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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Will the Bills trade up to #2 or will the Giants take a QB? Or, will the Giants even trade back with a different team?
  2. I wouldn't be suprised if the top 4 end up all being QBs.
  3. Peyton choking to death on chicken parm aget he just took a bite and hummed the jingle. "Chicken parm you taste so, uhhhh... heee... uhhhh... heee... Uuhh..." /fin. A bunch of pound dogs eat Sarah mcglocklin to the "in the arms of an angel" song which is sung by barking dogs.
  4. Peyton Manning should choke on a chicken-parm. John Cena taken out by a pack of Make A Wish kids. Tom Brady killed by a falling mattress. Melia Kunis and Jim Beam. (Probably the most interesting death)
  5. Certainly possible, but I really think Rosen is tops on some draft boards.
  6. please explain... Literally, I was giving the guy props with how the Bills announced their schedule. I think what they did was a simple, cheap, positive, productive, and impressive way to disseminate the schedule. Plus, I may have been a little high when I watched all the doggos dressed in costumes in the video, and thusly over-impressed.
  7. Yeah, it is great PR, period. I was impressed and really found it worth the 2.5min of my life to watch.
  8. I don't know if I'd pass up that, but the QBs in this class are pretty damn interesting.
  9. But, what happens when we subtract the illegal alien vote?
  10. The OC, ha! Work out of Anaheim. I would love to one day live in Santa Barbara. How'd you like it in SoCal?
  11. That part is gross, as are most identity politics.
  12. I really don't see a problem with this, as long as the kid has a father.
  13. My point is, I have seen a few white folks get told they had to buy something in order to use restrooms. Heck, soms Del Tacos and Carls Jrs. make people get a coin from the cashier so they can open the bathroom door. I really don't get how this is all about race. This is a business thing. If this is the best the SJW has to go with right now...
  14. I almost never do. Gas stations and big brick & mortar stores are usually the exceptions.
  15. Ehh, you have a point. Even government buildings can be a pain to take a good poop in. And, those toilets are paid for by taxpayers (the public).
  16. Nate Peterman is going to be an NFL star QB. There. I am not going to use facts and science to back it up.
  17. Am I the only one who thinks there is nothing wrong with bathrooms only being for customers? I mean, there is nothing more progressive than going out of business because your business was overrun with homeless folks showering in your bathroom sinks, scaring off actual customers...
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