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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Yeah, pretty much hope Harbaugh has a stroke, right now. Our only hope, outside of Dalton catching fire.
  2. Man... Why do they always get my hopes up just to crush them harder?
  3. I have no faith in the Bengals winning, as if they do the Bills will most likely go to the playoffs.
  4. Everyone thought the same thing when we saw Tolbert in the game. "Just don't toss him a short pass, please TT."
  5. But, OP says he predicted it. Made a post in order to brag about his claimed prediction.
  6. I'm suprised you would use the argument that the wall is not cost effective.Do you really think so? *I mean, if I was Trump, I'd make the wall in layers.
  7. I've lived in SoCal for the past 9 years. I see the destruction these sanctuary cities and the limp wristed federal government have caused by endorsing illegal immigration. Massive immigration and cheap labor is the opiote of the rich fat cats.
  8. I think people really try and play down the effectiveness of a wall. Only morons and the willfully ignorant truly think a wall won't help stop illegal aliens from flowing accross. The "baah they will find another way" argument applies to all forms of preventative measures. I hope those making that argument get sent to the pit of misery. I'd also like roving robotic sentries. Drone patrols. Loosened ROE.
  9. "He who despises himself, nevertheless esteems himself thereby, as a despiser." There ought be an award for the best despiser. *Just to be clear, I will despise myself until I find happiness. In no way am I asserting myself as different than other despisers. In fact, I think the vast majority of "happy" people are lairs, both to themselves and others.
  10. And this is an important reminder: FWIW, the ROE under Bush (at least the post Saddam Capture time period) was pretty bad, too.
  11. What a flipping whore. And, she played the race card? This should offend black folks, white folks, Hispanic folks, etc... She must be a democrat, as the media has not made a big deal about this. But, I have seen multiple reports on Christy Teegan, who I am quickly learning to hate for more than just her inability to understand how to use the word "otherwise."
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