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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I get what you're saying, but Trump removed the handcuffs Obama put on the military with regards to terrorism. The proper term would be "Trump Administration." Look at the House of Saud, Iran, Lybia, Syria, Egypt. ISIS, Georgia, Crimea, etc. are just some examples of how badly the Obama Administration handled Middle Eastern foreign policy, in particular (not even going into Asia, South America, or Europe). Obama fought queer Middle East proxy wars which accomplished nothing more than empowering ISIS and other terror organizations. He, and Bush to a lesser extent, handcuffed the military. I honestly don't like calling Obama a paper lion, but he was, internationally. There are just too many examples of how his weak foreign policy was exploited on a global scale. I do think he did well domestically which is where a lot of line-voting conservatives disagree with me. A lot of the "mods" I remember seeing Middle Easterners do were comical, lke the synthol in those guys arms. I mean, "reckless" and "stupid" would describe most of what I saw. Who knows, though?
  2. Illegal aliens are a threat and MS-13 is a great example of why. That is on top of the fact illegal aliens vote Democrat. Hell, the media won't even say "illegal alien" anymore, despite it being the proper term. I think they do it to pander, personally.
  3. He hired Mattis and is the Commander in Chief. Ask yourself if Obama deserved any of the credit for the spread of ISIS. Obama, internationally, was nothing more than a paper lion. And that is FACT. (Obama, domestically, was something different.)
  4. Imagine what would happen if Trump were allowed to control the illegal alien problem... I think that is why it has become such hard fought debate. Democrats are afraid of losing the illegal alien vote. I mean, the immigration courts have become so perverted by judicial activism they make Weinstein look like a good guy. Judges don't even care, these days.
  5. Seriously, this is the gun topic shitposting thread. Look at the title/OP. The other thread is for serious talk.
  6. Don't hear much about them anymore... Hopefully, they give the Nobel Peace Prize based on merit, this time.
  7. Yeah, but Cooper was still All-Pro, which was earned. The playoff game was God just taking a dump on Cooper.
  8. I saw that man drop so many punts and cost his team so much... He deserved to lose that job.
  9. Still, he'll probably be #1 overall. And, more importantly, I like him the most, haha. Dude carried his team, with a very, very poor team around him. The fact that he made it to the draft without sustaining a career ending injury says a lot, considering his o-line.
  10. Lmao, "snopes." I don't mind you citing that, in this, a shitposting thread. I would like to say this in favor of gun control. As an old marksmanship coach I sometimes take a few friends out to the range, just to have fun. I enjoy knocking a few of the braggers down a peg, without saying a word. But, along the way, I was taken back by the amount of sane people who I really don't think should have been allowed to have a gun. The reason being, they cant shoot straight. They can now, though. But, they didn't have the slightest idea of what they were doing, while owning some nice hardware. Also, an IQ test to vote.
  11. This is so stupid... Where have some of yall been this year? McBeane replaced 1/3 of the roster, and some of you guys are acting like this is a suprise? This is like discovering the sky's blue color and then having the people around you act amazed. I mean, I'm sick and peeing out of my butt, right now... I'm going to leave this thread and enjoy peeing out of my butt.
  12. Man, I really hate how freely you rape the English language. How can someone write so much, yet say so little?
  13. Hahaha... By "right-wing nutjob" you mean registered Democrat, communist sympathizers? I mean, I can just point out the Islamic terrorists to start (Army shooter, Pulse shooter, San Bernardino shooter), then the socialist/communist ones (Laughter, Cho, Holmes), and then move onto the totally liberal guys (Bernie Bros= Softball game shooter, VEGAS dude, and then this last guy). And, those are just a few of the guys off the top of my head.... I mean, sure the majority of my old grunt pals have beards and have small arsenals, but they also go to church and contribute to society. I don't fear any of them and think they actually make places safer. Honestly, the less lefties hold guns the safer society is. Stop being the fat guy who tries to take my bowl of ice cream away because you have the "beetus."
  14. Yeah, only way they gave up a first is if the Chiefs gave them Peters and a pick. Sounds like a 3rd and maybe a pick next year, too.
  15. I thought it was decided years ago that the best way to stop mass shootings was to take guns away from liberals. I mean, after each liberal mass shooting we get to hear from the same liberals, who bullied these guys into killing people, about how gun rights are bad. Seriously, this crap has gone far beyond good and asinine.
  16. My bet is a 3rd this year and a 4th next year. Lmao, a 1st? Man, they sound like Bills' fans valuing TT.
  17. Yea, having a QB throw for multiple sub-50yd games is inexcusable. The folks still defending TT are batshit insane.
  18. The people that annoy me the most are the ones who feed this type of trolling. Like the lowest quality shitposts.
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