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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Reaching "the ceiling" is not the same as "be good."
  2. Honestly, it does appeal to more than one race. Why have a commercial just target the whites, blacks, Asians, etc.? One race sees a person of their race holding some Charmin Ultra-Strong, while their partner of a different race is the one who brought it home. Boom, now folks other than nasty cartoon bears can enjoy the greatest TP ever invented. I suppose one possible reason that enabled this targeting would be the non-acceptance v. the demographic it reaches. Sure, there are people across ALL races who are against "mixing" but they are quite possibly outnumbered by the demographic targeted, namely red bears.
  3. No, that is silly. It is all about marketing. If the eggheads believe that an interracial couple will sell more viagra, then they'll put an interracial couple in said commercial. Stop being daft, Gungy. Money is the reason. If marketing thinks "interracial" sells a certain thing, for whatever reason, an interracial couple will be inserted.
  4. The middle two SuperBowl losses. By the fourth, I was ready, and the first I was too young to know what was going on.
  5. The lady's reaction seems worse than the mistake, IMHO.
  6. Idk, I like a lot of the insults and think most are deserved. The smugness from those in the ivory towers has gotten a little out of hand over the past couple of decades.
  7. Sucks, because the gif is relevant on a couple levels.
  8. I thought mods were not allowed here. Wth is going on?!?!?!
  9. Exactly... You don't gotta be a landowner to vote anymore.
  10. Not allowing them to vote would be 1000 times worse, and illegal. Change the law, if you dont like it. But, don't arbitrarily enforce it.
  11. Haha, I do think it is better for the league. For the NHL to have a base in one of the biggest gambling cities on the planet is good for fans of hockey, IMO. It will expose more people from around the world to the sport who really never had an interest before. It will be interesting to see what the Raiders moving there will be like. I have one friend who is investing in Raiders season tickets, already.
  12. Between the Knights and Lightening, it seems like an easy choice to make. That said, MakeBuffaloGreatAgain gloating has made me at least consider cheering for TB, hahaha (I wont).
  13. I disagree, in part. Looking back, allowing a team to be made up of entirely 1&2 line players, is a sweetheart deal. Especially, considering how crippled expansion teams traditional are. That said, I think this is good for the NHL, and will be considered in the future, accordingly.
  14. Blasphemer!!!! Still, having a team of all ABOVE AVERAGE players is appearing better than entertaining crowds with a team of middling and below-average guys, playing along along side 2-5 really above average guys. Next expansion draft will see the rule pendulum swing back against the drafting team.
  15. Next expansion draft rules will be interesting to see.
  16. I know, they even have apparel... I find it disturbing, but I suppose it is just as disturbing as watching a sitcom. I just hate hearing about what these people have to say, as much of it is worthless and has zero utility. There is a youtube "channel" where some spoiled kid opens toys. And, that appears to be the family's means of survival. Opening toys with a spoiled kid. Idk, GTFO MY PORCH!!!
  17. Kids these days love watching others play vidya. I have banned it with my son, when I have him, anyways.
  18. The solution to how to stop it, lies in why it happens. Something both liberals and conservatives are hypocritical about, depending on the subject matter. Illegal aliens, abortion, et al. I really am becoming too much of a misanthrope as I age, and for that at some point, is not my fault.
  19. We would have wrecked Rogers. This board is far better, than what they let the BBMB became. Don't get me wrong, BBMB was good, but not in its final years.
  20. Russ Brandon. He is behind so many of the whiffs he deserves to be in a category all his own.
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