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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. This is just political grandstanding that will go nowhere. It is news in the sense that everything Maxine Waters has to say is "news." It is news, but meh.
  2. Wow, that is better for the Bills than I thought. Hope they use this to their advantage at other positions.
  3. Whatever gets the clicks, at this point in the season. I need to start an NFL website and just constantly write speculative articles which presume wild theories in order to make erroneous conclusions.
  4. I think stage 3 is denial. Eventually, you'll bargain and then accept you're wrong. Haha.
  5. Man, it was like a mini-show in and of itself. People tuned in just for the train wreck, and counted on it being memorable.
  6. I am sorry the ellipsis was not enough to clue you in on the sarcasm. From now on, just consider them and indicator or just continue to think your the highest functioning autist in the room. Yeah, Tom's mastery of the Divergent series is dauntless.
  7. I would argue that it encourages illegal behavior(voting in other elections), if I wanted to press the point. That said, I do think you are ignorant of my sardonic personality, and perhaps missed my point entirely.
  8. But, when does the line get drawn with respect to encouraging the practice of illegally voting in our elections? Honestly, I don't think there is anything* actionable, but when everyone is yelling "treason" I think mine is as valid of a point as any.
  9. And, we still need the fed to tell us all that Illegal Aliens vote. Right, if this isn't encouraging treason...
  10. It is great how illegal aliens have become such a valuable political bargaining chip. https://www.sacbee.com/news/state/california/article215095600.html
  11. When the robots take over we will all be getting gubment checks until the robots realize socialism is not the way to go... It is not. She is like the Democrats version of Roy Moore/Freedom Party folks.
  12. I'm in for the short bus league. All hail the winner! I mean, what does the winner get?
  13. Mental health is important. I would have to say most games which involved Ed Hocculi made me question my sanity.
  14. I didn't get the fact it was clickbait for a couple of seconds and was wondering, too. Also, the answer to this is: Josh Allen Josh Allen Josh Allen Josh Allen Josh Allen
  15. If Brandon was still here I know AP would be inbound. Still, an interesting thought.
  16. He should make it for the next 2 seasons. I'd consider taking the bet, tbh.
  17. I think the solution to many horror movies is fire. All these people have to do is simply set shiz on fire. Fire is cheap, effective, and readily available. I agree with you on the purge movies, they can be so much better and mostly disappoint.
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