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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Honestly, I really don't get the hate for Whaley. That said, I wouldn't give him credit for this years draft, and would put Nix's last draft on him. That is just how I feel about the lame-duck GMs, who are basically replaced before the draft.
  2. Over a million per TD pass. https://www.si.com/mmqb/2017/05/09/nfl-minnesota-vikings-sam-bradford - Earnings $114M+ http://www.nfl.com/player/sambradford/497095/careerstats - Stats TDs 103 INTs 57
  3. Woods at least got paid. He deserves it a lot more than Sammy. At this point, Sammy will ascend to Bradford status one day in regards to being paid for diddly.
  4. Not right now they don't. Right now the DEA controls drug scheduling, which determines the legality of the drugs. And, get this, the executive is in charge of the DEA. I know some of the brain children here think that the legislative is the end all be all. But, the executive was part of making the law creating the whole scheduling process. NOT JUST THE SUPREME CONGRESS. At this point, the legislative is the supreme leader for way too many folks on here.
  5. I mean, the way you guys are arguing it, congress is the only branch of government. Yes, they can rewrite the constitution and have the ultimate power. What a simplistic and nonsensical way of looking at this. Who would win in a power grab? The executive, judicial, or legislative? Why don't you guys argue all your positions down to that worn little peg? You guys are being insanely asinine in the face of how things work. I mean, as it stands now, the executive has this power via the DEA/FDA/DOJ. Hell, even the courts have the power to legalize drugs, if they so choose (just invalidate the laws criminalizing em'). As it stands right now, congress is doing nothing and the DOJ/DEA/FDA are in charge, IMO.
  6. There are multiple issues regarding the trade. Sure it was one issue that I raised, which is a valid issue. There are multiple factors that ought be considered. Consider the advantage the Rams get by having him play his final year of the contract with them. Complete control of his playing time. Maybe enough to keep him wanting to stay, but not enough to allow him to break the bank in his final year. Him being back with Woods. Etc. That said, I do think the Bills got the better end of the deal, but the Rams hardly got fleeced.
  7. We will have to see, IMHO. A competent GM would have foreseen how the scenario would play out and prepared accordingly. Moving down a round, and back a year, may have been worth it. Especially, if they sign Sammy to a team friendly deal. Like with play Peterman argument, they might have made the right decision, but just not have liked the results.
  8. Right now, being the key. I also go onto say they can always take it back by acting, which they aren't gonna. What I am saying is that they have given the power to the DEA. The DEA, which is under the control of the DOJ (executive). I also said that Congress can take back the power by acting, making a law. A law which has not been made. A law which must pass through the legislative AND executive AND the courts. Congress as a little bit of a climb in that department. Sure, they have the power, they always will. But, so do the courts. AND so does the executive (right now).
  9. Oh wait, I said they don't have the power? Nope. I said the DEA does.
  10. Out of context quotes... Man, there is nothing more confusing. You're right.
  11. What the DEA is and the instrument by which it is created are two different things.
  12. Well, you're not wrong, entirely. But, if you had bothered to look through the comments... Maybe contextually, you are. But hey, I don't have a problem with ignorant people stating random facts.
  13. It is always funny when the Constitutional Law Experts turn to political theory when they get smacked in the face by, well, Constitutional Law. There is a difference between the way things are, and the way things ought to be.
  14. I'll just put this down as a nomination for "Flawless Victory of the Year." **no point in arguing Constitutional Law with alcoholics**
  15. He should go to the Giants, ha. What? Sammy walks and they get a conditional 3rd. Really, not that bad.
  16. Yup, the guy is so stupid, it makes me question. His allegations even more. Well, I guess I'm cheering for the rapist to win.
  17. Because the other 30% are not proud... God, these guys need to be gagged. I wonder if these guys are cool with the white racial slurs. Really do. I mean, if I had to wager, I'd say they get thrown around more often than the other way around. Also, notice this guy doesn't say what he claims was said. For all we know, he was called tarter sauce and has taken to the BLMs and SJWs.
  18. Honestly, I have never seen such a rate of interception throws. Really doesn't bode well for him. The plays are insanely predictable when he plays, though too.
  19. Yup, he is in one of the best NFL positions to not get TBI. He is old enough to feel getting old. And, at that age, one more year in the NFL would have to be the decision. I'd wager he returns.
  20. Umm... The power they were given by Congress to control scheduling. "Two federal agencies, the Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), determine which substances are added to or removed from the various schedules, although the statute passed by Congress created the initial listing." Come on here, you guys are making me question myself. Every time I double check elsewhere, it reaffirms my position. I mean, I don't claim that Congress cannot change the power they have give the DEA, but are you people really that unfamiliar with how gubment works? I'm just trying to find the disconnect here.
  21. This stuff annoys the heck out of me. People are going to treat that draft like they treated the Whaley/Nix transition draft. They will apportion the blame to whoever is convenient at the time. Look, this was a McDermott draft. Whaley, like Nix did, had his wings clipped before the draft.
  22. You disappointed more than the other dolts. Sure, congress can TAKE BACK the control they gave away, but it is still not their power, RIGHT NOW. I think a few of you do know what the DEA does, and what controls em'. You guys are just barking up the wrong tree because of political/moral bias. Any objective person knows yall is either a trolling or is a Simple Jack. Maybe. But, I think there are a good chunk of folks, on this message board, who know how things work. They just choose to argue things, even when they know they're full of poopie.
  23. ITT: "Constitutional experts" who don't know who controls the DEA... There are quite a few of em'. Some posters really suprised me with their stupidity (not gonna name names- but, you know who ya are). The stupid anals of all time.
  24. Seriously, Wikipedia is more legit than some accepted sources. I mean, what are you looking for on an Internet message board?
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