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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I see him as the best QB, by far... I guess, we just have to wait to see who is right.
  2. Having stupid fun is a young man's game, until football season...
  3. Yeah, there is something special about going to a bar to just relax without others. It is cathartic to just forget the world and relax, while watching the ponies or a game, for me at least.
  4. If I was a younger man, I would wager it. However, I'd be willing to risk the constipation to keep that guy off the Bills. Practically, I think the ungie eating would have to be done in tiny ungies swatches over a month or so, while the loser wore a Mexican wrestler mask ('cause we don't want to be blackmailed professionally. Haha).
  5. What is the wager on Jackson to the Bills? Should I have to eat my underwear if he does come to Buffalo in the first? I mean, it'd be like double the punishment for me. More importantly, can I eat my underwear to prevent him from coming to Buffalo?
  6. Not gonna look at the Vox article, but rolling back some environmental protections is a mistake. Pulling out the the Paris Accord was not.
  7. Darnold is by far the best, but it ain't happening (#1 overall). Feasibly the best QB is Mayfield, IMHO.
  8. On my phone, so best I can do is $3.50. The audio indicates what type of leader he is. He knows when his goose is cooked, but isn't a guy who takes much lying down. Also, no concussion.
  9. Yeah, I'm sure he felt that in the morning. That video gives me hope in the kid. We know he can take a blow to the head... Behind our O-line being able to take a blow like that is the #1 feature I look at in. QB.
  10. And, this off-season is just gonna keep getting more annoying until the end of FA? You have outdone yourself, Satan.
  11. To me it was just as stupid then as it is now. If what you say is true, I feel even more sorry for Luck (and other Colt players), for having to work in the same organization as morons like that. I actually kind of believe you, as people sometimes tend to over think ****, sometimes.
  12. Yeah, they'll take Darnold. This all is just people talking about things which are possible but are very much not probable. I remember rolling my eyes at the reports RGIII might be taken before Luck.
  13. Idk, I really have not done my homework on college players this year outside of Darnold, who I would trade up to get and add another 1st next year, easily.
  14. I wonder how many roaches would crawl out from the woodwork if California had an investigation into how many illegal aliens voted in this last election...
  15. Guy really helped get corruption out of the House of Saud. Liberals hated that.
  16. Because, Europe has sustained a Unicorn society... Continually digging into ignorance is uncouth. I also think some sort of minimum wage increase is important, and Obama failed on that front (Hopefully, Trump won't). The selfishness of a few will destroy us all, if we let it. *I still shop at Walmart, I just feel dirty when I do. I mean, yeah, let's just work these guys to death... Semper I, !@#$ the other guy. Meanwhile, European countries (Canada too) with single payer, can have their governments actually preserve their citizenry's "right to life." I know it gets grey when we start getting into the successes and failures of single payer, but there are successes and and they are outpacing the American ways... Unicorn, shmunicorn. https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/21/health/us-life-expectancy-study/index.html
  17. Good luck getting past the politics and the courts to prove it. I agree, but the left, and even some ont the right, will argue you cannot have one without risk to the other.
  18. Standards. Standards. Standards. He moved us towards single payer. I think this is huge. I know a lot of people don't really care about the working poor, but they are really a group which is abused in America. Look at a Walmart worker, they look beaten. I am trying to stop shopping there as much, these days. Losing pride in one's work is going to cost us in the long run. I long for the idea of company loyalty to return to America. It is all but lost on the working poor and middle class. Capitalism is good, until it turns into slavery because there is nobody left who has the means to complete. I digress. I do hate how so many are still too poor to get the proper medical care but too rich to get government help. Obama went a long way in helping those people get the medical care they need, and that had previously been unattainable. Why the !@#$ is a standard of living for foreign to many conservatives? Have some standards, for yourself, and your people. In many ways the American Standard of living raised while under Obama. Healthcare is a huge part of it. Other stuff. Economy grew. Gas prices and housing prices were livable. Job numbers grew. I mean, a lot of Trump's first year, economically speaking, can be attributed to Obama (until the end of the fiscal year for outgoing Presidents). EOs were unconstitutional? I think every President since I have been alive has expanded the Executive.
  19. But, there is "no proof..." Meaning, the media will parrot that until 100s of illegal aliens are caught red handed on multiple occasions. We cast our ballot in secret which will make that direct proof kind of hard to come by. I think normal people with a lick of common sense are aware of the fact illegal aliens vote and are being encouraged to do so by some on the left.
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