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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. Winston is a middling at best QB. He should take the opportunity to learn from Fitz. Although, I'm not sure anything, even from Harvard, can unfudge Winston's impeccable stupidity.
  2. You know, I think he has to. For good luck and all. He needs to show screencap of the processed bet, so we know the Bills will be guaranteed victory and that @BuffaloRush truly has the shine.
  3. Glad, I'm not the only one. It made no sense for a second.
  4. Bradford and the Cards 2019 1st for our 2019 3rd round pick?
  5. Idk, it just sounded weird in my head. Perhaps, I'm just not used to people speaking like that in my day-to-day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk.
  6. No, because it may make sense. I keep picturing it as something Columbo might say.
  7. I just want an explanation from the league on this one. Was it a correct call? Why/why not? What done is done, but there is utility on knowing "why it was(n't) the correct call."
  8. It bugs a few people. I just want to know what exactly he means when he says that. Young core? The team is young with him as a HC? Young players? Idk, people can explain it away, but nobody knows for sure what he is talking about.
  9. A draw along with injuries would be nice
  10. Romo was a great addition to this game. He seemed genuinely excited about Allen's play.
  11. Well, now he HAS TO bet 5k against the Bills in every game going forward. Or else, he is jinxin' the team. I mean, I'm 90% sure that is how it works. If yer gonna geet wet, ya may as well ger swimmin', @BuffaloRush
  12. Only way they can say it was a fumble is bc the ball was simply dropped into the runners grasp, with no forward movement. That is not what happened, though.
  13. I was at Bradford's last game. He is trash.
  14. You're not the only one to complain about that as a result of these Mag PI commercials.
  15. Bills winning SB odds? Seriously, dropping a few bills on them would make this year a bit more exciting.
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