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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Who knows? I will say that this whole thing does not rate a "news story." This story is effectively propaganda. "Man offended at what some might see as a minor slight! Leaves restaurant..." Really, the fact some editor allowed this to be published is the most offensive part of it all.
  2. You're right about not getting "ticky tacky," but that is subjective. Anyways, I can still understand why one might get offended. Heck, I don't get the big deal about going to a different restaurant, either. The next place where they don't single people with keeds out probably has food that is just as good.
  3. Idc, it'd offend me, at least for a short time before I got over it. How dare you insinuate I can't control my child!!!
  4. She probably made him go out like that, seeing as how she wore a gold dress that matched Brady's "flare."
  5. Andre Reed in the background and Fat Pat shaking McBeane's hand.
  6. Any year I survive the predraft rumor and hype talk, I consider it an offseason win for me personally. So, in a way.
  7. What if this news broke first here on the message board and not Twitter?
  8. Worst kept secret? He did interfere in on the field operations. It sucks, bc the second I bought thier lies, this happened and stories surfaced.
  9. "Vision" and "game knowledge" is something I don't hear people talk about. Then again, Jimmy G and Goff really didn't need that, last year.
  10. You should read what was said under the "Pittsburgh Stealers" caption...
  11. The odds on Darnold aren't bad. Be my bet. Even money I'd bet Barkley and Chubb.
  12. It would make sense, in order to keep the Bills relevant in the media.
  13. It was coupled and I associate it with a great team. IDK, the eye and horn could look like a sabre and I see a small "B" as a nose, hahaha.
  14. I liked the Sabres prior logo, a lot. The buffalo head decal looked awesome on my old firebird when I was down in NC for the ECF against the Canes. Idk, about symbolism but it looked cool to me at the time.
  15. How like after years of hating the guy, I finally give him props, then it turns out he was scum.
  16. Something like this, but with maybe some zoomies around him denoting some sort of action.
  17. I find it hard to believe, but you might be onto something there.
  18. Wow, this really validates all the claims posters make about you. Tibs, please choose a better way to attack the right. One in which you have some small clue what you are talking about.
  19. That is all kind of poo... I mean, democrats constantly demonizing whitey and accusing normal folks of privilege really gets taxing. "(We) didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left (us)." Among other things, a lot of it had to do with Trump shitting all over the PC garbage. (For me)
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