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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. CNN really is disgusting... I think it is the pretending to be unbiased that makes it so gross. https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/l-brent-bozell-iii/cnn-host-proclaims-national-emergency
  2. I kind of agree. But, I see no problem in trying to organize in regards to ceasing patronage of an entity. In this case, I'd never know Walmart was peddling the shirt, if it wasn't for the fake Internet outrage. So, there is certainly some utility in the organization of a boycott, if even informing the ignorant is that utility. None of this matters, as I have seen how Walmart treats it's employees and I just don't go based off that.
  3. Because those on the right don't simply stop shopping at a place when they find certain business tactics questionable? I try to avoid Walmart, personally. Mainly, because they beat their employees and I don't agree with that.
  4. I member the day when ESPN had message boards for each team.
  5. It will also rile up the Democrats, which is what they're thinking, me thinks.
  6. Dems don't have the teeth to stop it, though. One reason it'll be pushed hard to get through before any election results even give them the teeth needed.
  7. Talk about political suicide... Also, this is huge news. Bigger than most people care to admit.
  8. He does have a point. Man, you must have hated TT. Also, Josh Allen will reign hell on the NFL.
  9. Better or richer? Too lazy to look at the methods behind this.
  10. I think we all wonder how long this "while" will be. I wonder how many times this session the 9th will be overturned.
  11. This is true, but I am pointing out it meant "swag" before it meant organized crime. The connotation of a word often times dictates a new denotation of the word. Obvious examples are many bigoted words used for gays. "Queer" being a word which is used still based on the older denotation meaning "odd." I guess, what I am saying is that words do have new meanings, but that shouldn't cheapen their origin. Also, it WILL not change the fact some words will continue to develop new denotations based on a contemperary connotation, in this case "mafia" meaning less organized crime and more a band of brothers.
  12. From Wiki... Etymology[edit] The word mafia derives from the Sicilian adjective mafiusu, which, roughly translated, means 'swagger', but can also be translated as 'boldness' or 'bravado'. In reference to a man, mafiusu (mafioso in Italian) in 19th century Sicily signified 'fearless', 'enterprising', and 'proud', according to scholar Diego Gambetta.[2] In reference to a woman, however, the feminine-form adjective mafiusa means 'beautiful' or 'attractive'. Large groups of Italian migrant workers, primarily from the south of the country, first arrived in the US due to a US labor shortage, which was a result of the US Civil War, the end of slave labor, and the hundreds of thousands killed in the war. As the migrant laborers from Sicily arrived, they were met with prejudice and discrimination. This is when the Sicilian word 'mafiusu' began to change from a positive connotation in Sicily to the negative and shortened 'mafia' in the US.
  13. I have no problem with it, personally. I just thought your reasoning was funny. The connotation of words changes all the time.
  14. I have an issue with you being so sensitive about how I use the word "nazi." Folks like that are a cancer on society, as they do nothing for it and tend to stunt the growth of social evolution. I also think you're full of poop in regards to the etymology of the word "mafia." Or, maybe it is wikipedia's fault you're full of dookie.
  15. And, muscle weighs more than fat. The sad fact is both sides have their "morons in the crowd." It is funny how the Obama Admin would never hire an obese woman because they were hypocritical bigots (joke).
  16. "Yeah, mafia is all about organized crime. Why are people mad? It is not like we are asserting anything akin to organized war crime." Potentially, there are some logical problems with your point. On the other hand, maybe "sabres mafia" can be changed to "SS" for the "Sabres Squad!"
  17. I'm telling you, Allen and Darnold will be the best QBs of this draft. Heck, I even think Rudolph might be the 3rd best.
  18. Why? Space pushes military tech more than military tech does.
  19. Copy/paste https://www.cover1.net/lesean-mccoy-buffalo-bills-josh-allen/ (an example of one of the multitude of articles on the same PC) Idk, there is a video somewhere. Probably on the Bills official site. It gets old seeing the same press conference being used as material for so many posts, links and "stories." Seriously, it gets comical. http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/LeSean-McCoy-Look-Forward-to-Having-a-Big-Year/b04e6531-07ce-41cc-904a-4725d4d2ae70 (link to the Press Conference so many of these posts/articles are based on)
  20. He managed to make that mistake twice in the title. I wonder if it was purposeful.
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