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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Not on the flix, but Snowfall is pretty fun to watch, if you grew up in the 70s-90s. It really does a good job at capturing old school LA. Marco Polo and Black Mirror for Netflix shews.
  2. Church, beach, gym, alcohol, smoking, sex, fighting... Just a few things people use to help make ****ty times not as ****ty.
  3. Just watch 50 seconds (which is a complete waste out time, outside of seeing how westerndecline may be actually crying for help) of the second video. I still think he is crying for help. Shitposting may be part of his process...
  4. But, he is back with a youtube video... There should be a westerndecline mega-thread where he can put all his posts, haha. Who knows? The guy might be going through some stuff and just needs a place to vent. Lord knows, I'm guilty of that.
  5. I think the Bills will get Mayfield, somehow.
  6. Thanks for the post. Some part of me just wanted to remain ignorant, but I knew I wouldn't.
  7. You should get an account. I think you'd get a lot of self-fulfillment from the service. It'd benefit your mental health.
  8. Pretty accurate. I mean, look at how many threads you have created with constant self-bumping promotion in each of those threads. I bet you change your Facebook profile at least once a month. *Not that it bothers me, or anything. If it makes you feel some sort of self-purpose (like the 60 y/o lady thanking servicemen for their service gettin some sort of feeling of self-purpose), and doesn't hurt anyone, why should I care?
  9. BS for some people. Good manners for some people. Authentic for some people. I personally don't like hearing people say it to me, but I see it just like me saying, "congratulations on your new baby." I really don't !@#$ing care, but I smile and pretend to care. One day I may turn into the old person that replies by telling them that babies are expensive, vagina destroying, cockblocks.
  10. Part of my response is an accurate interpretation of you. (Attention whore) The other part is the reality of the phrase. (It means something to some people, so why be all bitchy about it and point out how it doesn't mean anything to other people?)
  11. Lmao, if you think Russia was the only country involved in trying to influence the past US election, then I feel sorry for you. No, allowing a terrorist organization to sell poison to American Citizens in hopes of earning good boy points from Islamic Extremists is traitorous, treasonous, and just another example of how corrupt the Obama machine was. Chicago Politics on steroids (I mean cocaine).
  12. I think you are thirsty for attention, just like a small child. I myself have never been a fan of the saying, but it makes people feel better about themselves so I roll with it. bull ****? No. Meaningful to some? Sure. Meaningless to some? Sure. Why **** in their Wheaties about it? Because, you're an attention whore.
  13. This game was as much of a joke as the Gronk suspension. I think I'll soon be done with the NFL. Just not worth it.
  14. Reggie Bush, Shawne Merriman, A. Bolden, we're probably worse player signings. Most destructive impact on a team's performance award probably goes to Tolbert. Have been against that acquisition from its inception.
  15. That's not how it works though. One doesn't just break the plane of a first down marker, then pull the ball back, and get given the first down.
  16. What a load of **** "explanation." Benjamin had control long before that fool says he did. He is explaining it like normal people can't tell he freezes the clip well after Benjamin gets control, and then points out Benjamin's foot being off the ground. What a patronizing !@#$. Can this !@#$ explain why the refs gave the Pats a 1st down when the guy broke the plane of the marker aND then pulled the ball back? !@#$ing pathetic refs.
  17. I am close to following suit. Just not worth the frustration for me anymore. At least NE got penalized once, right? This game is beyond hokey.
  18. Refs are complete trash. NFL has become a joke. Gifted the Pats 7 points so far.
  19. Gonna give the Pats the first, erroneously. Runner reached the line, but the runner pulled the ball back, volunteerily. Another, **** call!!!! A majikal first down gifted to the Pats.
  20. And, another ****ty call in favor of the pats.
  21. Yup, the NFL has turned full WWF.
  22. Well, this is 100% Billsy. Gonna lose the game, players, and respect. I think this year might be my last as an NFL fan.
  23. Well, you haven't paid attention to Buffalo sports for some time...
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