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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Why do they blur the poo? Is this like Canada's version of what the Japanese do with porn?
  2. George Carlin is gonna be in it, as well? Totally stoked, dude!!! With the time travel booth, duh.
  3. Why do it? Because, he is worth 100mil. It amazes me the amount of people who think rich folks are above !@#$ing over others out of greed. Like, how !@#$ing niave are some of yall? Why did Weinstein rape folks when all he had to do was ask ('cause he is rich)? BECAUSE HE WAS RICH AND THEREFORE THOUGHT HE COULD GET AWAY WITH IT!!! In fact, he did. Eli said screw you, and sold bs crap to a company, THEN pocketed the money. Being rich does not make you a good person...
  4. I agree. I just find it ironic when people claim that bad luck via officiating has nothing to do with it but the only reason we made the playoffs was because we got lucky. I really think "evens out over time" is a subjective thought. I mean, bad calls can blow a 16 game season, easily.
  5. The better team doesn't always win and calls do determine the outcome of some games.
  6. I need to place some wagers on this kid. Anyone have a good futures nfl sports betting site link?
  7. I agree with you and have actually used WHO to refute some of the "new American dogma" which does pronounce to accept this hogwash, even pushing it.
  8. Honestly, I find the edicts being dictated to the masses regarding this abomination of a trend, guised as science, to be really devastating to society as a whole, not just the small numbers of individuals it ravages. What is the root cause of this? That is what I want to know.
  9. There are some advantages of just being able to say, "I do declare" and get the privileges of the opposite gender/sex. Like when I adopt a new cat (my cats identify as humans), I call it my baby, and go on maternity leave. Or, when I walk around the 24hr women's locker room buck naked and at half staff because I identify as an 80 year old Asian lady. You guys are just antiquated and far behind the times...
  10. This is a testament to bad parenting, period. Congratulations, you failed as a parent!!! And, the audacity to brag about this to the media is repugnant on multiple levels. How is is being received is disgusting, too.
  11. Noice!!!! I wish I could watch this type of crap all day.
  12. Brady was a jobber, once upon a time. That said, I went back to the well a little bit more enthusiastic and it didn't quite work out the same, haha. Also, below is an example of how crazy cards have become. The card below has diamonds and rubies embedded in it. I just saw this, recently, and thought it would be relevant/interesting. Blasphemer!!!! YOU SHALL NOT QUESTION THE SALVATION ALLEN HAS BROUGHT!!!
  13. The Watkins trade to the Rams. It turned out is was wrong, considering. Maybin over Orakpo. Allowing Russ Brandon to be employed, despite the fact he obviously had/has something to do with the curse. I wouldn't be the bit suprised if we discovered he was a representative of Satan or a voodoo priest. The guy was an albatross who lived of the grease his sleeze produced. He did most of his job with the competency a tiny monkey could, but was heralded as a wunderkind. I mean, the guy was touted as not having anything to do with "football" decisions, but was regularly seen bickering with coaches and GMs, seen in the draft room, and was around during some of the lowest years in Buffalo sports. I also hate the fact that when I finally caved to peer pressure, and gave up my crusade again him, he was finally caught for the scum/albatross he was. It took me up until a month before he was fired before I "came around on him." His existence disappoints me on multiple levels. One of those people where I'd be a happier person had they never existed. And, I think the world would have been a happier place, too.
  14. I imagine his nukes are small, too, haha. I think he has established himself and his country (through military power) enough to avoid being Gaddafi'd. No despot in their right mind would agreed to be de-armed by the US.
  15. Kim will probably be good for a while. He gains little from launching at this time. He has basically finished testing, as he has done multiple nuclear and delivery method tests already.
  16. https://onlinegambling.lv/entertainment/north-korea-trump-denuclearization/ HAHA, the over/under of next ballistic test is July 4, 2018.
  17. How long until Kim Jun Un fires off a missile after the "summit?"
  18. Basically, supply and demand. Sports cards boomed in the 80s & 90s with tons and tons of worthless, overly produced cards being sold. As a result, the rare cards being sold became more coveted, because all the rest were pretty much worthless. Card companies in the early 2000s started producing more short print cards (see Tom Brady SP (short print) Authentic RC - and the enire SP craze). The short printing kept the population of the card under control. Anyway, cards became more and more elaborate over the years. More people became interested in not wanting to waste money on the common cards. Who wants boxes of clutter? Now there are packs of cards, containing only 1 card being sold for hundreds of dollars. The thing is, your are guaranteed to get auto cards and other special/elaborate cards. Thus, a card is billed as 1 of 1, being the shortest print in the series. This Panini "Majectic" series is one of the top series, apparently. A pack costs a little over 100ea, with 2 guaranteed auto cards. The RC 1 of 1 short print, auto, patch cards are usually the most valuable. With packs getting so expensive dealers started pooling customers together to buy interests in packs/boxes/cases. Who has 1500 to drop on a few packs of cards? I spent about 100 dollars for two randomized draft spots (probably way overpaid), with 32 total spots open (one for each team). Anyway, like the Sabres I won the lottery and got to pick first. Picked the Bills. Some places do ebay auctions for teams, instead of a lottery pick type system. Either way, I have been a very casual collector of Buffalo Bills memorabilia for most of my life, and have never had something work out in my favor like this. Meaning, Allen is taking us to the promised land, and I don't care what any of you science types have to say about it. Just stoked, man.
  19. This was purely about a ****ty day and life finding a way, against insane odds. I found the odds against this to be remarkable. It was a horrid day, and there Josh Allen was there to pick me up. It is going to happen, my friend. Allen will break the cure, you !@#$ing economists...One cannot put a value on the rarest card of Buffalo's Savior Josh Allen!!!! I'm riding this and going down like SaviorPeterman, hahaha.
  20. No, crap like this is something you let your kids sell, or you just burn in a campfire. Sure it provides the excitement of have a tangible and intangible (excitement) vested interest in just watching the team in the near future. Their success, in some small way, is a success of your own. The !@#$ing odds.
  21. It is worth whatever someone will pay for it. I'm sure there is some sport card expert on here who can guess.
  22. https://ibb.co/ekbJBJ Sorry, about just a link. So, I after getting burnt out at work (I am currently a little sick), I head home early and get ready for bed. I lay down and check my emails, before passing out. One email is a spam email from a sports card store offering chance to get certain teams in a case opening of one of the highest end football card cases out there. I have only done this 4 or 5 times in my life; waste money on box breaks. But, I figure why not? It is a minor form of gambling that may make me feel distracted/better, really felt worth it. I spent a few dollars and somehow win first team pick. I get the Bills, just because I wanted an Allen card. Anyway, I end up getting one of the most rare, if not the rarest(correct me if I'm wrong) Allen card to be produced. It didn't go to some dealer, or some reseller, it went to a life-long Bills' fan. I am beyond disbelief. Stuff like this doesn't happen to me in my real life, let alone something like this in fandom. I have a good feeling about this draft pick and take this as a sign. !@#$ you science types. Something like this happens on a whim and on a ****ty day? No, God is telling me the curse has been lifted. For context the Josh Rosen version of the card is being sold for $7500 on ebay. (Probably a crazy price that will never sell for) But, to me this card is priceless. I have spent some of the best times of my life with family and friends around Buffalo sports. And, there is not another Buffalo Bills card I'd want more.
  23. Agreed, to an extent. I mean, this post probably will get more reactions, view, thoughts than a lot of "hard news." As a result, your point is shewn.
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