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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Well, the black unemployment is at a record low. That doesn't matter when you're already making millions in the NFL, huh?
  2. I mean, what if someone objects to a black santa, or someting along those lines? There is definiatly a difference between denying services for someone outright, and denying completing a task a cerain way for them.
  3. What about the other protected classes? i mean, what if someone objects to a black santa, or someting along those lines?
  4. Top half of the 1st, too. I am buying the hype, drinking the koolaid. I swear, with Russ Brandon gone, this draft, and the fact God Wills It, on our side...
  5. It was a joke. Your first analogy was both on point and better than the second. FYI.
  6. It is easiest to just get blackout drunk and vote for the worst candidate possible, because without chaos one can never become a dancing star.
  7. As long as you're alright with hiring folks based on the color of thier skin...
  8. You see, I don't get this. I feel the same way about Trump playing golf as I did Obama. Similarly, taking part in stuff we all do, for a leisure activity. However, I do fault Trump for even talking with Kardashian. It adds legitimacy to something which ought not be entertained. I find her existence a cancer on society. Having Rob's dead body wheeled in would have accomplished more for our country, IMO.
  9. It is also a gesture of exclusion which is what many people fail to realize when they divide people based on both immutable or mutable characteristics. Therein lies a possible divide between the two sides. That said, I don't think the intentions are dubious.
  10. Very well. I do think that the non-state silencing has gone so far as to silence healthy discourse. I find that more abhorrent than racist, bigoted, or otherwise hurtful comments. Preserving ignorance and stupidity to cull hurt feelings is a foundation of failure.
  11. I am aware. I can still think the ignorant masses (most everything on twitter, for example) and those who makes these decisions are detriments a healthy society. Good comedy pushes the envelope and offends. I never mentioned the "state." I meant what I said, and find the current state of things stupid. But, the PC thing and fake outrage is the current fad, so the cows do their thing.
  12. Bar has legit mental issues. Most comedians do. I was never a fan of the lady. That said, I have a great hatred to those who try and silence comedians, for their comedy. I had no issue with the redhead lady and the bloody Trump head. The backlash against comedians is what ought be actively rejected.
  13. The video was a bit off-putting when they said that those who liked Allen didn't watch any game film like THEY (and those who didn't like him) had. The guys in the video are really trying to up-sell the site to the point of ridiculousness. PFF and metrics in general are tools, not a true measure of a player/athlete. Especially, a player/athlete involved in a team sport. One game does not a player make, but one game can certainly skew a metric.
  14. He'll win the SuperBowl. I don't even understand how people are debating this.
  15. Youre probably correct, but PFF is not without its flaws, regardless.
  16. I remember the great Demitris Bell argument a while back. When they had him ad a leading LT and the Bills' O-line graded very high that year, I grew tired of PFF. They are good for stats, but don't show the entire picture, and it is evident.
  17. America cares far too much about race.
  18. I think Stevie Johnson said it best when he was referring to nukes and Boston.
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