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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. A better question is what is Mack going to generate, if the Raider trade him? Also, trade is highly doubtful, imho. But, to answer my question, I guess 2 firsts.
  2. Haha, my number was 5 before I opened the thread. I voted under at first, but I think he'll get one in the WC game.
  3. How many confederate bank notes is week 1 depth chart worth? Also, neat to see Harry as the backup LS.
  4. Man, this is just going to result on no good, outside of the 8y/o being okay. The tard needs to be caged, IRL.
  5. Am I the only one on TO's side? Seriously, he was screwed by the HOF voters and committee. Nothing wrong with letting them know how full of sheet they are. And, make no mistake, they are.
  6. The difference between what should have been a 7th in Mazel and a 4th in EJ. Both ended up going in the first.
  7. Honestly, I don't like the guy. But, the whole "run him out of town" attitude here is ridiculous.
  8. And, we'll never know what would have happened, otherwise. I'd like to add, perhaps it is not an issue of "too soon" and more an issue of "right circumstances." Carr would be the obvious example of being started in the "wrong circumstances" not necessarily "too soon."
  9. The two bigger things I member. Not specials directly, but people certainly made specials out of the events.
  10. Currently... Pick up stix- House special beef with extra house special beef sause. And, brown rice.
  11. I have played both sports. My worst concussions came from fooseball, and those hit also tweak the neck. I'd let my son play hockey as a 5 y/o, but am not willing to let him play football until he is 16. To me, the blows to the grape make football perhaps more violent, but surely more dangerous. If I wanted I could easily go on, pointing out how many players leave the football field in a stretcher or paralyzed, the length of pro careers, etc. I do get what you're saying, but I believe the head shots are a lot more controlled in hockey. Plus, hockey has more of a gentleman's etiquette (you get to fight).
  12. Why would a team not control the contract? Why would an employee agree to something they don't want? Honestly, there are tons of reasons for both. Those reasons are evidenced by the fact that there are actually contract negotiations. Contracts have liquid damages clauses in them all the time... Honestly, I am reserving judgment until the full story is revealed. I just get annoyed at all the fans who automatically take the team's side, especially when NFL players have arguably the worst CBA of the 4 major sports and is being the most violent of the 4 sports.
  13. Yeah, it seems like people here only think Darnold has something to lose, hahaha.
  14. And, just how far has Darnold'so envelope been pushed? Or, does he not get an envelope? Or, about a team that gave up so much to draft said player... Yeah, I agree. I do think Darnold has leverage based on not just Bosa and Darnold being a QB drafted at #3, but how much draft capital the Jets paid to get him. Yeah, the Jets really don't care about winning or their new "franchise qb," do they?
  15. Darnold is continuing the practice of ending a teams ridiculous control over player contracts, IMO. Just look at what the last CBA did for the players. It is not wrong to demand to be treated fairly.
  16. The sword cuts both ways. By your own logic, and Bosa'so performance in SD, that envelope has been pushed...
  17. Pushing for advantageous language, even if it is untraditional, is perfectly fine, especially when Darnold has the leverage.
  18. Contracts and playing are not the same thing. It is not like Darnold wasn't McBeane's 2d highest ranked QB.
  19. So, what is the big hold up for the Jets, then? I see so many post saying it is pointless for Darnold to hold out, and nothing about how pointless it is for the Jets to be holding out... The sword cuts both ways, dudes.
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