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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. I think this is perfectly in line with my take. First quarter next year will see a stock plunge.
  2. It is relevant to the source. It is acceptable to attack the source, although it doesn't take away from the truth of the comment from the source. It is an opinion, which makes this the worst take. Much like talk radio and message boards, opinions are like as******, everyone has one, and everyone thinks everyone elses stinks.
  3. Yea, start 2, pls. There should be at least a few more. It is also a good measuring stick to see the activity on the site, fan base interest.
  4. Last year's #1 offense with a crazy new defense. Mackless Raiders. Yeah, that line does look nice. Are Raiders all of a sudden hype, since they traded and released a significant portion of their other talent in the offseason? I could see riots after some 70-0 route. It's gonna be bad. Gruden? Are people betting on him? This is gonna make me laugh.
  5. I think Gruden really is bad. Rams.
  6. I think the whole "thank you" idea is stupid. Am I the only one?
  7. I really thought/think the whole "thanks for your service" thing was/is needless and annoying. But, you're simply being needlessly ugly. I think the author in Jack Reacher kind of had the reasons for service correct. Not 100% sure I remember... 1) Family Tradition 2 ) Needed a job/no choice 3) To kill a human, legally 4) Honor. I really don't think they are all mutually exclusive, but the thought does encapsulate the reasons many of my friends and I joined.
  8. My only point is, Jordan purposefully was apolitical. He was a huge force behincd Nike's success. If I recall correctly, he was adamant about not choosing a political side.
  9. How many of these books are out there? Have they effectuated anything? Most people are happy with the economy, jobs, North Korea, immigration enforcement, and the decimation of ISIS.
  10. You just gotta Bill-eve!!! Are you saying you don't Bill-eve?!?!?!
  11. OP, make a poll telling us the buy number. Idk, it'd be fun to see who gets the closest. I think, this may really hurt Nike. Down 10% by Mar 2019. The freaks are gonna buy no matter what, and the SJWs will spend a wad ASAP, but it'll take a minute for the old consumers to have their impact felt. Old consumers will leave. Leaving the NFL fan base is hard, buying a different sneaker isn't. Buying now, would be great, as I can see a nice quarterly profit, but reality will soon set in. Buy now, sell very early 2019.
  12. If the standard is 3 picks in a half, I'd day it is pretty possible. That said, I think he limits it to 3 in the game.
  13. I agree. Outside of that, there are certainly products which I don't buy because I don't like the politics associated with their producer.
  14. Are you really comparing your minions to nazis? The thing is, people can simply not shop at some of these places anymore. Why does it always have to be some sort of movement?
  15. I think it deserves it's own subject. At least where does nike stock end up with this? Kaep will cause it to dive early, but make a hard return over the next few months. Signing Thanos, though...
  16. I agree... The guy is a bit of a nutcase, but he was our nutcase. I still think that if he lined up Sunday for us it'd be an instant upgrade, for the Bills and Richie. Perhaps too much stuff happened for Don Quixote to beat this windmill, but I stand by the instant upgrade assertion.
  17. By getting rid of older players continually asking him to take less, despite record setting, probowl quality play. It was stupid of the Bills to do. That said, there really is no such thing as company loyalty these days.
  18. Then they just get Schmidt off the streets. Not much risk, IMO.
  19. I member these guys when we traded Peters... How'd that work out? The OL has not been right since.
  20. Just no need to be jerky to someone. I agree to a extent. I think Richie was jerked around by them, and is arguably considered a cast off.
  21. Could have said that instead of throwing a jerky comment about being stupid. Outside off that, is it possible to consider Eric Wood, Richie, Glenn left because of the culture. That they were just a part of the long list of cast-offs. Perhaps that is what Richie is alluding to. That this regime doesn't value the OL positions.
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