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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. To win it all. I imagine the odds/line must have been crazy this year.
  2. I was thinking about it. Gotta check out the line, first.
  3. And, Marrone went for it in the first quarter, too.
  4. Again, it worked pretty well for Marrone. Pit needed a boatload of points, too.
  5. Going for it worked pretty well for Marrone...
  6. As is calling him a hero, or any sort of exemplary person, just because of his POW experience.
  7. I think they might have a better chance.
  8. Sounds about right, when you consider all of his comments being taken out of context by the lying media and the politicians they worship.
  9. I never really got the hate for that band. I really never got the love for it either. Same with Haiti. Except, I pity most people that have had to live in the shithole.
  10. Cowardly people, if they have the means to try and effectuate positive change in Haiti by more than just bitching and dont.
  11. I vote for entertainment, chaos, and excitement in my lifetime. Free the prisoners of CA! Increase taxes until peoples' eyes explode! War with whatever! That said, Trump 2020, Newsom 2024. If we don't see the apocalypse between those two, I might not see it in my lifetime. Boring!!!
  12. Yeah, 0.05% is too much to spend one year on a wall. We are already paroling. A wall is just another obstacle for them to get past. It won't be 100% effective. But, over the course of its lifetime it will deter many. By the way, barbarian hordes have been able to get through walls. I guess, walls are just a complete waste of money. DRONES are the way to go. You're right about that. See drone.
  13. But, we still have illegal aliens crossing with Border Patrol Agents paroling, therefore the border patrol doesn't work and is a complete waste of money. It should be done away with. That is how you sound.
  14. Walls deter rats. Walls keep people out all the time!!! Why are prisons surrounded by walls if they work so poorly? Why do all these liberal billionaires erect walls around their compounds? That "walls no work" position is so !@#$ing asinine, I really don't think any person with a lick of common sense believes it. I think the planet would be a better place without people who make that argument. Man, if I was supreme leader of the planet. Wall only costs like .05% of the US yearly budget. Surely, we can build a fence to keep our neighbor's kids out for and only spend .05% of our yearly income. AI drones patrolling the border seem sensible. They need to be weaponized, though. How else will we reach Judgment Day? 0-Mexicans are rats, not people-0 I really think that analogy was poor and completely unnecessary. The people to people analogy works fine.
  15. This is the dumbest argument. "It won't stop thaaaammm!!!!!" You do know you can make that argument for all the measures we take to preserve our sovereignty. I mean, prisoners escape, illegal aliens sneak by agents all the time, etc. Even North Korea's border has people illegally cross it, and the deterrent there is a bullet. No deterrent is or security measure is 100% foolproof. But, your logic can apply to them all. Therefore, we should have no security measures. "Bullets won't stop thaaaaaammm!" I wonder if people really believe their argument opining a wall won't help ("work").
  16. Racism and nationalism are not the same. Man, I wonder if all these pissed off Haitians, in America, would even consider returning to thier home country.
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