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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Like one of those people who brags, unironically, about Internet IQ tests...
  2. No worries, he'll just repost it in 24 hours and continually bump the post for the next few years.
  3. They did turn Democrat this last election, at least in part. That said, there are too many Asians (Repubs usually) coming in to really let the Hispanics (Dems usually) make things too uneven. OC just had a tiny citizen revolt against the morons who run the place with regards to homeless tent cities in Irvine, Huntington, and Laguna Niguel (not sure if those were the three cities). The council did an about face with the proposed tent cities and will probably end up being forced to put up hundreds of homeless in hotels for a longer time.
  4. Doesn't Florida do something like that? Also, why is it a privacy violation? Honest question.
  5. Well, we can just wait and see, at this point. We will see how many GMS disagree with a TBD poster, woot!
  6. ^^^Man, we are getting closer to my favorite dystopian timeline^^^
  7. No, it is much more enjoyable to put people on social media blast to the point where they can't get a job, a friend, or otherwise survive and live a normal life. They are some of the evilest Mutha !@#$ers eva.
  8. Funny how serious people take this shitpost. This is the generation of kids who are pushing and bullying others so much so, via social media and mass ostraciztion, that mass shootings are becoming kewl. Then they are now trying to disarm their victims and the rest of America. If anything, parents are becoming the kittens.
  9. Twitter is the devil, and so are the !@#$s who report "tweets." "CrazyLady12 says... And, then the twitter world blew up! And, people said some more crazy things. And, it got crazier. And, look at me report on complete bs! Please look at me, guys..." Seriously, these people need to be euthanized. OP is pushing into that realm by posting this trash.
  10. Well, what was happening in the City of Buffalo during these times?
  11. Each subject should have its own dedicated shitpost thread. 1 for serious debate and 1 separate thread for high quality shitposting. Or, maybe just some other sort of way to denote purpose of a post.
  12. He has gas left in the tank, just not much... The Giants recognize this and will likely draft a QB if they don't trade out of #2.
  13. There opinions matter, they just don't merit a new thread for each persons' draft thoughts. As far as cb26, I will flag him down when the Bills trade to #2 and tell him na nana booboo... And, if 5 hey don't he can track me down and do the same. All in good fun for me.
  14. Can't please all of the people all of the time. It is draft time and everyone thinks their opinions matter. I hate it, but I get it.
  15. I think he deserves a little crap, but not nearly as much as he gets. He posts plenty of good breaking news, but has a tendency to break redundant news and self-promote a bit too much. This offseason/draft/FA have made about 1/3 or his posts fall into that "redundant/self-promoting" category.
  16. I agree, but I think Rosen is their pick. Rosen has "process" written all over him, haha. Next 2 picks are, Barkley then Chubb.
  17. Honestly, I got the Bills trading up and taking Rosen. Darnold at 1, and Mayfield at 3. Draft could be monumental, and the beginning of the end for the Pats. Dilly, dilly. Plus, the people here are not as looney as the Wall. *In before "please move mods" **The opinions here do matter more.
  18. Because Eli is not looking like he once did. Because, the QB class is on of the best in decades. Because, QB is valued higher than RB. Because, the Giants don't usually pick this high. Etc. Etc. Etc. I say, if the Giants stay at 2 they get Rosen. Jets get Mayfield at 3.
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