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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I am just saying we know who is going to win...
  2. If someone can explain how to use gyphy to get gifs on TBD, I'd appreciate. Until then. https://media.giphy.com/media/3McruKxflKTnKT7P8Q/giphy.gif "Make Buffalo Great Again"
  3. Man, I feel for this guy. I recently lost my mom, very tragically, and have not been the same since. I have been on Richie's side his entire career and will continue to be. What gets lost in this all is that "boys will be boys" but we are all still human at some point. Dealing with the human side of ourselves is not always easy.
  4. That's it. It has gone from an information exchange, to professional trolling. Trolls get ratings.
  5. They are very distinguishable from those guys for many reasons, but will be legend-ry in their own right. They are going to both be great, which is why they gravitated to each other.
  6. Also, the 1998 Chargers are a bit different than the 2018 Bills. There are too many ways to distinguish the comparison, but since the Eli thing, I feel that one is important to mention.
  7. Funny thing about stats, is the NFL has a way of crapping all over them and the people who know nothing more. Cling to your false profits (sic) of analytics. Allen has been pretty accurate from the tape, like it or not. Maybe, you should watch the tape. Or, you can watch the cherry picked stats and worship to your false masters.
  8. This is good advice to the young'ns. I could have used it about 3 weeks ago.
  9. Is no dream. Is here. Thanos Allen is here...
  10. Not mine. I wish it was. Heck, I'd drop a few hundred on it. I just thought I'd pass it along, as I saw it and felt a little uncharacteristic excitement. I mean, this kid can pump up a team and the fan base! This should end the "stunt his growth" and is he "ready" argument.
  11. Honestly, the only arguments against starting Allen are the stunt growth & scary horrid O-line arguments. Both are valid, but at some point why not just make the experience about growth and how to survive & win behind swiss cheese? I mean, the kid knows.
  12. Look towards Zimbabwe. I'm sure SA won't return to slavery, tyranny, and eventually the stone age. What is best for the rest of the world? https://qz.com/africa/1152276/zimbabwes-white-farmers-kicked-out-by-mugabe-will-be-compensated-by-mnangagwa/ I wonder if they paid in Zimbabwean dollars, hahahaha.
  13. Haha, keep wiggling yourself into a deeper pit of ridiculousness. The argument was because the blacks had no concept of land ownership they didn't own the land. I simply disagree, as the European concept of ownership does not mean that their land was forfeit. Life and property are both important, and comparing one to the other, in this context, is not absurd. Again, "Life, Liberty, and Property." I blame someone else for putting those 3 things together, maybe you know better. Let me kick you off your land that provides you sustenance, and tell you it's okay because my definition of ownership makes it okay. You see why the Founding Fathers believed they were all highly important, yet distinguishable. I am amazed at how some of you guys defend to first genocide and are morally outraged by this possible retaliation genocide.
  14. Life, Liberty, and Property. Yeah, they are all 3 important to only silly people... How dare I equate them to each other!!!!
  15. I'm sure you can read through this tread and connect the dots. The one guy who buys his 5 dollar words from a tween book/movie series.
  16. I would simply point out the fact that if the whiteys are removed the land will go to hell within the decade. Is that the greater good? Is that deserved? Is that justified?
  17. So, same goes for murder and genocide? I'm pointing out the flawed logic of yall's leader. *I mean, if the concept of murder and genocide was foreign to a group, I guess it doesn't exist. Talk to your leader and get on the same page, next time.
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