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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. People copying BB. It is like a farm team. McBeane is a Russian/Patriot colluder.
  2. I have learned to play basketball a bit more dirtier as I have aged... It keeps me competitive, as nobody likes an old man in hot shorts sweating all over them.
  3. He also looked better than Nate agsint the 1st string players, evenm getting a 1st down and keeping this team out of the history books for the worst performance ever. You failed to inclued that. You're a loon if you think Peterman gives the Bills the best chance to win. Only reason not to start Allen, is because of how horrid the OL is, and the whole health of our 1st round pick thing. And, yes. The OL is really that bad. In fact I think they may be the worst OL fielded in the history of the NFL. Maybe, it is not as complex as McBeane thinks. So, what you're saying is that McBeane should never have made enemies out of Iran?
  4. Leave it to the Bills to make Gruden look smart...
  5. We needed something worthless to replace Tolbert.
  6. Yeah, Tolbert on defense was another waste. No clue why we needed so many worthless Panthers. HIV and Cancer are the worst.
  7. I guessing they'd rather not sacrifice Allen to our OL and believe McBeane think the same thing?
  8. I'll take those odds and wager there was none. I might rescind my bet proposal, as that sounds exactly like something a Bills' executive would say.
  9. Yeah, I was really just curious. I see only one legit argument to start Nate again, and that is to protect Allen from our OL. I also see one legit reason why McBeane starts Nate, and that is hubris. I was amazed to even see any Petermaniacs after that first half. I felt sorry for Nate. He was like a tiny, beaten, retarded child. The Ravens were not even proud they won. That is how bad the Bills and Nate were.
  10. I'm personally amazed there are still Petermaniacs out there. I was just curious to see if they are just loud, or if there really are that many.
  11. And, the possible acquisition of him to fill our holes at the guard position?
  12. They also has a potentially huge milestone/record in their grasp. You do you, though.
  13. Wow, you took the words right outta my mouth. I can't believe there is still a question and people speculating that Nate may start against LAC, again.
  14. Allen had to lead this team to its first, first down. Let that sink in.
  15. We just count all the passes that bounce off WRs hands as catches. And no, your ironic post didn't go over my head. Bounced off the man's hands. Yes.
  16. You should use stats to show how many balls hit our WRs hand and we're not caught. That is my measuring stick, as the WRs were horrid. Also, don't even get me started on the turnstiles at OL.
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