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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I am thinking that what I asked is the biggest question that needs to be answered by the staff. He, IMHO, gives the Bills the best chance at winning. That said, does starting him stunt his growth? And, to what degree is growth sacrificed for winning now?
  2. Really? It looked like he overthrew it on purpose, but your take sounds more likely.
  3. You're doing an even poorer job arguing the superior position. The first guy screaming "Nazi." Sad. You should try and play devil's ad, Tom. Maybe, all the mental master bait'n will pay off with a coherent argument that is both sound and valid, as you seem to be having a hard time squeezing them both in there. "Babies cannot be murdered because they have no concept of murder." !@#$ing pseudo-philosophy bs. I would say they are justified in the attempt. Not, that I'd be okay with it. And, you said absolutely nothing with all those words... Impressive.
  4. Because, when a child with no concept the euro-definition of murder is murdered, it is not a murder because the child was unaware of the concept... Go take your pleb logic and stretch some more. Further, just because a war is based upon racial identifiers does not make it any more distasteful than war based upon a physical border. Furthermore, I want to make it clear I find what is happening in SA horrifying and am only playing devil's ad because the echo chamber accomplishes nothing. I live in one of the more liberal areas in the country and regularly have to deal with !@#$s who condone and support this. How is that "Nazi bull ****?" (Another fine example of pleb logic, or perhaps early onset Alzheimers.)
  5. Because the concept of ownership did not exist, there could be no rightful owners. I get your logic. It is just completely flawed. The second the land was taken, the European concept was introduced, and injustice took place. The land was seen by those introducing the concept of land ownership as the indigenous people's land. And, theirs for the taking. Taking! Because they had a different concept of ownership, or no concept at all, the land is forfeit. False. So, there was an earlier genocide against the blacks in SA, which is being corrected. I see no problem.
  6. I agree with you. Look at all my comments, just being a little devils advocate here, since echo chambers are pointless. The only thing here is that conquest is happening in SA. And, it seems the whites may lose. The fact that it isn't really getting any media attention is unbelievable, yet still not surprising.
  7. Haha, I hope you stretch before performing those mental gymnastics.
  8. I'm glad someone else sees that one early incomplete pass was likely a throw away. The WR would have been lit up if he caught it. To me that was one of his best passes, if intentional. Also, Allen is GOAT. I can't wait until he breaks some DB fingers!
  9. "Much of this history, particularly of the colonial and post-colonial eras, is characterised by clashes of culture, violent territorial disputes between European settlers and indigenous people, dispossession and repression, and other racial and political tensions." Wiki goes on to list DNA evidence which answers your question. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_South_Africa That said, this started out with a sarcastic comment which was taken seriously and I'm getting out before I go any deeper.
  10. What if playing him stunts his development/growth but gives the team the best chance to win?
  11. Mismatches... The cause of more injuries than preseason.
  12. Just because there was no concept of ownership within the indigenous culture, doesn't mean the land was up for grabs.
  13. What's so absurd about it? If the whites fought back, they'd be crucified, and rightfully so. What goes around comes around, as they stole the land initially.
  14. They can't. This is simply black people taking back what if rightfully theirs...
  15. Glad to see more and more agree with me about him starting. Allen is GOAT.
  16. It is like banging the fat girl, after a 17year dry spell. Yeah, it is over, but I'd keep that to myself.
  17. I hope nail will win, but I cannot say for sure.
  18. An argument over the application of stats? Do those ever end with a victor? Do they ever end?
  19. "It's all your fault!!!" Gotta give it to Nashville. Man, if the Bills did something like that after every TD.
  20. Point being, simply ignoring the Anthem like they used to, is fine by me.
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