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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I doubt it, but I really want him to. He called for the ball, and caught it, on that last drive.
  2. Man, you can't stop... All typing down there, making new useless posts.
  3. You believe and listen to ever gossip in the world... I pay attention to proof. Tell me more, Madame Cleo. It looks like you creating rumor posts... About at the same rate, too.
  4. So, you're saying the Lions scrubs are better than the Panthers' scrubs?
  5. "get professional help" Man, what did the world do before wizards(shrinks(psychiatrists))? They had family/community... Bills were his family. All these wannabe wizards in this thread, ugh... For real, how many of you have your wizard degree? Because it is not one of your 50k+ posts...
  6. Red Robin Serious question. Who has the world's best burger?
  7. He did fill the missing "Panthers' used up scrubs" position pretty well.
  8. Allen, and it's not even close. After Nate's 3d pick against the Ravens, Allen should start the rest of the year.
  9. More importantly, how will Star do as an OG? That is why we got him, right? Grumble, Tolbert 2.0...
  10. Ohh, now policemen are doctors? Allegations, without diagnosis. Com'on, man. This is America! I am aware that this is enough to deny employment. I am just stating that you need medical evidence before you throw around a diagnosis.
  11. Are you a doctor? If so, have you seen Richie's file? No, your conclusions are ignorant. I am simply pointing out facts, while you are reaching conclusions like youre some sort of authority. Laughable.
  12. Man, F-bombs on Twitter... I hate what this world has become. Only a truely stupid person would condemn a man from having a breakdown at their father's funeral. Only a truely stupid person. And, there is absolutely no reason for the NFL to bring punitive action on someone for recieving medical attention. He ALLEGEDLY threw a weight as someone at a gym. I think there would be a lawsuit if there was actually any injury. The Twitter gnats would be all over that. 1) I doubt there will be any reconciliation. 2) If there was, the NFL may. #) If the NFL did, they would look a little bad considering they would be punishing a man for having a mental breakdown, agruagbly due to CTE/crappy emplyer actions/father dying. 4) I can see the NFL denying him based on medical concerns.
  13. Getting screwed by your employer while your pops is dying is pretty rough. I feel like kicking some of those machine hogs (mainly the women who do 1000 squates at the squat rack with just the bar, but the cross-fit gasbags bug too) all the time. I don't. But, I wasn't being screwed like Richie was, nor am I the monster some NFL players are. Dude, obviously took the stress hard. Sad, the Bills won't likely salvage the relationship, as they certainly have not salvaged the traffic cones at "O-line." Nah, I have defended Richie since his racist texts came out. I get the nature of a jockular environment, and have seen friends lost to suicide. Y'all just have no life expirience.
  14. OMG, the guy had a breakdown at his father's funeral. Are you for real? Am I the only person who can understand a breakdown as a loved one dies?
  15. "Franchise record for rushing TDs" McBeane demands a pay cut while Richie's dad is dying. You know, at some point there is a disgusting element to this all. An element people are ignoring. Disregard differing opinions as "trolling" bc it is not something you want to hear or face.
  16. Franchise record for rushing TDs and Shady gives him the ball to spike!!! I wish McBeane would not have disrespected his loyal employee... I have seen many people who are having to deal with death and tragedy come back stronger than ever before when given a purpose. Richie needs that purpose, and well, you saw that "O-line" face an actual scrimmage. That is "for reals!" Does anyone want to ask WTH is going on at OBD? Kujo naked in the fields, Richie losing it, Zay trying to fly, Shady allegedly sending goons to his ex's, Poyer getting blasted for something, Wood vanishing (probably not related, but perhaps), etc. Look, Richie has always had issues, and dealing with the Bills frapping on him before his father's death hit him hard. He needs a family and the Bills' family needs him. I mean, I'd replace everyone on the O-line with him in a heartbeat. Just because someting isn't traditionally done, does not mean it shouldn't be done. That type of logic is for the pedestrian in society. "One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." "Because, TV & Twitter told me so!" Ugh, people...
  17. For the greater good! Look, he had a psyche break. It happens. Let his brothers, his family take care of him...
  18. He needs a Uni-form... We took a chance on him that paid off once before. Which one of yous were poopoo-in that? Huh?
  19. Mea Culpa... They were both wrong. They worked so well together. I'm running with it, man. Richie obviously had some serious personal stuff going on. Let the God King McBeane be kind. All Richie needs is a uniform.
  20. Idc, he was such a beautiful monster OG for the Bills. He needs a team, and the team needs him! I have seen many, many people throw themselves into their job after a tragedy. He would mentally benefit from being given a purpose again. He is Samurai without a Shogun. Bills need him, too. Fooseball needs him.
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