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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Man, I hate NBCs coverage. The Olympics should be on demand and live, only. They should also not be littered with commercials the way they are. The announcers need to be flogged, as their screams of pain would sound better than their constant irrelevant chatter. Totally think you guys are missing out if you don't watch the biathlon. I wish shooting was more involved in the Olympics. Really a shame it isn't, since war and sports often have overlapping skills which are necessary for success in either.
  2. Yahoo News... This probably happened 3 months ago. Also, my bad if I missed the sarcasm.
  3. How many 45 yards games this year does this "while he does have some flaws" QB have?... Nuff said.
  4. Now, would you draft 2 QBs in the first round?!
  5. We knew this like 6 months ago. Why is the MSM replaying this crap like it is some breaking news. Recycled news is happening more and more these days.
  6. Can't say I'm a big fan of this, but I can say that I'd love to be there... There are few things more awe-inspiring than watching events like this in person.
  7. Link the article, if you want anyone to give a damn. Really, this amounts to bs to anyone who is familiar with statistics. "There're lies. There're damned lies. The, there're statistics."
  8. Honestly, you really can't blame BB for the benching. Butler hurt the team, not BB.
  9. He got a 1st for Seymour and won a couple SBs after the trade...
  10. He never did all that well against the Pats.
  11. Harvey Weinstein lite was a repugnant man, so was his treasonous wife. I can't wait until his daughter, who looks exactly like a Jewish caricature in Nazi propaganda (pics related), makes her run. I mean, she already has a great start stealing money from charity for her own personal use. Of course, the corrupt establishment folks are afraid of Trump.
  12. I could have been a victim of fake news, or perhaps you were. Regardless, your ass-burgers are showing. Honestly, I really don't understand how anyone is trusting these guys. Your do know this type of thing could have been perpetrated by Republican President on an opposing party during an election? I just think Nixon wasn't as calculating as the Obama guy, even though Nixon was only a fraction as corrupt.
  13. And, it took these fools 4 times to get the warrant. I wonder how much of that.03% those 3 failures made up.
  14. Is bad when the media (until buzzfeed, rightfully, published the dossier as just being a dossier) held itself to a higher standard than our courts (FBI/DOJ) when verifying evidence (the dossier). I really doubt anything will come of this, even though I think many folks involved in this should be publicly flogged on Television. You and me have been on the same page as far as what we think something is. Perhaps, I should have clarified by stating the memo won't be "received by the American public" as the bombshell it has been made out to be. I think this is more of what we already knew.
  15. 1) I seriously doubt this memo will be the "bombshell" folks are making it out to be. 2) I seriously doubt there were many, if any, relevant fact omitted from the Republican memo. 3) I want to see chaos, and so far Trump has disappointed me. 4) As such, I think the Gavin Newsome guy is my new fav. 5) I still have faith in Trump, WWIII hasnt started yet but I keep the faith (Bills' fan)/
  16. Well, they are gonna be milking the sheet out of these memo leaks, just like the FBI is milking the sheet out of the Trump investigation leaks. May as well enjoy the shew.
  17. May as well cut everyone and just field all rookies for to save cap space. Gotta build for the future.
  18. Both sides drag shiz out because of political reasons. The issue here is the FBI should not be a "side." That said, I wouldn't put it past the Trump Admin to be behind many of the leaks which were negative about Trump. However, if the leaks are coming from within the FBI and dripping out Wikileaks fashion, then there is certainly a HUGE !@#$ING PROBLEM which SHOULD result in Gitmo time for many members of the Intel community and within the DNC. It sucks because there is no such thing as a real crime on the Hill, these days.
  19. It all depends on who is available. I trust this regime more than most of the past ones. The Bills need to put an offense on the field, though.
  20. Youre probably right. I think McBeane is not the type of guy to tank. If he was, this would have been the year. Instead, I got to enjoy an awesome season. Awesome seasons>Awesome drafts
  21. Peterman will start and either boom, or bust and get us a high pick next year.
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