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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I think the comment you origionally replied to did. "Rich liberals" was the phrase. I personally think it is all about votes and power. People of all walks of life abuse power. Democrats want the illegal alien vote, and that of their kin. Further, the illegal alien status is held over the heads of tons of people. "Tons" literally means 4000+ pounds or simply informally "a large number," which I think easily exists in America, just from the small fraction of illegal alien clients I see get the shaft. And, yes, a large number are used as sex slaves with little recourse. Furthermore, I am not even arguing the free labor acquired by simply shorting illegal aliens on paychecks. Many work for 10+ hours/day and get paid for a fraction of that time (citizens too). The time they are not paid for is technically "free labor." There is certainly an underbelly of society we are all blind to. When you get to a point where you have seen so much you realize you haven't seen sheet, it becomes clearer. Ignorance is bliss.
  2. I think it happens a lot more than people are aware. I also don't think that it is strickly a one partisan practice. There are evil people on both sides of the aisle.
  3. I had one client who was used as a sex slave and "employee" by a corporation which was run by just the owner(only other "employee"). Haha, read this comment after I posted mine. Yeah, it happens. Cleaning lady and sex slave.
  4. Member Takeo Spikes? Member London Fletcher? Sometimes "moving on" is stupid.
  5. Not only that, but people are acting like we have better options. He is still significantly out-playing the younger, cheaper players Buffalo has brought in. It is not even close. Why do some fans always think they're smart by claiming the team should "move on" from an older, good player? Why not keep Kyle and fill all the glaring holes, in the mean time? A two year, above average, stopgap is what a smart football team would keep.
  6. This is silly. However, if it is feasible and you can upgrade at punter, then do it
  7. Also, they have no real expectations. Gaines should get an honorable mention, no?
  8. https://www.google.com/amp/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1GJ2IF I really don't think Brown's radical rhetoric is getting enough national attention. I don't think many in California are batting an eye to the insanity of our state politicians, but this open border stuff is some over the top stuff. I mean, the SB laws preventing private citizens from contacting ICE are eery in a bad way.
  9. Well, Whaley's WR selections really don't seem all that bad. Woods, Watkins, & Goodwin have all gotten respect elsewhere that they didn't get here. The problem is and was the Bills offensive line, offensive scheme, and QB. I guess the last of the TT apologists are shriveling up at this point.
  10. It is a shitposting thread, if you dont like it, go to the gun debate thread. I think open borders will benefit America, because I can hire cheaper prostitutes.
  11. Yeah, I hate this pre-draft crap. Joe Blow thinks this, and Egghead Mcgoo thinks that. The draft cannot come soon enough.
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