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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. 1) Are there any normal images of Mark Davis out there? 2) I am excited to see this feast or famine, whichever it may be. 3) Who does Gruden draft?
  2. Honestly, I really don't think I am versed enough on the subject, though I still lean towards the free flow of information. No, I don't trust private companies or politicians to control that. I want to see it become a First Amendment issue, if the prophetic horror stories come true. In other words, I was happy with the status quo and don't fully understand the whole argument in order to make an assessment of the probability that the horror stories come true. It is a lot more fun to argue with alcoholics...
  3. Or, I vote for who I think is best, and carries with him/her a sense of integrity.
  4. I will. And, campaign and vote for his opposition. I'm not the only poster on here that claims they will, and this is a teeny, tiny sample size. More freedom and less regulation.
  5. I think a lot of the mood altering anti-anxiety drugs are like schedule IV, which is insane on so many levels. This isn't even bringing in alcohol to the argument, which is combined with other intoxicants a lot. When combined with some of those lower scheduled drugs, I imagine the medical consequences are significantly worse than if weed were combined.
  6. I always thought Sessions was just a person pretending to be an idiot... Ohh well, Gavin Newsome for President. I think the Republicans might deserve that, if Trump allows this fool to run amok. And, believe me, Newsome is as close to the antichrist as I have ever seen in politics. When he rains down terror on CA, after he becomes governor, I will just try to enjoy it. Pretty much what you're supposed to do when you're getting raped, said like a bad joke from a politician's mouth... Then again, this could ultimately put pressure on the fed to just legalize the stuff or take back some control from the DEA. I mean, when cocaine is II and weed is I, you have a problem with the system.
  7. To some MINOR extent, I think your correct. However, I think you're giving too much credit to some sort of perceived optimism. Only morons and criminals make business decisions based on mere optimism. It is like the news or pro-Trump folks parading around DOW record highs. I mean, at some point an objective person will see the fact that Trump/Obama were set up for success or disaster, at least to some extent, by their predecessor(s).
  8. Compared to the economy that was taking place before he took power.
  9. So, the instant a politician takes office he is automatically credited with things his predecessor did? No, even democrats argues that Obama was responsible for the "fiscal year" economy. Meaning, Obama deserved credit for the economy until October. I believe, the whole financial crisis of 2008 was deserved and needed. It was a natural consequence of capitalism. Further, I don't even really think Trump deserves credit for the economy, yet. Laws and regulations take a long time to really effect, and have the effects measured. Sinking ship? Hardly. I see it more akin to a ship righting its course. Something that may happen again, in the next few years. Either that, or the dollar will continue to be devalued at an insane rate.
  10. 2009 was a great year for recovery, IMO. To me that is when the economy began to correct itself. Markets jumped, housing prices began to rebound, and more jobs began to appear.
  11. To pretend that the economy didn't do well under Obama is stupid. That said, Obama did inherit a rebounding economy from Bush. We all just tend to attribute the actions of the predecessor to the current politician. And, all current politicians take credit for the good, while blaming the bad on their predecessor. So has the self-interested commission been failing. Inherently, they have a conflict of interest in the scheduling process. The more drugs they schedule the more jobs, money and control they create for themselves.
  12. Keep Taylor, maybe trade him at some point, and draft a QB high. I still think the Bills take Mayfield in the first.
  13. The question is, "What are going to be the consequences of this?" I don't think anything will happen. It is too much of an ingrained way of life and produces way too much tax money for the states that have legalized it. Real political suicide, IMO. It is not like the hardliner anti-pot folks will ever vote Democrat (in any significant number). However, there are plenty of centrists and libertarians who voted for Trump, and Trump expressly stated it should up to the states.
  14. Idk, it could also be a tightening of power by the Mullahs, ultimately. I do hope youre right, but like the whole Obama endorsing the selling/trafficking of drugs to Americans in exchange for Hezbollah favors, I doubt anything happens.
  15. Everyone is pretty sure you did it on purpose. It is just more fun if you didnt. I think it was simply funny, intentional or not. Only you know the thruths.
  16. I hope youre right, but I doubt they lose power. If they did, I wonder how much that historical accomplishment will be attributed to Trump.
  17. I think everyone knew it was just a freudian slip/ Honestly, it was pretty funny, man.
  18. Haha, I like her quip about being too famous to be a victim of Harvey. No, she needs to be pushed off a cliff. Dilly, dilly!
  19. http://deadline.com/2018/01/meryl-streep-dustin-hoffman-kramer-vs-kramer-slap-overstepping-the-post-1202235246/ Is this lady really complete trash?
  20. I agree with this guy. I'd like to add, for me personally, 1) I love what he has done in the shithole that is the Middle East. The House of Saud, Israel, Iran (removal of a toothless piece of garbage agreement, which the Iranians laughed at anyway, and removal of gifts to terror states. 2) His tweet about Kim's button is how I think we should play North Korea (diplomacy has not worked at all). I am laughing at all these Twitter warriors bitching about the tweet. I mean, I doubt many of them are aware Clinton lost the biscuit (card with the nuke codes) for months without telling anyone. 3) His use of Twitter in general will change the way Politicains communicate, forever. IMHO. Not the biggest fan, but it does bypass the trash that the media has become over the past few decades. 4) Calling out the NFL, and its Kaepernick washing, was a good thing. Just as bad as Hollywood creating problems where none exist. 5) Pulling out of the Paris Accord took balls. But, it was just a feel good circlejerk, which most countries just laughed at. 6) Actually providing consequence to the UN for its anti-American actions, instead of mere appeasement. 7) Speaking his mind and not taking **** from the media and media trolls (cannot be stated enough). Making the best decisions instead of the most popular ones is something we have not seen in federal government in quite some time.
  21. Well, I think everyone know what the answer is. More state taxes!!!! I see Cuomo is adopting the California model of state sanctioned road theft, I mean tollroads.
  22. Yeah, that is the gamble. I don't feel too comfortable with the backups; you have a point. It's a gamble, but I think he plays.
  23. This draft is just too deep at QB. That said, I really think it'd be a funny but bad trade.
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