Competitive? Like 50% of households only have 1 ISP as an option... I guess, Id have to side with 83% of the American people and simply stand against this repeal.
  12. Can any supporters of removing net neutrality tell me why it is a good thing? I'm beat, sorry.
  13. Yeah, them things ain't cheap. That said, when you get a 10k rebate on some of the setups then they get reasonable. But, most people don't have the money, regardless. I mean, I wish I had a Tesla.
  14. Bill Handle was talking this morning about per tire tax being next, haha. If it can be taxed, California will find a way.
  15. He was never a "bigot" until he ran as a Republican. Continual beating of that drum only works when someone is actually a bigot. Honestly, Alabama is the first state that made me realize how many racists were the darkest of blue. "Blah, blah, blah, we hate the rich and ni...... Democrats for life!" Just letting you know.
  16. You have no clue what you're talking about regarding Alabama and racism. There are a lot of racists in both parties.
  17. Nope. His best option, for a long political life, would be to convert to a RINO.
  18. The police need to hold themselves to a certain standard. Murdering a Marine father, as he finished his morning walk with his two daughters, at my old HS, ought be punished. It is justice in the way that Marines handed the OC police some retribution. At least I'd like to think God had a helping hand in delivering the justice. *It is something I don't think a lot of the police apologists understand. and I am one to an extent. People, tribal or otherwise (notice how Ivanka Trump used the word "otherwise correctly and the only thing I saw in the media was how others made fun of her bc of it. Man, that bugged.), will seek justice. It is not true, it is true, but life finds a way... **People are gonna sentence this guy. The social media trolls are doxing. I am really suprised at this weird form of white people riot. Seriously, if he kills himself, I wouldn't be suprised.
  19. Yeah, there have been a few killings by cops that made me want to see the police station burn. It really sucks that just select black guys getting killed have really made the news. Hearing Kelly Thomas cry out for his father as he was being beaten to death really made me choke up. Marine Sergeant Loggins being killed in front of his two daughters made me wish to God some justice would come via a renegade vigilante Marine. I guess, Dorner did kill a couple of them, but in a Karma-like manner. One Marine repaid the favor a few fold. Black guy who was shot after telling the cop he had a concealed gun is another one, but that got news attention. This killing of a man crying and begging for his life really is infuriating. In sum, I was cheering for Dorner until the moment the cops tried to burn him to death and he killed himself.
  20. There is a reason why they have internal affairs or inspector generals. Collusion happens less often that way.
  21. Just pointing out the fact that they have ironically and effectually been "rounded up."
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