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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. They should just let 30 of the Bills' best fans be cheerleaders. I mean, let the everyday fan get the sideline access and play midfield drinking games at the half. Way more entertaining, the fans chosen would love the pay and perks, and it might even draw more fans in.
  2. Honestly, the more I think about it the more OP is wrong. Ask yourself this: "Would you pick a player in the 4th round that you knew would give your team the same production Corner gave the Bills or an unknown fourth rounder(someone the scouts pick, unknown NFL quality)?" I think I'd pick Corner more often than I'd take a scout pick/unknown NFL quality. At least 4 of every 5 times I picked in the fourth. Booo!!! Change yo Corner hate, OP!!!
  3. I don't think Reggie Corner was that much of a miss, if any. Even then, I can agree with the above synopsis.
  4. "For some of these women this is the biggest period they'll have for the next four years." -JR.
  5. No way Trump's name administrators lets this fly. Also, this is gross.
  6. This whole thing should have been documented on video. Also, stuff like this is why I hate people.
  7. Gimme some of the High Plains Drifter.
  8. I guess, what I'm saying, is that you're doing the trolls work for them, right now! Take my advice or leave it. Maybe, you fashion yourself as a troll, too. Who knows? I just know that pushing this crap takes away from credibility and weakens other valid positions which you may have.
  9. Oh, our "culture?" No, the stupid pockets of our society and the wolves that feed on them are to blame. I suppose, our culture is to blame, as none of us are really able to stop these wolves because it seems like the morons like being devoured. Yeah, if 90 Russian trolls and 2 million dollars caused this, then we most certainly are to blame (even if funded by Satan himself). *Line voters ought to be lined up and sterilized, before having their voting rights removed.
  10. We are victims of the Kardashian, trash, tabloid media being blasted at us by corporate giants. The Facebook, Twitter, Google news crowd. I know folks here give you and some of the other progressives a hard time, but your dissent serves admirably in the face of gross adversity. I'd just advise you to get over this one. The Russian troll factory just capitalized on the stupid, useless members of our society. CNN and the other tabloid media helped them greatly. The lack of shame helped them greatly. We are not victims of the Russians, we are victims of the societal detriments who are stupid voids of ignorance. That's right, the people who push this "Russian collusion" stuff, those who eat up memes, and the politicians & media that push this are the baddies. Honestly, you're better than this. And, if your not, then make yourself better than this, comrad.
  11. It looks like you are a victim of the Russian program. Or, you're the just trying to use that misinformation program to serve your political purposes. They are just pushing division and seeds of distrust. The tabloid media and DNC is doing 99% of their job for them. I find it remarkable. That said, why don't you just pound the war drum against Trump based on some of the real crap he has been failing on? This is really going to just make you look like a Russian troll, until something tangible comes out, comrad.
  12. How does it look like Trump did anything? Honest question. (Please don't bombard with a ton of random links to nowhere)
  13. Ahahaha, the 90 Russians on a 2 million dollar budget who ran a troll farm? Wtf does that make CNN, then? Dude, what if DR has been right this while time? What if this does come back on the Clintons/Obama/DNC? I mean, this was worse than just not indicting anyone, IMHO. *I still think I'm right, and this just shows that. This is ALL much ado about nothing. Basically, politicians in DC can get away with murder. 13 trolls? Still nothing. But, I think the odds just changed a bit only 13 trolls getting got.
  14. Yall need to stop trashing on the piss water I call beer... Seriously, Bud Light is awesome, because no matter how much of it I drink I can barely get drunk. It is like drinking the glass of water your supposed to drink with each beer, in order to stay hydrated. "The glass of water is built in, fools." <--- should be the next motto.
  15. I just saw a healine claiming that this was 90 people with 2 million dollars. My God, the tabloid media has been pushing this "interference" for well over a year now. And, this is what they were talking about? It must suck knowing you were defeated by 90 people with 2 million dollars when you work for these multi-billion dollar corporations pushing propaganda 24/7. I was unable to read that article, bc of a paywall, but this must be what it's like to think you "won the lottery," tell all your frineds, buy all sorts of crazy stuff, and then find out the jackpot was all of 5 dollars. I mean, here is your toy Yoda!
  16. I think you're stupid if you think it is just Russia. I swear the fact the Intel community and media are pushing the notion this is just a Russia problem is frightening. Don't they know most people are morons and eat up everything they say as gospel?
  17. I think there most certainly is an issue with Islam being used as a tool by radicals, at least during this segment of history. Further, like Catholicism in the Dark Ages it is being heavily used as a way to govern without borders. And, to spread middle-eastern influence into American politics. It is a religion that has co-opted kids to commit brutal crimes throughout the world, for decades now. Therefore, it does deserve some sort of oversight. I know it is not politically correct to say, but it is something we can all acknowledge is supported by fact. Still, that does not mean other religions do not suffer from those who would wish to pervert the world. The sick family who chained their kids up in California, the ones who use religion as a way to justify child rape, the cults that recruit people in and effectually keep them slaves (as alleged against scientology and even in your run-of-the-mill cult), the list could go on forever. That said, having the parents just take their kid to a non-radical, normal church just to socialize in a positive way would benefit them all. For that matter, I would also suggest sports being available to ALL students. Like the little league baseball we all played before some kids started getting cut in Junior High. Yeah, some kids suck, but keeping them from extracurricular activities is a diservice to society.
  18. Honestly, there is a lot to say about looking into WHY these guys did what they did. Not, just bitching about the fact they did what they did. Finding the motives and taking those away is the best way to deal with crap like this. I still think that if half these shooters were forced to go to church (non-muslim/non-radical) then the problem wouldn't exist. These kids reach their breaking point. They are broke by their peers and their environment, then cast aside by society. Animosity builds up and they seek revenge. Most even say as much before or after they do what they do. I hate sympathizing with criminals, but when those who commit the crimes are kids I tend to look at those around them for blame. In this case, it is hard not to point out the COMPLETE AND UTTER failure of law enforcement/FBI/schools. Sure, making guns harder to get will reduce school shootings, but it'd likely increase school bombings/sword attacks/car attacks. No, the "American problem" is that kids are cunts, and the weak break.
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