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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I don't think either side will. But, I'm not stupid. If he is looking, he still cares. And, the whole thing was hugely important to him, as a human, not as what the toads here make him out to be.
  2. You're right... I think Richie even saying something is his way of admitting a mistake. Not that it is a good way, just that it is his.
  3. He just doesn't like it when other people start threads.
  4. Whatever you say, doctor!!! I really hope he comes back and the Bills acknowledge their mistake. The later is the problem, as the hubris of McBeane will probably not fail.
  5. "Because he doesn't agree with me, he is stupid..." -ex
  6. I tend to agree with you, but you never know. That is what the problem is. Folks thinking in absolutes. I still hope he comes back for the good of both the Bills and Richie.
  7. I'm glad he saw my "locked" post. Thanks 26! Your absolute bullying here is appreciated! Man, I still hope he comes back. Better for all parties, despite what the Internet "doctors" and gossip-mongers seem to think.
  8. But, but in fantasy, you get to the back of the line. 1st choice is noice, too. I disagree. Having the first choice of the ones who didn't make the 53 is great. Some teams backups are better than our starters, in certain positions.
  9. So, what you're saying is that the dude in Jacksonville doesn't have the high score, and Tim McVeigh really does? I can accept that.
  10. McBeane>Gruden Honestly, there is some bad, mixed with a lot more good, IMO. Drafting the defensive and offensive QB of the future this year says a lot. Being able to draft them says even more. That said, the O-Line losing Wood and Richie, unexpectedly really hurt, and I think there could have been more done. Far too often do I see coaches/GM try and ignore certain positions, for whatever reason.
  11. People are able to point out the horrid OL without "panicking." And, even if the Bills are able to mask the OL worthlessness, their worthlessness will eventually be figured out and exploited. It'll be short lived, whatever it is.
  12. Did you see him on that game winning drive? The fact he called for the ball twice, got open, and caught it for needed first downs is what we see.
  13. That's a bald faced lie. And, screw your false dilemma
  14. And, those aren't "most." You know he said "most" right? Are you disputing that most don't pan out?
  15. I think that theory was better before the last CBA. The value for draft picks is a lot higher with how rookie contracts work these days. Proven talent is important, though. All-pros are pretty rare. The Jason Peters trade will always be a reminder.
  16. I think I would have traded Mack for that, even if he wasn't holding out...
  17. Hmm... They did cut Coleman. Nice to see merit still counts.
  18. Smash fries a awesome, but the in and out fries with the spread is pretty good too.
  19. Why cut AJ? He'll be a good backup when one of the other two QBs are destroyed behind the O-line. Bodine/Vlad/Coleman I don't actually want Coleman cut, but he has not looked too good as of yet.
  20. I'll add that the channel 7 broadcast of the Bills game I streamed was/is awesome. They are still talking about the game in reports. After a Rams' games we get 5 minutes of Eric Dickerson talking with that news anchor about the game. It is even a low quality production, akin to Wally George Show video quality.
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