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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Lmao, I have seasons, behind the visiting teams bench. I love the Rams. #2 team. No shame here. But, I pray to God the Bills injure the **** out of the Pats, I pray they win the game, and I pray Gronk sees his retribution. I pray for many things, but I don't see many of those prayers answered. So, !@#$ you, man.
  2. I doubt it. There should be considering the circumstances, but I doubt it. Maybe, I should ask "Are the Buffalo sports teams the biggest punks in the NFL?" That said, Hughes gets 2 worthless 15 yards. A rondo player gets 1 worthless 15 yarder against Gronk (zero damage, zero effect). Gronk gives White another quality dirty hit, one 15 yarder. Refs error in favor of being ****, as usual. Bills lose, as usual.
  3. Meanwhile, the refs won't flag anything the Pats do, cause mah revenue. I mean, at some point the NFL will lose.
  4. You could always try and put the Palestinians on Reservations, like the Native Israelis they are... Casino Hezbollah!!!
  5. My bad it was just the moving of the embassy. The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, was what I was talking about. But, the writing was pretty much on the wall, IMO.
  6. SecState Tillerson has a personnel problem in his Department, which could be ameliorated with a few high-profile firings — so why won’t he? . I mean, isn't there a law that the US officially recognizes Jerusalem as the capital? The only reason it wasn't is bc that law's implementation was continually delayed by the executive.
  7. There should just be a massive thread for all this sexual harassment stuffs. Anyway, not Hollywood but close to, and a good judge. Just a bad sophomoric sense of humor. I wonder when men are going to push back on ticky-tac claims. http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-judge-alex-kozinski-20171218-story.html RIP Honorable Alex Kozinski
  8. Benghazi was a problem when the administration lied and sent an innocent guy to prison, trying to make him a scapegoat. I mean, the rest could have been written off as poor strategy (even though the administration ignored cries for help, or so it seemed). I think the weaponization of the IRS, Intel community, and foreign agents by the Obama administration was far worse on a ethical/moral platitude. Do you think they get one now?
  9. 1) I am for legalization of most drugs, with still penalties to anyone that allows kids to consume, duis, etc. 2) This is horrific considering the positions the Federal Government has taken on drugs, the amount of people who have die as a result of this interference, and the lack of media attention this will get. Again, I don't think their will be any significant fallout from this, but there should be.
  10. I don't think you're right, but I hope you are.
  11. Exactly, especially when those organizations are colluding with a Presidential administration, foreign entities, and wealthy civilians in order to attack politically opposing parties/people. This is far worse than the media portrays, IMO. That said, I don't see the swamp being harmed, except for maybe a couple of fall guys. Again, I am amazed at the lack of attention this matter gets.
  12. Yeah, they're gonna face enough lawsuits to prevent this from happening for at least a month. Not that this adds anything to the debate. But, neither do crappy maymays.
  13. I think Lynch hurts the team. Good player, just not a good fit for the Raiders offense.
  14. Doesn't crap that seems like it should lead to arrests never lead to arrests when **** like this is leaked first? Idk, it has been so long since a real arrest.
  15. What it is, and what the fallout is, are two different things.
  16. I am amazed people worship these guys like they do. I wonder why some people assert Obama was perfect or scandal free. I wonder if they just do it to be ironic or embellish. I wonder what the fallout from this will be. Probably, just more feather ruffling.
  17. There has to more to this, IMO. Maybe, allegations or incidents we don't know about.
  18. Preparing for the playoff miss now...
  19. I'm just repeating the arguments I have heard from both sides. If you care to refute them, then please do. With that the people have redress. When I'm stuck with just Cox as an ISP, then I'm pretty much !@#$ed. And, how will this affect the dark webs/proxies?
  20. I'm not so sure that is the argument. The government is still going to control the Internet (no illegal content like ISIS crap or kid porn for example). Anyways, I have seen multiple people claim that the Internet could be bundled, like cable. Where people have to pay for 100 channels they don't want. ISPs throttling speeds of individuals, in order to get them to pay more for the use of these new internet toll roads. What scares me most is the possibility that I'll be forced to let the ISPs control what information I get. Corporations could literally force propaganda on people by controlling this information. Imagine being forced to get your news strictly from FOX or MSNBC. As it is, I think cable news is 95% worthless crap. So, tell me why that won't happen.
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