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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Here too, the word "skeptic" get vilified. That said, I still think most people are in the middle on this issue. Smog is just the most obvious piece of evidence, I could think of off the top of my head, which any rational person would be able to admit to themselves is a man made problem and changes the climate. I mean, it is inarguable. If you really deny smog being man-made just look at pictures of LA before and after the implementation of emission control (catalytic converters).
  2. Agreed, for the most part. I am just offended by those on both sides who claim smog doesn't exist/affects the climate, or those that claim every "scientist" is correct when they tell stories of doom. Too many people not even trying to think for themselves.
  3. It does tend to seem like if someone even questions a doomsday report they are call "deniers," pejoratively. I mean, do the folks here deny smog and its effects on the climate in the area? !@#$ yeah, that **** changes the climate in the area. It is inarguable. So, is the fact that the climate is constantly changing. IDK, I think there are the vocal 5% on the extreme of each side of the issue, and all we hear are those folks making 99% of the noise.
  4. Aren't most people somewhere in between the change deniers and the doomsday folks regarding Global Climate Change? I mean, I hate hearing the stupid term "climate deniers" or "Global warming." They are both equally stupid.
  5. Does anyone on here follow prospects from Highschool? I mean, a GM has those people available to him. You should always be looking at prospects years out, and be predicting players in the next 5 years (at least) worth of drafts.
  6. I hate this. Not only do they disregard traffic laws, they taunt drivers and drag ass as they do so. I had like a 12 year old stop, as he was dragging ass, and challenge me to run him over. This was done in the middle of the road, about 100 yards from the schools' crosswalk. I had to lay on the horn to get the little **** to move. I would have worked on wrecking his for hours if he refused to move. Don't even get me started on stop signs, turn signals, RTOR, fast lane issues, etc.
  7. Man, you have no clue how long those souls had been trapped inside of her. I am really tired of your types trying to make light of something as serious as the black market trafficking of baby souls. I mean, I have no problem with the recreational use of fetus parts, but leave the souls out of this.
  8. Part of me certainly is. Another part of me thinks it'd be funny, congress deserves to exist around its creation, and I am genuinely curious as to how far left the left wants to take themselves. In sum, yes, send the Senate a message. I really don't care anymore.
  9. Wait, what is this? Is this as bad as when Hillary released those poor Haitian children's souls into her water glass.
  10. Okay, so what are the downsides of sending this weirdo to Congress to force them to deal with their creation? You people against this are too much about appearances and not enough about substance. #wegotthis
  11. California has had homeless problems since forever. It is like the poor hobo's Hawaii.
  12. That'd be manipulated in a different way, I suppose. No matter what, there'll always be people having issues with certain rules. I don't think PEDs should be banned. I also think something like a "Running Man" HBO show would be awesome.
  13. No, this was not a pack of bic pens that cost $500. This was an all out lie by the California progressives. Everyone knew it and said as much. That said, I think it is awesome to have a non-high-speed rail, which is called a high-speed rail by the liar politician/pundits in the area, to cost double, triple, or even more than what it was sold to the voters as. I mean, it is always awesome when special interests put lies on the ballot, and the moron voters are in favor of it. BTW, I voted for it because I want to see the Apocalypse before I die. Brad Manning 2018!!!!
  14. Or, holding. Which, teams have done. 5 yards in exchange for time being taken off the clock.
  15. Yeah, I could have done without it. I just wanted to see their map. Yikes. https://newcaliforniastate.com/new-california-map
  16. I like him too. I am just not set on trading up for the guy. If he falls, I'd take him over others, or trade up a few spot to grab him. I would not give up much capital for the trade (maybe a 4th). And, that is not going to make for a big jump at all. This draft is going to be fun to watch, IMO. *And, the people who are bagging on Darnold are idiots. If anything, Rosen is going to bust.
  17. I wouldn't trade much for Mayfield at all. If he drops he drops. He has bust written all over him, but I could easily be wrong.
  18. Like how team-whipped are some of you guys? I swear, some of y'all act like you have the mind of a child prostitute being beaten by his or her pimp. I'd say it was good for OP's health to not have witnessed those other teams, in person.
  19. I think once coupled with the number of QBs taken in the top rounds of the draft, the click-bait is kind of accurate and smart.
  20. Well, then I wouldn't move to 4, if the Browns wanted more. You're right, it most likely would be the #3 qb in the draft. Nice year to draft a QB high, though. The only thing I, PERSONALLY, might do is pay a lot more to trade for Darnold @ #1 overall. What would it take to move Cleveland off Darnold, and have them take, a different QB at 4? I guess, it'd take at least 3 #1's and at least 1 #2. I would do that for Darnold, though.
  21. It is important to point out that the fifth year option for a first round pick is a change which has made first round picks more valuable than before. I mean, the last pick in the first round is worth more than the old points chart would indicate when valuing it against the first pick of the second round. That said, both firsts and the remaining third to move up to 4.
  22. Man, I want Brad to win. One step closer to the apocalypse. If the dude had any chance, I'd totally campaign for him.
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